1 / 79
May 2021

Hello folks.

Woke up at 6:30, was a little productive (I still have 21 more minutes of my pre-recorded lecture to take notes on ;-; ), then went back to sleep at 9:35. Woke up now (it's 2:08 pm lol) I've been feeling really strange, like my body is just a tad bit overheated and everything is moving in my line of sight (does that make sense?)

I think I got the lightest side effects ever, like I've heard people complain about worse things. But I feel so WEIRD.

Did anyone else get the second dose? What were your side effects?

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    May '21
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There are 78 replies with an estimated read time of 7 minutes.

Getting my second soon, I hope this thread doesn't turn into a vaccine debate like the one I made did :joy:


I hope so too, I just wanted to see what other people got.

For me, I surprisingly didn't feel the needle (!!) but the guy was careless about my shirt and some blood seeped onto my sleeve :expressionless: Good luck! (that sounds so ominous lmaoo)

:fearful: Thanks for the nightmares lol.

I'm not afraid of needles, but I've never really had enough blood to come out like that. Guess I'll have to wait and see : D

Fever/chills plus lots and lots of sleep with really weird dreams for about 48 hours, then felt just weird and out of it for a couple days. Doing great now! So excited to have it done with!!

Which brand did you get? I got pfizer and got so nauseous that it wasn't even funny. Peptol bismal was my best friend as I swear I was going to be sick the entire day. A few naps later and I was feeling much better.

i had the moderna and good god it knocked me on my butt the whole day and half afterwards. i had chills, aches and just felt all around like crap and slept most of the day

Yeah, I've got the chills rn, but I'm also hot at the same time? I do remember waking up from a dream, but idrk if it was weird or not :joy:

Yeah I kept waking up really sweaty but also cold - hopefully it won't last too long for you!

Yup, it's the Pfizer. I just napped pretty much the whole day, and now I'm SUPPOSED to be doing some work, but I like talking to ppl more :blush:

You should feel much better tomorrow, that's when most of the side effects wear off.

Is the Moderna one the first one that got approved? If so, yeah, I saw how it affected my mom, she would go to sleep at 9 pm when she normally goes around 12 - 1 AM. It was absolutely nuts.

I honestly can't remember. i managed to get squeezed in to get it because originally i was supposed to be going out of country for a new job, but then things went to crap, but hey at least i got it.
but it still knocked me on my butt, at least it went away after a day and a half

Yikes. Well, I got the Pfizer shot, so maybe my side effects will wear off by tomorrow, hopefully.

Perrhaps judo practice won't be the best idea, but you should be okay for school. However, you totally can get out of school with the excuse that you're not feeling well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

hehehe, perhaps I might :smirk:

I went to go lie down cs I feel like I got hit by a bus ;-; my whole body aches

I've been reading about the second doses, I'm suppose to get my second dose for the moderna in a few days. I'm not sure how I will react but just in case I took a day of work off.

Might wanna make it two.

I haven't gotten the Moderna one, but from watching my mom, she needed multiple days off. Hopefully, that doesn't happen to you, though.