2 / 56
May 2021

Thought this might be fun to see the average age of characters in a story. Use the ages from your MCs and important secondary characters.

Formula: Add up different ages, then divide by the number of ages = average age of characters

For The Saint George Chronicles -

Xavior: 374
Greg: 33
Keith: 30
Vanessa: 35
Naomi: 38
Jordan: 524

Average: about 172 (fae and dragons always throwing off the averages!)

For Thief/Close To Home:

Bill: 1500+ (He's not really sure at this point but it's been a while, and a couple of changes since he started as a horse)
Izzy/Ryan: 93
Dawn: 290
Nathan: 1350+ (Not exactly sure of the date, but Nathan was brought into existence by a priest that wanted divine intervention with his mess of a manuscript. Hence the reason Nathan became interested in learning things along with science and magic in general)

Average: 808 (well that's one way for the group to be closer to millennials. LOL)

Hope you have fun with it! Love to see the results. If you have time, check out my novels:

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Heyyy. At the moment my story doesn't really have many characters (more will be introduced in the near future tho), but here goes nothing:

Age I- Age of Darkness main characters:

Frederick: 19

Nigel: 18

Drake: 21

Miriam: 16

Average: 18,5

Webtoons version:

Let's see...

Raf: 21
Dante: 27
Thomas: 36
Christina: 33
Miguel: 28
Cameron: 6

Average age: 25.17

Well, so far in The Sons of Adam episodes I released, there are:

Nod - 12
Mr. Jonathan the wolfman - perpetually 34 (dream creation)
Trevor the wolfman - perpetually 34 (dream creation)
Gregor the rock troll - perpetually 68 (dream creation)
James, Charles, Manfred, and Whitfield the imps - perpetually 12 (dream creations)
Jefferson Blank - Unknown

Yeah those fantasy races tend to skew the average age.
For setting an age for the humans I did a bit of reading ranging from D&D character starting age to real world Renaissance and Middle Ages views on adulthood and marriage. The four main characters are human:

Thane: 17
Kisha: 16 (16th birthday ch3)
The twins: 17 (x2)

Side characters:
Lily and Bartholemew: 20 (x2)
Harland: 34
Liam: 29
Marcus: 39
Gailwyn: 31
Gryssel (wood elf) 93
Mersine (High elf) 1025

Average of Humans only = 24
Average age after being ruined by elves = 113

TALIPANDAS' important characters' age, as of writing:

Princess Iris = 5 years old
Prince Ash = 17 years old
King Adrian = 50+ years old
Royal Consort Luna = 28 years old
Prince Lothario = 17 years old
Prince Azraq = 16 years old

Average = 22.17 given that the King's age is exactly 50.

Going with the main five for this one:

Enkal: 21
Joseph: 20
Carolina: 26
Andy: 29
Sybil-3: 96
Average: 38.4 years old

Robots can really throw off the average for these things, huh?

Mel :heart_03:

Um, :sweat_02: let's see

Darzsa: 23
Josiah 27
Lottie: 42
Henry: 28
Barb: 24
Ellie: 25
Mathieu: 25
Ruthie: 22
Bea: 64
Pearl: 49

Average: 33.9~34

That's not bad. I added the main people who reoccur so I wouldn't be older than their average age :cry_swag:

All of the principal characters in Nachos Con Carne have just started the 8th grade.

Most of the cast of Words. has no definite age, apart from Nadine being the youngest and Wendy and Molly being the most mature. Everyone else is in-between.

When it comes to my main webcomic, Jekyll is about 45 and Hyde is physically and psychologically 30.

When it comes to Cupcake War Machine, Warrick is over 1,000 years old, but he acts and looks like he's in his early 20s. Stella is about 25. Ginger is about 4 (he's a robot), but has the emotional maturity of the 30 year old. Whip is about 5 which is about 20 in human years.

For Word is the Bird, Word is about 10 years old and his owner James is in his very late 50s.

These ages are pretty iffy, as most of the character's aren't quite sure how old they are, but here goes:

Agony: 33
Thesis: 58
Duenna: 67
Motif: 45
Sequel: 46

Average age: 48.6

For Monstrosity of a Family... DANG, I have no idea!! I’ve tried to figure out ages for them, but it’s hard with their lifespans, since most are monsters.

The ones I know for sure are Valerie (24), Tilda (25), Wigstan (27), and Mitali (~3,921 years)

That would make the average about 999 years.

As for Quartet Hang Out, the ages are Heinrich (23), Sagiv (23), Mikayla (22), Jade (22)

That would make the average 22.5 years.

Most of my characters are over 4,000 years old. :joy: Time? What is time!? :joy:

If we are talking about the chronological ages of all the characters who has been introduced. . . It is around 258.5! (with an outlier of thousand years old age). It is natural because some characters are ghosts.

The main character himself is 13 turning 14. He has few classmates introduced who are a year or two older than him. Some supporting characters are in their early 20s.

I like making younger character so nobody will question their immaturity :upside_down:

Wow I had to dig through my character sheets for this! :joy: Happy to say their average age is around what I wanted it to be. :wink:

Sandra: 35
Thomas: 29
Will: 46
Valerie: 19
Kyler: 15
Percy: 16
Mark: 38
Lynn: 37
Ray: 16
Shawn: 19
Tamm: 39
Marsha: 39
Elise: 40
Albert: 30
Dina: 72
Bartley: 42
Average age: 33.25

Hmm let's start:

Alice: 17
Kyler: 19
Aiden: 19
Celia: 55
Mary: 37
King: 61

Average: 35