398 / 671
Aug 2021

One SWOLBI for #29 coming up!

Mr. Patchez!
Ancient Hulking God of Strength> disguised as a human> now shrunk into a lil chibbi :smiley:
Series: I'm ̶n̶o̶t̶ a Sick Boy (comic series on tapas)

Wasn't too happy with his neck so improvised sum neck coverings lol. Feel free to erase/crop where necessary.

3 options: kept the majority of his clothes dark so he can help those he stands behind pop out (flowing cape, armbands, jetpack). He's not usu a 'cape wearing type of guy' so tried a jet pack instead :

Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3: (removed jetpack)

Hope one of these work :slight_smile:

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deviant art:



@stiatent You did an amazing job! This is fantastic (and adorable)!

I’ll see which one works best in the space when I get my computer up and running. :grin::+1:

it's looking sooooo freakin awesome y'all!!!

I ran out of my daily likes because of this topic :sweat_smile:

To make it clear; I really wanna give every single chibi a :two_hearts:

@Azifri Of course you can. I’ll change it on the next update. :grin:

If anyone else wants to edit anything on their chibi - just let me know.

Awe. I'd love to, but I've turned a few people away already since the slots ran out, so I better not. :sweat_01:

We'll definitely get blue in on the next one though. :grin::+1: