23 / 28
Jan 2021

I don't have one yet! So thanks, this thread reminded me that I really should set one soon... :sweat_smile:

yo feel free to brainstorm here if you'd like :3 i'm thinking of doing a valentines thing where people can vote for their favourite couple using comments and ink... so maybe something like that around special occasions and holidays could be good!

I currently have an au short story in the pipeline for the one year anniversary of my novel, but maybe I'll do some art inkgoals of the main characters of the novel!

My Inksgiving goals were reached, so I posted character sheets, extra short stories, and Q&A! :smiley:
I just set a new one with a second Q&A as a goal. I'll probably throw in more stuff if I have the time! :blush:

My ink goals are this. Support other artists. They need it.

If you have some spare ink, I would like the smallest amount. Just as a sign that my creations are liked.

I actually don't have a ink goal. All I want if for people to enjoy my work, though tips are welcomed. :green_heart: I'm still debating what I could offer, as my novel readers might not yet be interested in anything I have to offer thus far.

I need 20,500 more ink to reach my next goal from inksgiving last November! I made this a goal cause soemthing like this would take a lot of time to plan and execute well :smile_01:\

I'm still new to the Ink game. My goal for the year is 100k ink but I'm eager to see how much I can grow in the coming year.

I've got an ink goal of 10,000 - each time i hit it, i plan some special content for the future. I think this one will be the official mark for my Q&A. I'm also trying to save up to get a cover for either Stains or my next novel!!

I have repeating ink goals of 10k and 20k ink. At 10k I'll throw together a WIP gif of a panel from my comic for the readers, and at 20k I make a short 1-2 sec animation that replaces panels from my comic.

The WIP goal used to be 5k, but my supporters smashed through that so many times so quickly that I had to raise it, and honestly the 20k goal is kind of hard to keep up with too. Animations take foreeevverrr, especially when juggling it with other comic work :sweat_01:

Every 10k ink my supporters donate unlocks a unique custom playlist for a character in my story. Right now the total stands at 7,000 out of 10k for the very first one. Here’s my story

OOOOH BOY i got really busy and didn't check this thread for a few days! so cool to see everyone sharing stuff

@ivanskilling i love these reward ideas!! congrats on hitting your inksgiving goals, i'm happy to help you in reaching your new one :smiley:

@nathanKmcwilliams YOOOO,. this is a huge goal (with already so much donated!) with a huge reward! what an awesome idea! best of luck reaching it :heart_01:

@surenlicious i personally don't have one yet either <3 I also like the idea of people just donating if they want to and leaving it at that. however inksgiving has inspired me to reach out a little more and try to use ink as a way of encouraging engagement :smile_cat: i'll definitely check out your work too, thanks for sharing!

@Bree_Mana sounds like it'll be a lot of fun when you get there though :DD good luck!

@cherrystark yearly goals are really cool to see how much you can rack up as time goes on :pray: happy to contribute!

@sxxaint oooh hell yes for another Q&A reward! i love the idea of those so much

@kazbotsoup well, setting a goal and planning a reward for reaching it can ENCOURAGE people to donate ink! you get out what you put in :smiley: best of luck if you decide to start a goal <3

@DaphnePanda that's so cool!! sounds like a really neat kind of replacement for patreon content (since i see a lot of patreon rewards using WIPs). making an animation is really going the extra mile! it's rad that people hit the goals so quickly, so yea i totally get why you'd need to raise that goal a bit :joy: it's fun to make extra content but as long as you can actually keep up with it!

@BrambleberrySquirrel OMG i'm a sucker for playlists and how fun they can be for original stories, so i loooove this idea! happy to support!

i'm finally NEARLY out of ink yayy!

My Ink goal is currently to unlock the ability to receive ink! :cry_02:

I suppose if I wanted to be more specific, achieving that by... April? April would be nice. I don't really know how much growth to expect just yet, I've been a creator here for a grand total of.. 6 hours, haha.

Thank you! I wasn't expecting to hit all my inksgiving goals, but the community surprised me as always. I had to rush to collect more ink to give back despite hoarding so much ink over the months lol. :joy:
And thank you so much for the ink!! :heart_01: