Thank you, @Tinkerton!!!
This is Kabede who's loyal and kind but a bit gullible. Plus, he has a strong physique.
I tag @gabriellabalagna @muskitten and @Desserts_24 ~
Thank you, @Tinkerton!!!
This is Kabede who's loyal and kind but a bit gullible. Plus, he has a strong physique.
I tag @gabriellabalagna @muskitten and @Desserts_24 ~
Ella Reed is the problematic protagonist of Monsters. She's the right hand to her high school's queen bee, Madison, and is simultaneously her crony and one of the only people who ever challenges her. While she doesn't take the same kind of sadistic glee in bullying her classmates that Madison does, she does enjoy conning them, and has researched the subject extensively. She also dabbles in lock picking, blackmail, and general opportunism. Her plan for after high school is to become a professional grifter, because why spend her life working to make somebody else money?
Her parents are decent people, but she suffers from a lack of attention and supervision at home. Her mom works nights as a 911 operator, and her father often has to stay late at his work, when he's not travelling for business. It's possible that she's just acting out because getting in trouble would mean at least some kind of parental attention, and she's desperate enough to accept negative attention. She is not, however, self-aware enough to realize that this is the case.
Contrary to appearances she's not devoid of empathy -- it's just a bit atrophied.
I tag @Kaydreamer @GGY @oliveoly
First of all thanks for the summon, @irresponsiblepics ! I don't get these alot, so it feels nice to be notice!
second of all i wanna introduce Sam!:
and now: i tag @WhoDrew!
Thanks for the tag!
The characters in Blue Star Rebellion are all using code names, and my protagonist doesn't have one yet, so I won't share his name. He's a courier who drifts around running cargo in the rougher, more dangerous regions of space. He's a friendly dude, very funny, genuine, and deeply caring. He's an immensely skilled runeologist, with a level of knowledge and skill for runetech which seems to defy what a 40-something-year-old human should be able to learn in that many years.
He can be quite distractible and impulsive, he's a disaster at keeping potplants alive, and his ship is very cluttered. He often has paper scrawled with runetech experiments all over the floors and tables. He can easily sink into 'tinkering' with runes, or his ship, or the rune spells powering his ship, for hours on end, to the extent he loses track of time and forgets to eat or sleep.
He enjoys chilling with a glass of whisky, a cigarette, and old rock music.
I tag @orbitkatart and @kitkatxk!
oh okay I'll try XD
Let's present the protagonist of my comic Ups and Downs :
Mikhail Ivanovich Lebedev, Misha for short, is an Angel who was sent to Earth because heaven wasn't made for him, or because he was too bad an Angel to live a decent life there, depending on your perspective on the story ^_^
As a Patience Angel, he is a pacifist and generally has a soothing presence on everyone around him, and is mostly unable to feel anger. He'd rather attempt to de-escalate situations, and therefore maks a terrible fighter although his job on Earth is to fight Demons and kick them back into Hell. This contrasts with the rest of his family, being mainly Dlligence Angels, as in very active and determined people. Mikhail appears as the family disappointment, and his chill nature makes him seem slow and lazy in comparison. He has a terrible sense of humour, and likes to collect things that are either space or Angel themed, as he is a fan of all things space themed. He is also an excellent cook.
Appearance-wise, he is average in height, slightly overweight, with messy black hair and black eyes, with thick eyebrows and usually passes as a North-eastern Russian man in his human form. His go to style is adidas rip off brands, and dress shoes.
Thanks for the tag @Kaydreamer
The main character of my comic "Real Human Bean" is Tycho who is based on my real life cat Tycho. I was inspired to write this story about him after I rescued him (at 5 weeks old) from a shed roof outside my apartment. He was a very combative and defensive kitten, always wanting to play aggressively yet he was scared of literally everything. Ironically, he was not afraid of the vacuum for whatever reason.
My husband and I were originally going to foster him until he was old enough to be adopted out because we already had 2 cats in a small apartment and on top of everything I'm allergic to cats (but I have/love cats anyways).
He hated being touched and picked up and would always attack when my husband and I would try to do so. But over time, I painstakingly bonded with him. He grew attached to me as I to him. We now have a special bond in which he follows me around every where and only accepts pets and such from me.
So I decided to write a story about him going on an adventure to become human developing his character as he travels. He'll learn a lot about himself as he goes. In essence, it's an homage to how he's grown so much from his aggressive, fearful little self to how sweet he is now!
I tag @ameliori and @spadedigsbutts !
Thanks for tagging me @Gramkrackerhan!!
Here's Dante!
I'll tag @mew-n-storm @Pommie
Tagged by @orbitkatart !!
I'm going to put forth my OC, Frog Prince (His friends call him Prince)
Prince is an intelligent, kind frog who wants to make the world a better place. He often tries to be the level headed one and has extremely high expectations for himself since his literal hundreds of older siblings are renown for their talents, and wants to be a diplomat like his father. However, his extreme anxiety and social awkwardness makes him prone to very doing very dumb things that often pull everyone around him Into wacky adventures. He's had a crush for like 3 years and he's been to nervous to pursue he's a little disaster frog.
