259 / 2288
Nov 2017

The pickpockets on my commute to school would dress nice to blend in with the college crowd. But you could spot them by their worn and dirty shoes.

Me too! I'm like one of those shaggy dogs. I just a bath and was just picking up handfuls of hair.

A company told me they might hire me in the off season but not now during the holiday season due to my anxiety.

I have been diagnosed with General Anxiety Disorder. I am physically capable to do the job yet they wouldn't hire me. Isn't that discrimination against a disability? That's illegal in the US.

I ain't bitching but I am sad, my sister is leaving home to live with her BF in a new apartment :cry:
I don't want her to go, even my dog is sad

I hadn't been outside for 4 days (tl;dr ontario college strike) and the last time I was, it was above 10 degrees. I went outside yesterday and it was BELOW 10 degrees and snowing. Canadian weather really is a treat.

Yikes three months? ): That's seriously terrible. We're just passing week 4 right now and not sure how much longer it will go.

yeah I know, I was so bored I literally grabbed my dads dumbbells and started working out X'D I never was interested in getting muscle but hey I needed something to pass the time

Before I saw “Canadian” I was thinking Fahrenheit and went “WHY IT SO COLD?!”
Here in Texas, last week there was a low of 34, and a high of 88 so good luck guessing how to dress :upside_down:

I have 5,000 hangnails on my fingers because I bite them so much and now it's hard to use keyboard shortcuts while drawing lol

warning I am drunk like a fish in wine so I will bitch about something really stupid and probably nonsensical and I'm sorry if I write like a 3rd grader in another country and ramble into nowhere like and old man who's bitter and pissed at the world, you have been warned

I am so sad/pissed that I don't get more subs, I started with 25 in less than 4 weeks then 27 more in another 4 months, 3 left and now I'm in a slow stable state in 46, I've been promoting every chance I get (with in reason), I've missed my chance for the new and note worthy and I have little to no Idea how to get into the daily snack (seems like their chosen arbitrary, only info I got is that they have a theme and the rest is mega subjective)

I know that I'm one of the lucky ones (I've only been three month and I'm in the low 50 with zero help from the tapas promotion) and that I'm just getting impatient, but I still feel dejected that it seems some comics (varied quality mind you) get 1.5k in less then two minutes just cause they seem to be "lucky" (since we don't actually know what the criteria are for getting promoted and being "good" is subjectiv like hell)

they worst of it is that from those 1.5k roughly only 10~30% actually care about the comic and the rest just follow cause of hype, I'm sure all who has gotten that mega boost have suffer the downwards slope later(the hype dies and people leave) and they get dejected just the same

I know that starting from scratch and being patient is how you grow,and frankly you avoid the downward slope I just mention, but when these low subs periods happened and after weeks I still don't see changes into the positive, can you blame me for feeling just a bit sad, depressed or just right out confused?

I will still make my comic since I enjoy it and I want to make it, I just feel depressed that the slow grind is just so grinding (bad pun I know)

also I know the answer to getting more subs is being constant and promoting in different places, like twitter and the like, the problem is that I hate social media XD, the drama, the toxic thinking, the people who think it's a privilege just to be in the same platform with them, the teen mindset that they know everything and anything, the people who just call you names just cause you think differently and the multitude of crazy BS that just surrounds them(like getting people to commit suicide cause they did some stupid arbitrary social faux pas) is really something that I don't want to deal with =X

ok I'm gonna get some more booze(still sad my sis is leaving and I need some neurons to die)
also please don't reply to this message if you get offended by anything I just said, I really don't want this thread to be closed cause I triggered some one, and I really don't want to deal with the drama

also can some one tell me how to make some post hidden, just in case some one says something reeeeeaally bad, like "I think all x should just die or shut up cause they are/aren't you know what" bad, I really hate censuring people since taking away and idea or point of view is just shutting down the conversation and making the people lost to any type of help in changing their minds or broadening their view of the world, but I really don't want a repeat of so many threads, which are closed cause some people get a bit to "personal"

we really need to stop taking things in the forums so seriously and just chill out a bit

anyway I think I just rambled a bit too much and my cups are dry so, hope I didn't get anyone mad this time and thank you for reading what drunk idiot on the internet rambled
:blush: <-- don't know if drunk smiley is a thing but this is the closes I can get

I hate shopping for women's clothes! >:0

I much rather look at the men's section. I don't have body dysphoria ... I'm just really particular with my tastes in fashion.

It doesn't help that women's fashion thinks that they should make everything a stupid shape. I finally found a bunch of basic, nicely coloured sweaters, got them home and found the brand "Mr F" on the tag. I was like, FIGURES.

Don't get me started on what I like to call "surprise crop tops" where you find something, think "oh this looks nice" and find it doesn't cover your midriff when you put it on.

Don't forget that many more people read your comic than comment or subscribe.

I post on Reddit and I'm lucky if the number of viewers who upvote approaches 10%.