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Sep 2024

My writing journey has been incredibly tough, largely because I’ve had to face it alone, without any support. Every day is a struggle, but whenever I start writing, it feels like "Yeah, finally I can breath."

Check out my novel,

Milo, a cheerful yet impoverished college student, navigated his days with a smile despite his financial struggles. However, his life took a dark turn when he witnessed a cold-blooded murder by a menacing tall man. The murderer noticed him, and from that moment on, Milo felt the man's eyes on him everywhere.

One evening, Milo found his parents at the mercy of the same tall man. To save their lives, his parents shockingly offered Milo's marriage to the murderer. "Please, take our son instead," his mother pleaded. "He'll marry you. He'll do anything you want. Just spare our lives."

Milo felt his world tilt as the words sank in. "Marry this man?" His mind reeled at the thought, but he saw the steely resolve in the man's eyes, the gun still aimed at his parents.

The tall man considered their proposal, his eyes never leaving Milo. After a long, tense moment, he lowered his weapon. "Very well," he said. "Your son will come with me."

Milo's life changed in an instant. The cheerful college boy who once worried about exams and part-time jobs was now bound to a man whose presence alone instilled fear.

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    Sep '24
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Yeah, I get feeling alone. Nobody gives a crap about my writing and I've had people get downright aggressive irl. But, that's the journey of a queer writer who writes about our most controversial members in LGBTQ, which are people who were assigned male at birth celebrating their femininity in all forms. I enjoy exploring that part of myself as I write these stories.

I started writing professionally when I was 15 years old because I needed some sort of part time job. I'd already been writing because I love writing since I was a grade schooler, but I really wanted to be able to get some work credits for myself before I turned eighteen, and i can't speak the language in my country so working online was the best choice. since i've never been to high school and don't have a degree of any kind, writing has become my lifeline because it's the only job I technically have any 'qualifications' to do, and can prove that I'm equal to everyone else, even if I can't prove my education.

Writing journey? Originally started as an outlet for angst. Among other things like martial arts. Had a lot of rage growing up. Was horrible felt like I was already in Hell.

But nowadays, it doesn't feel like I'm the one writing the story. Weird huh :thinking:

I consider my start in writing pretty funny. I can't really remember if I realized I was good at it first or if I started it out of spite lol. What I can remember is I had a horrible engish teacher my freshman year in highschool, who's class just wasn't stimulating for me so once I was done with my work I'd read. It's not like I got bad grades and it was effecting my education (actaully did honors in her class) but she literally took my books. So instead of just staring into space and getting lectured for it I started writing stories on loose papers because it looked like I was still working on the three paragraph essay I finished in the first ten minutes of class. And thus I started writing and at some point realized I was pretty good at it and it was fun and went all in on it from there, but it all started as a way for me to spite my teacher and to not do as I was told lol. So I guess thanks teacher I never really liked....

Well, I've been writing for a while! Started out with fanfics back in middle school and got a decent following, so I eventually moved on to writing original works on fictionpress then Wattpad.

My first work did pretty well but my second story, Vigilante, won a Watty award and was featured multiple times, so I was invited into the Wattpad Stars program. Then I was invited into the Paid Stories program (now called Wattpad Originals) with my story, Albatross. Then for the last two years I was a part of the Creators program. On Tapas, I've only been here for a bit but I was in the True Love on Tapas contest and made it to the top 50, so now I'm in the Creators program here too and my story, Dreamseer, will be launching later this month!

Here's my latest story that's an entry to the Tapas Action Fantasy Tourney:

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My writing journey is up and down but I try to stay disciplined and dedicate a time everyday to just write a sentence or even edit a few sentences to get going. It helps that there's a contest with a deadline so it's lighting a fire under my butt a bit lol.

Here's my latest novel that i'm submitting for the contest:

writing is my therapy too! but i find if i write too much dark and serious writing, it gets me down. so i end up writing two at the same time, one serious and one fluffy so that they offset each other :smiley:

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2 months later

My writing journey started out as a hobby,something that I could do just for fun.

I don’t have any plans to become a professional writer,why well because as we all know life has its ups and downs. After working, helping take care of a house ,just adulting in general I needed something that I could look forward too.

My novel The Lost Forest is a homage to some of my favorite works ,like Berserk and The Lord of the Rings .
I love seeing where my characters journey will take them.

My writing journey started kinda by accident. I have a lot of D&D characters I had one-chapter backstories for. Then, I realized they could overlap a bit. Someone on insta drew my one couple together and boom, I wrote a chapter based on it. Then another, and another and another and... I had a book there in my lap.

And now, I almost have 2

I shuffled the chapters in the right order and started uploading and well here we are! Now, my passion story is just over a year old (on Tapas, that is) and it's become a great outlet for work-work worries!

25 days later

I've written as far back as I can remember, started of with fanfic (terribly wordy and very cliche) and very slowly started branching out to creating my original work because I was so fixated on artists/media that I was listening to or reading about. Once I got my footing and understood what I liked, I've been allowing my imagination to run wild. There was a time I had to stop writing completely due to severe mental illness, but I've been able to return this past year and slowly relearn about myself as a writer.