I tag @kaetana !!
Thanks for inviting me, @rajillustration
I'll do Eory~!
Eory is a very shy guy who was essentially raised in captivity! He's very imaginative as he essentially spends most of his days with his nose buried in a book, dreaming of a life of freedom. He has great interest in other languages and loves anything to do with art! He likes sewing, writing, and drawing. Sometimes, when he sees a particularly beautiful patch of scenery, he likes to summarize it poetically in his head. He has some off traits passed down from his strange family, including biting his arm.
Here's the scoop on Bridget Killigan! She's one of my main Oc's from Over 8 Miles!
(I know she looks magic but she ain't I'M SORRY XD)
Bridget Killigan is a 17 year old high school student who is also a prodigy writer. For as long as she could remember Bridget has always loved reading and writing stories. Her advance literacy skills lead her to publishing a few short stories well before she started high school. Besides becoming incredibly literate at a young age, Bridget is also the daughter of a well known and highly respected author...who's untimely death has drastically changed Bridget's life. Reader's will get more of a glimpse of these events in chapter 4 but this particular event basically shaped the Bridget Killigan we now know in the story's present day.
To cope with the loss of her mother, mentor and closest friend Bridget continues to work on the rest of her late mother's novel while juggling her return to high school life and dealing with the growing rift in her family. She's in a relationship where both her and her partner seem to spend less and less time together and has a best friend who "constantly" worries about her (hehe readers will get this pun).
Caring at best, Bridget is a kind and passionate person who sticks to her morals. She's not afraid of striking up a conversation with strangers and most of the time lives in her head rather than deal with reality. She usually acts without a second thought which could be a good or a bad thing depending on the situation.
Thanks for the tag! @crowstories this was fun!
Oops. I am INCREDIBLY late to seeing this (this is what I get for not checking forums for forever). Anyway, here is:
Name: Hisana Aitoyuuri (adult).
Peppy, stubborn. Has an extreme love for money - her dream is to "get rich quick." Loves animals, is fond of cooking, and is an agent of chaos. Famously enjoys hopping in and out of windows.
Passing along the torch, I'm going to tag @artemficta and @KillianRain !
Thanks for the tag, @DaphnePanda!
I guess I'll make things easier and upload a character sheet from my new novel:
He's a reserved moth-boy who prefers to settle things with his arrows rather than talking about himself.
True to his nation's wishes, he's convinced that he should silence his own feelings so they don't get in the way of his obligations.
As a holy warrior, he should not ask any questions as he must always fulfill the Lunar Doctrine's goals.
Want to know more about him? Check it out:
Now, I'll summon @MayR and @marielmayel!
Oh heck thanks for tagging me @sarahmcsquish!! :0
Let's talk about Silvio! He's the secondary main character of our comic, "The Corner of Smoke and Mirrors."
Silvio is a 19yo boy born and raised in New York City with an accent that makes him sound like a mob boss. He's short-tempered, vulgar, and impatient, and often finds himself getting into trouble with the law. But, he claims he has good reasons for doing so, even if those reasons are "none of your business."
I tag @kinleypavone
This is Toby Graham. Confident in some situations, and lacking in others. Also, a magnet for mishaps.
I tag @godsentcomics @Legendofgenii @popsiclestick Let's hear about your OCs too!
Thanks @Gramkrackerhan and @mew-n-storm for the tag!
This is Yuriah! He's 21 and after facing an abusive/neglectful childhood is very disillusioned with the world, does not respect authority figures, is emotionally distant, and can be quick to anger. Despite this he still cares deeply for those most important to him and will go to any lengths to protect them. He works odd jobs to make ends meets and often resists his sister's requests to use their special abilities for bounty hunting. Even though he has an incredibly rare and powerful ability, he would prefer a "normal" life where he never had to use it again.
aaaand, I'll tag @mannygart and @MK-AKA-Morgan ;p
@ratscout Hey there ratscout. Thanks for the mention.
Rhunal is the primary protagonist of The Turbulent March. Contrary to most of her people she is outgoing and fairly well spoken.
She was raised and trained by a human archmage and trained in proper human speech. But her independent streak couldn't be restrained and she soon found a way to escape her teacher.
@may ravenwood or @zorianna If you'd like to, you could tell about one of your OCs.
Thank you for tagging me @DaphnePanda
This is Lyall, he loves his best friend Damon unconditionally and wants to spend the rest of his life with him.
His main hobbies are making video games and cosplay props, but he's quite skilled at making most things in general.
Thank you @starlesscomics for tagging me!
Zelda likes to eat a lot of ice cream, she can eat up to 20 ice cream sticks in 1 day!
I'll tag ~ @padduwu @cleo_san @hartcontactme
Thank you @muskitten for tagging me! :>
This is my oc, Jakob:
I tag @FritzC @Flauschwurm @enoshiwa
Thanks for the tag @artemficta!
This is Ryukou, and he's aromantic, asexual, and in a committed relationship with his books.
I legit cannot wait for him to appear in my comic. It's driving me crazy, but lmao, here's the comic in question:
I'm tagging @keii4ii, @snailienz, and @Pommie