I am genuinely surprised it‘s actually not that high. Sometimes I get quite self-conscious about the general power scaling increasing exponentially to ridiculous levels some time in the future, but my general rule of thumb to counter that often starts with „make the enemy at least twice as powerful“; even better if it requires teamwork xD
I checked your link, and it was lower than expected:
Though, the answers for powers and magic systems (Spoilers: My character will never break the magic system for an advantage, I'll make sure to avoid that) will change once he's grown as an adult. He is still a kid after all.
Your link is more focus on OC than a fan character and I would recommend many to follow that up.
I will come back to this link once my character is complete, which will take a very long time to happen.
Your character is 3% a Mary Sue!
Characters at this level could probably use some spicing up without any damage. Go ahead and make her a little prettier! Please remember that the traits listed in this test are not in themselves bad, but can be be bad when added up. I am not trying to bash your character.
Faithu is very normal. Took both tests and ended up with almost identical results on each.
There's a few bugaboos in each that made the questions hard to answer, though.
Like Faith can technically travel anywhere in a very short amount of time and dimension hop, but she does it through a central hub that is sort of the main setting of the story, and every other character can do the same. She does this by normal human walking, though.
Also she does end up getting magic powers, but they're highly specific and would technically qualify as 'at will/flick of the wrist' because they're inherent, yet she does have to train and practice with them very extensively, though more through meditation and self-teaching than through studying books or scrolls.
Additionally, she's technically in a prophecy that factors into the story, but the prophecy is about one of the other characters. Does being bullied and in/out of hospitals during her childhood count as a tragic past, or is it just kind of a shitty lot in life? She still has a normal middle-american upbringing and supportive parents who love her, but she also got uh... she didn't exactly get treated well in school, so is this tragic? It's a romance story, and a big long complicated love-triangle-y one, so yes a bunch of characters fall in love with her, and she also has feelings for a bunch of other characters, and it's all one big fat tangled mess of emotions and confusion, so where does that fall on the list? Faith's goal is, ultimately, to end a god-level threat, but she doesn't so much beat that threat as she does convince it not to end the universe as we know it, so... yeah she kinda beats a god? sort of? She's also assisted by god-level characters a few times, but they're, y'know, gods, so their assisting her is kinda incidental. Like she's a useful tool to utilize towards their end goal and isn't exactly enlisting their help out of some sense of camaraderie or anything like that.
Honestly Faith feels like a nega-mary-sue to me. She's very much so a reflection of me/author insert, but she's like... all of my worst qualities and insecurities magnified to the nth degree. She kinda sucks a lot, and gets the shit kicked out of her (mostly emotionally, but sometimes physically) as a result of that.
I recognize this quiz is mostly just dumb antics for fun (and a great excuse to talk about what I have planned for the future of this story). And given I'm probably a decade older than most users of this board, I'm not as much in danger of unknowingly falling into tired tropes and shameless wish-fulfillment in my story as some of the less experienced authors around here might, but some of the questions felt hard to answer for a story that doesn't fall into a somewhat-specific slice of high fantasy.
it should be higher. this character is literally designed to be as broken as possible. she is invincible and a threat to the entire multiverse. i couldnt even get to the 50% range
she can shapeshift into anything she wants WHENEVER she wants to
she blows up entire universes on the regular and can cut through the fabric of space-time
and she can regenerate from anything, even from getting erased from existence. she never trained to do any of this. how is this anything but a sue?
I took your test so thanks for making it!
Whenever I do these all my characters usually end up Sues. But if everyone's a Sue, then no one's a Sue, right?
So I tried it with my two MCs. This one got 30%
And this one got 22%
Lower than I thought so I just had to try it with this guy here:
My idea for him was "retired shounen protagonist" so he's surely Suest of them all-- 28%?! And the other test is 26%! How can a former hero settle for anything less than 100%?!
But I think he scored low because he's retired. I guess Sues have age limits
Alrighty thanks everyone for taking both the original and my quiz! I don't know if I'll continue to improve it but question suggestions are always welcome
And for those who keep complaining about the results and that it isn't accurate: