30 / 62
Jul 2021

So I want to give a shoutout to @Legendofgenii for being a really nice creator, rp'er and a really good friend ever since I met them half a year ago. They're funny and really caring. They also drew a lot of sketches of Dani haha :kissing_closed_eyes: :laughing:

Please give their series a read, it has really really good art and the story is just starting:

These are my two favorites!

@Yozora073 No worries. Easy mistake to make. I can't tell you how many party fouls I've made on the forums (although I am finally learning the art of emojis and gifs to help set the right tone (I am... not young)).

Oh! Thank you, that was such a nice thing to say. :cry_01::heart:

I actually think the same of you. Very creative and friendly and funny. :grin:

I’ve met some awesome people on this forum. I won’t name names because I’m bound to accidentally miss someone, but they are all so lovely and inspirational. It’s what keeps me coming back here. :blush::heart:

I'll promote two~!

@fortunusgames ' work is something amazing. This one i like due to the psychological bits~ But other works are great as well due to them showing how it was for families coming to the states from out of country and growing up here

and now

the story that gives me such concern for the main character. @renaissancebadger has a story that has fantastic characters and storyline~

Awwwwww... :hugging::blush: @Ruthful you're so sweet. I was going to share yours but look how popular you are!! Guess I'll put some others here instead. ^^

Everything by @GabiWolf has my heart. Love the art and characters and found family is my life blood.

@Ketsueki44 's Something Like Starting Over is a great slow burn, Adrian and Demian are just precious. Though not as precious as Nanna. ^^

Very mature, very kinky, very entertaining, written by @jkb4753, who has been such a supportive friend in this Tapas adventure! (and one of the only reasons I'm still on Twitter ^^)

A post-apocalyptic world covered in radiation, lots of mystery, and the two snarkiest, most awesome grandmothers ever. And @telari's art is so gorgeous!!

Let me uplift my fellow black creators.

:cry_02: I don't deserve so much kindness Oshi !!
You're the suportive and kind one here !!

And while i'm at it ! Oshi is not only a very suportive reader that'll always comment and like my episodes. It's also an amazing artist that always helps others to improve their skills !
Not to mention that he's a kind person that'll always sheer you up or just laugh with you at silly jokes ! :hohoho:
Time to show some love in return, if you like fantasy and comedy comics, go sheck out his work ! It's a gem ! \o/

Yes, I'm breathtaking because I am the fire. I'll steal your oxigen and take your breath. :grin:

And thank you!

Sooo... :grin:

@lomcia webtoon, because it's so good and well draw!

And @WhoDrew Gamers guff because... Games. That's all I need to say.

Ugh, Twitter... It's just you and my brother. And a couple artists I quite like who post there more than on IG. :laughing: But otherwise... ugh.

OMG! Thank you!!!! I'm so happy you like it!

since I've never seen him use the forums an (acquaintance?) of mine Matt has a webcomic
The Shadow Whisperer

He's not all that far in it yet but I've seen some spoilers for it on discord and boyyy
there's stuff that happens in this comic that I'm looking forward to and characters that haven't shown up yet that I'm already hype for.

Thank you @the_elven_starship for recommending me :sparkling_heart:

And here're my favs: