1 / 56
May 2022

Edit: I also made my own quiz on this:
(my quiz ^)

So a couple of months back one of my friends shared this quiz on discord. And I thought I'd make a topic on it for people to see it. Basically there are about 50 questions that you can fill in and you'll get a percentage of "mary/gary sueness"
Take the quiz with a grain of salt since there are a few questions related to fan characters

(quiz I found online ^)

I got 26% for my main character Andrew.

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I did this for my main trio, and I honestly thought it would be higher for Hanako since she was originally pretty much a mary sue before the rewrite XD

Aeri's Results:

Luci's Results: (she earned a bunch of de-suifier points for being the plot's punching bag :cry_02:)

Hanako's Results:

Hilariously, Rekki got 11% :rofl:

I think she'd feel personally insulted by having got a score this low while being a knight of the Round Table with superhuman strength, a giant sword, jade green eyes and postbox red hair.

19% for the MC of my comic, i dont know if thats good or bad, are they a bit too boring? :sweat_02:

Nah, I think this test is a bit more focused on fan characters and the like hence why original characters score lower. Maybe I'll look for a different test sometime

What? I thought this was the OG
It has some same/similar questions too I guess


I thought my heterochromia edgelord would score at least 50%

I meant on top of the fact he has many traits or character background commonly associated with Mary Sues, he looks like this

Granted I answered this as "No" because he does not have purple eyes, he has a purple eye

I got 27% for Arenya Azural, a college-aged, blue-haired Jewish quarter-dragon who is infamous at her school - but not because of a positive or negative trait per se (or because everyone wants to sleep with her), but because her appearance is unusual and her first act at the school was to eat ludicrous amounts of famously terrible apples. I'll say it sounds about right, but given the context of the story (me writing what I feel like because I feel like it, and the target audience being people of similar ilk) I think it's a perfectly acceptable score.

I feel like these results should be taken with a grain of salt. Does a Holocaust survivor count as the survivor of a genocide and get Mary Sue points (Arenya is not one, but if it were a story about her grandparents maybe)? And does Arenya count as a "gifted singer" when her singing skills are decent but not exceptional, and it's accounted for in her backstory (lots of musical prayers with her family so she has practice but no formal training) and in service of the heavy metal subplot rather than just because?

Haha yeah, some of the questions are like AAAA IDK WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE A YES OR NO ANSWER? :'D Like, does a character have a 'tragic backstory' if they only have a normally-sucky past like a douchey parent or something, but it gets focused on in the story in a spotlight-shining way?

My MC got 29% btw XD Woot, top of the leaderboard! : D
(EDIT: Aaaand 2% on the new one XD Higher, you said? ... it's probably genre differences :P)

This one contains some of what I would describe as possible issues as well. First two questions: Arenya's hair is blue, which is natural in her world for part dragons but not for normal people... uh, I'll call that unnatural in her world. She has wings and can fly which is an unusual power, but she can only fly for about a minute, and her other powers would be world-shattering on Earth, but within the context of the story are all attainable by regular humans simply by practice, no differently from you are I practicing weightlifting, and in fact she's much weaker and worse at them than most of her peers because they were wealthier and could afford tutors or went to better schools when younger. If it's no different from lifting weights, is it really a "power"? I ended up saying her powers were at "city-destroying" level, but that's more a vague metric of her ultimate potential than her current powers (where she'd probably beat an untrained person in hand-to-hand combat through sheer strength, lose to a trained fighter, and struggle to beat an average person who uses magic).

She doesn't have a "weakness", per se, but she also isn't a regular human, but would be vulnerable to, y'know, getting stabbed or equivalent.

I got 10% on this one for Arenya. Averaging across both quizzes I'm at 18.5%, which I think is a good metric for the sueness. As it stands, I maintain that quizzes like this can only be used as a general metric, not an infallible guide. We writers can certainly be blinded by our attraction to our characters, but at the same time we are the ones who know them and their stories best - so if we are confident that the results of such a quiz are wrong because there's details the quiz didn't take into account.

Curiously, I think Arenya's best friend would rank higher than her on this second quiz. No decidedly inhuman powers or tragic backstory, but she is very beautiful and has half the school falling for her. She is convinced that this is because her family is wealthy and everyone wants to get with her for the money, and she isn't wrong, but ignores that her appearance is a factor as well. However, she's so focused on her studies that she just rolls her eyes at the looks she gets, and deliberately dresses in non-attractive clothing to avoid getting attention. She's called the "blond ice queen" because she's cold to everyone who isn't as studious as her, but warms up to Arenya quickly for a couple reasons. She's a lot more skilled than Arenya and can learn topics very quickly... in fact, let me try the quiz with her in mind...


Fair, but you have to keep in mind that I can't cover every situation in these questions and answers :')

I also quickly put this together so there could probably be more answers and questions

Did your quiz and got 10% for Claudia...

...and 6% for Desquicio.

Also this one made me laugh. It hasn't shown up much in the comic yet but this is so Desquicio :smile: