1 / 67
May 2022

Okay so it is weekend and I had the idea for a art study game. It might be fun as well.

So the idea is that you post a character and the person after you suggest to draw them in a art style of their choice (and leave a character of their own for the person after to pick a style for). Keep in mind that you draw your own characters, the person after you can just suggest art styles.

The art style can be anything, from popular IP's to other artist's art styles and uhhh... even your own (though that comes off a little narcissistic to me). Do keep in mind the skill level of the person you are suggesting styles to. If they aren't as skilled then preferably don't suggest something hard. Also if the art style is from something obscure then do leave a reference (if it is something very popular like dragon ball then there is no need). Finally I encourage you to suggest multiple styles incase the person before you isn't interested in one of them.

The one definitive rule here is it has to be an art style you can do with sketching. It does not have to demand the other to go all out and use colour or a fully inked and coloured drawing. Keep in mind it is supposed to be an art study.

When you receive a suggestion for a art style it is completely up to you whether you want to draw your character in it or at all. It is a art study after all so no pressure to do anything!

Good luck!
Also I'll go first and share some of my characters. The person behind me can suggest art styles.





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There are 66 replies with an estimated read time of 9 minutes.

What a wonderful idea!

@Stargazer31 I would love to see you try out boredman's style (tboredman on Instagram, or search for Blacksmith or Apocalyptic Horseplay on Webtoon). I love what he does with basic shapes and I feel like your style and character designs lend themselves well to it.
Doesn't have to be a perfect copy of course, just do your best. :slight_smile:

Here's my favourite pirate captain (actually my own version of Davy Jones but I'm kinda shy about it because Disney acts like they own mythology -.-'):

And my favourite reaper:

They look great! You captured the style really well. :smiley:

@feuersichel Oh I love that. I'll try to do both when I get home from work. Dragon Ball will be a challenge because I'm not the best manga artist and dynamic poses are the bane of my existence but that is exactly why I want to give it a go, it might be a great learning experience.
(Also thank you so much, he's one of my favs so I'm always happy when people like his design)
(Also I love Osram and Xenon, they have so much character)

Well, I tried my best @feuersichel
His desaturated and cold colour palette was actually the hardest part. I decided to saturate his skin tone a little but keep the colour palette overall because it just ... it suits a sea deity reaper pirate tbh and there's only so much you can do to cutesify a sea deity reaper pirate. :smiley:

Btw, one of my characters has a massive crush on him and this is an accurate representation of how he perceives him sometimes.

I'll see what I can do with the other style ... still trying to learn more about it (bc I never watched it ... yeah I know) and I'm kinda tired but I'll try. :smiley:

@feuersichel how about Kohei Horikoshi? I think your characters would look really cool in MHA style :).

Realized I should include another option if you don't like that style! The more subdued style of Sana Takeda (Monstress) might be fun? And would look also very nice as a sketch I think. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGxAE9hFS9/2

This sounds super fun :hype_01:. @DualDragons you come up with the best challenges :). I'm too lazy to dig up more recent/better refs - but here's my characters I want to draw, would pick one or both depending on the style.

Ooooh, this... Is just perfect xD I can totaly imagine, how this would be the view of the other chara :heart_02:

And no worries with the other style ^^ just do it, if you feel like it.

( Also I on the other hand never watched Lotr even though it would be something i'd surely like)

Oh wow :sparkles: - it is a super cute art style with godlike dynamic movement and clothing :cry_01:. Going to have to read it. Couldn't really capture that amazing vibrant feeling but definitely enjoyed making Ellie look much cuter (and shorter haha) than usual - thanks so much for the challenge!!

So I did attempt it but it was 1am and I don't quite like how they turned out ...
I still have to thank you for suggesting it though, somehow something just ... Clicked and suddenly poses and anatomy are a lot easier for me. So I'll ink and colour them again today and post the results. :smiley:

This is the one attempt I don't hate even though I didn't quite capture the style (the water just needs more details)

Let's see, I see nobody did a suggestion for yours yet so I'll suggest Adventure Time or Shencomix' style (from Bluechair)

As for me, I did post a couple of characters incase peeps want to suggest styles to me again