10 / 67
May 2022

They look great! You captured the style really well. :smiley:

@feuersichel Oh I love that. I'll try to do both when I get home from work. Dragon Ball will be a challenge because I'm not the best manga artist and dynamic poses are the bane of my existence but that is exactly why I want to give it a go, it might be a great learning experience.
(Also thank you so much, he's one of my favs so I'm always happy when people like his design)
(Also I love Osram and Xenon, they have so much character)

Well, I tried my best @feuersichel
His desaturated and cold colour palette was actually the hardest part. I decided to saturate his skin tone a little but keep the colour palette overall because it just ... it suits a sea deity reaper pirate tbh and there's only so much you can do to cutesify a sea deity reaper pirate. :smiley:

Btw, one of my characters has a massive crush on him and this is an accurate representation of how he perceives him sometimes.

I'll see what I can do with the other style ... still trying to learn more about it (bc I never watched it ... yeah I know) and I'm kinda tired but I'll try. :smiley:

@feuersichel how about Kohei Horikoshi? I think your characters would look really cool in MHA style :).

Realized I should include another option if you don't like that style! The more subdued style of Sana Takeda (Monstress) might be fun? And would look also very nice as a sketch I think. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHGxAE9hFS9/2

This sounds super fun :hype_01:. @DualDragons you come up with the best challenges :). I'm too lazy to dig up more recent/better refs - but here's my characters I want to draw, would pick one or both depending on the style.

Ooooh, this... Is just perfect xD I can totaly imagine, how this would be the view of the other chara :heart_02:

And no worries with the other style ^^ just do it, if you feel like it.

( Also I on the other hand never watched Lotr even though it would be something i'd surely like)

Oh wow :sparkles: - it is a super cute art style with godlike dynamic movement and clothing :cry_01:. Going to have to read it. Couldn't really capture that amazing vibrant feeling but definitely enjoyed making Ellie look much cuter (and shorter haha) than usual - thanks so much for the challenge!!

So I did attempt it but it was 1am and I don't quite like how they turned out ...
I still have to thank you for suggesting it though, somehow something just ... Clicked and suddenly poses and anatomy are a lot easier for me. So I'll ink and colour them again today and post the results. :smiley:

This is the one attempt I don't hate even though I didn't quite capture the style (the water just needs more details)

Let's see, I see nobody did a suggestion for yours yet so I'll suggest Adventure Time or Shencomix' style (from Bluechair)

As for me, I did post a couple of characters incase peeps want to suggest styles to me again

Your art style is stunning- especially love that first piece! :]

The last portrait you shared reminded me somewhat of Koyoharu Gotouge's artstyle (artist for Demon Slayer), so I'm going to suggest that.

For a second, more minimalistic option, maybe Sulmo's? Sulmo (sulmo73 on instagram) is a korean artist who illustrates Mage Again on Webtoon. Their style is very cute and ghibli-esque.

For my characters, I'll likely draw one of my female leads- Kassia or Nora ^^