One day I found I guy who wrote short stories, he introduced me to this world of writing, A world of your own creation, A world where you can be a god and I really wanted to put some life in my artwork, so one day I opened google docs and start writing.....

Checkout Volkermord


General synopsis: In 2158, global tensions between Arga and Yuropa push the world to the brink of the Third Territorial War. But before conflict can erupt, an apocalyptic event splits the planet in half, wiping out half of humanity, restricting the alive to go and access the resources on the other side of the blinding light. As the survivors rebuild their lives within the safety of Dome cities, monstrous creatures emerge from the chaos, ravaging everything in their path.

Amidst the destruction and uncertainty, a group of soldiers embarks on a desperate mission. Driven by their noble cause to protect and reclaim what is lost, they confront the terrifying truths of their harsh new reality. Racing against time, these brave souls face unimaginable challenges as they fight to safeguard the remnants of humanity and possibly save the entire world from total annihilation.

I've shared my "journey" before. Yatta yatta, escapism to escape a shit home life, blah blah.
A teacher gave me positive feedback on a story project when I was 12. Sincere, honest positive feedback. She said she thought I could really cultivate and do something with my creative writing and I took it to heart. I'd grow to use story writing as an escape from my home life-- writing grand fantasy romance stories to whisk myself away into. That's all I wrote for years. Once I moved out and no longer needed to constantly escape did my writing flip into horror/psychological/gothic-- which I believe fits my writing style far better.

My webnovel is just a collection of short horror/psychological/gothic stories I do when I'm not working on my (hopefully one day) novel. Heavy focus on mental illness and abuse. Miserable stuff, man.

I always loved to write stories, ever since I learned how to write. But the turning point was in fourth grade when my teacher gave me an a with plusses that ran to the edge of the paper on a short story I wrote. Encouragement can mean so much to kids!

Anyway, I started writing seriously and submitting to literary journals in my late teens. My first story was published when I was twenty-one. I spent the next few years seriously writing and workshopping stories and had several more published. And then I had to get a real job. My time was limited, and I had to use my creativity in my job. I started writing less. Still, I went to grad school and got an MFA. Then I went through years of rejection on my novel. I got a more serious job. I got fired from that job, and then I started writing again. I started with fan fiction to regain my skills. (I still write it because it keeps them sharp!)

I finished a novel in 2019. I got a literary agent. The traditional publishers just did not want my novel, though. I got a gig with a book packager to write a novel. My novel sat for a couple of years, but I figured that since an excerpt from it was good enough to get me that gig, I should let other people read it. So I started publishing it here.

I've gotten two Staff Picks since I started posting at the end of November, but the subscriptions haven't yet taken off. I'm promoting on social media posting about it here, so I hope it picks up.

I sit and read everyone's stories and so I decided to tell you my own writing journey.

I have always loved making up stories but never got into the process of writing. And when I did start writing I always stopped halfway through and never finished anything. But last year was very difficult for me so I wanted to do something creative. I got depressed and I couldn't do anything, I wouldn't leave the house and I was generally a mess. So I started writing to occupy my mind and to relax with something I like to do. I'm better now and I intend to recover from depression. I know I'm not perfect at it because I'm still learning but I see it as practice, too.

One of my biggest dreams is to traditionally publish books but I don't know if I'll ever get there.
For now this is the novel I'm working on and I hope I don't give up in the middle and finish it. Check it out if you're interested :purple_heart:

I've been writing on and off for years but never dedicated myself to anything. This is my first 'real' attempt at a novel, but I'm loving it and it's giving me something fun to do at the end of every day :smiley:

I actually started writing via roleplay on ClubPenguin when I was 10 :joy: 16 years, one undergraduate degree, and half a graduate degree later and I've moved on from roleplay to novel writing! It's always been an in and out process for me, to be honest, due to my crazy schedule, but it never fails to put me back into the right headspace during tough times.

Here's my current work: Smoke and Talons (Dark Fantasy/Romance)

Adelia used to obey her father without question. Even when he was carving sickening power into her skin, using her shadows until they were taking her over, body and soul, she did as she was told for a scrap of love.

Then he kills her.

When she wakes up several years in the past, she's seen the error of her ways. She knows what's to come, and to keep everything from happening all over again, she schemes to escape. But to save the few family members who showed her any consideration, she knows she needs power. Power not given by her father. There's only one place she can get that:

Alklonine Academy.

The danger she's going to face there could very well kill her all over again. Or, it could change the fate of the world.

Trigger Warnings: Will contain elements of emotional and physical abuse, family abuse, and poor mental health. Episodes will be denoted with specific triggers.

dragons #academy #darkfantasy #darkromance #mythicalcreatures #enemiestolovers #morallygrey

My love for words probably began in elementary school. Had a teacher who gave me a less than average grade for English and announced it to the class, and little petty me took a big ego hit and decided that I could never face that humiliation again (LOL, jokes on my past self, I've had so much worse than a bad grade now).
Anyway, my English grade got better, and in high school, I became president of the English literature club. I did a lot of proofreading and editing for family and friends, work documents and academic theses, but never got around to actually writing for a career since those works could never have my name on it, so no portfolio to show. Throughout the years, I kept writing but never had the courage to publish them, until now.
So here's my piece.