10 / 79
Aug 2014

Just so you guys know, I added my Skype username to the OP of this thread, so if you want to join in, simply send me a contact request and make sure the contact request message tells me you're from Tapastic so I know you want in on the group ^__^

oh~ how did i miss this? i'd love to try and join sometime tho X3! count me in!

I'd love to join in! Just to see what people are chatting about. You know, lurk about. But of course... that means I need to get Skype. Hrm...

I suffer from a disease known as "word diarrhea," where the context of my message is lost within a horrific onslaught of unprocessed wordage. Could be called motormouth as well, but honestly I prefer the idea that an avalanche of words just pummels everyone's ears. My thoughts are much more organized. That's sadly lost when I open my mouth. :B

I wish you were doing at least an audio hang.. I'm already reading far too much online and far to few novels (I used to be an avid reader, sigh.) If this changes let me know.

If anyone does wish to chat sometime, my Skype name is peter.palmiotti

Haha, I'm just imagining myself talking with my fucking awful English accent trying to understand the others.. (since this is not at all my native language) But that's a cool idea !

I'd be this epic English person who inwardly laughs at all the American accents

10 days later

Send a Skype message to Uzuki saying that you're from Tapastic and she should add you the next time she's on.

I'm all over it smiley I'm certainly interested to join in on the fun~