63 / 79
May 2021

I haven't even gotten vaccinated, and my prospect here is to be vaccinated only in the next year, unless I find a way to get out of my country T-T for those who already got vaccinated, keep safe, rest up and follow all procedings!

Weirdly enough, my second does (Pfizer) I got next to no symptoms other than a little stiffness and a headache.

My first round though sounded more similar to what you're going through right now. I had a very very mild low grade fever (and was overheating) and felt woozy and out of it (sort of what you're describing with things moving in your line of sight)

Hopefully they will clear up soon!

My age group isn't getting vaccinated yet (based in UK) but my dad got his 2nd dose yesterday and it royally kicked his backside in at around 8PM. Started getting chills and feeling kind of rubbish, but he was fine the next morning. I don't think I'll be given the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine because of the blood clotting fiasco, and I am a young woman so chances are it's going to be Pfizer (no clue if we even have Moderna in the UK atm...)

Hope everyone who's getting their vaccines recover nice and quick, and thank you for doing your part in protecting others around you :^)

I got my second dose yesterday (moderna), and other than a sore arm when I lift it and a slight headache and tiredness, I feel fine. But the headache could just be me since I'm prone to them, and I'm always tired... So I'm in the 'is it my norm or a symptom?' boat right now.
I also drank a lot of water leading up to and after getting both doses, so that might be helping - my mom didn't, and the second dose kicked her butt.

I got my second shot(Pfizer) yesterday- just sore arm and tiredness. I ate breakfast afterwards, and then took a nap.

Arm is still sore today, and I'm a bit tired but good to go...sitting at work, sipping on Powerade.

My husband and I both got Moderna.

For my second dose, my arm hurt and I was pretty tired and had headaches for a couple days after the shot.

My husband, unfortunately, got the whole gamut of symptoms: arm pain, exhaustion, fever, chills, headaches, nausea, etc.

It really seems to vary from person to person.

the second dose hit me like a train
I had the chills fever my whole body ached I was getting stomache aches i actually lost my sense of smell for a little while.
It felt like i had a short flu basically
I heard that it hits people with low immune system worse so that explains that, my immune system is crap

That’s my problem too! I get stomach problems a lot so when I had them on day 6 since my first dose I thought nothing of it, but then I had a fever a headache for the next few days along with worse than usually stomach problems. So I guess it was a week later side effect from the vaccine. So weird :sweat:

Yeah, I heard some people experienced symptoms days after the dose, so thanks for the reminder to keep staying hydrated! I'll see if that'll continue to keep symptoms at bay.

10 days later

Just had my second dose on the 22nd. I felt fine, other than some mild-to-moderate arm soreness...

... until I went to bed. 5 minutes later, I got chills like I've never gotten them before. I was SO COLD. I got up, put on extra clothing and more blankets, and STILL wanted a heating pad or something. I won't go into that whole night, but between chills, arm pain, bathroom trips, and my cat, I didn't get much sleep.

And then I went to work the next morning! And was so tired! Don't be me, folks! Take the day after your 2nd shot off!

SAME HERE, although it was the next day for me. It was a freaking nightmare, and I'm glad that my school has a hybrid schedule otherwise I wouldn't have made it back home alive.

my dad got a painful rash after the second dose, and holes developed on his back. I treated them with antibiotic powder but nothing helped and the doctor didn't give a damn, said he didn't know what was wrong with him. He has had it for a few months now and the holes have healed a little but it still hurts. In the beginning he also felt weak and then it just popped out. Watch yourself and if it gets worse go to a doctor quickly. Your body could react like this if you have weakened immune system. People who have passed the illness do not need an injection because they have naturally developed immunity. Always read about possible side effects before taking any medicine or injections; the leaflet tells you who can take it and who should not. Discuss this with your doctor. Never take anything blindly. Damage was done, but now watch yourself and take care. From what it says in the leaflets, you should not take any medicines for two weeks, because you do not know how your body will react, as the vaccinations have not been tested on people who take medicines, so you do not know what effect they may have.
This is what happened to my dad. no one told him that if he was taking medication he should wait until they tested it and then they would know if he could take it or not. And dad didn't read the leaflet either, so it was his fault too. And he didn't listen to me, even though I finished medical school. I wish you much health and hang in there!

I was bad with my first one, but not so bad with my second (although it left a gross yellow bruise). :sweat_smile:

Not true. You do develop antibodies for it, but they last only so long...the people who had it are susceptible to contracting it again- so they need to get the vaccine as well. There are also new strains/variants that are popping up, so it's in everyone's best interest to get the vaccine.

Sorry for what happened to your dad...I hope his situation gets better.

Oops, I forgot to update you guys!

Got the second dose on Saturday, and it was pretty tame as far as potential side effects go. My arm was slightly more sore than last time, but this time, I woke up the next day with a mild headache. It was tolerable enough to put up with for a day out, but a friend happened to have some Tylenol and that did the trick. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, and the days after gradually toned down the side effects as expected.

Ngl my anxiety over getting it was worse than the actual experience :upside_down:

ofcourse its true.

Active Immunity
Active immunity results when exposure to a disease organism triggers the immune system to produce antibodies to that disease. Exposure to the disease organism can occur through infection with the actual disease (resulting in natural immunity), or introduction of a killed or weakened form of the disease organism through vaccination (vaccine-induced immunity). Either way, if an immune person comes into contact with that disease in the future, their immune system will recognize it and immediately produce the antibodies needed to fight it.
Active immunity is long-lasting, and sometimes life-long.

Passive Immunity
Passive immunity is provided when a person is given antibodies to a disease rather than producing them through his or her own immune system.
A newborn baby acquires passive immunity from its mother through the placenta. A person can also get passive immunity through antibody-containing blood products such as immune globulin, which may be given when immediate protection from a specific disease is needed. This is the major advantage to passive immunity; protection is immediate, whereas active immunity takes time (usually several weeks) to develop.
However, passive immunity lasts only for a few weeks or months. Only active immunity is long-lasting.

that's why you'd better build up immunity yourself, because it can last for years. and by vaccinating for six months, that's why they want to introduce vaccination for this disease every six months.

So better to build your own immunity than through vaccines.
HERE2 you can read about what i quoted

And thank you. I hope my dad won't suffer long and I will find some good doctor for him :frowning: someone who actually care for his patients :expressionless:

Over 50's, yep. They better not open those borders until they've given everyone a chance to be vaccinated, I'll be so pissed off I or my partner catch COVID because the federal government screwed up the rollout and then proceeded to be like "Eh, you'll probably be fine."

Especially since so many of our older population have suddenly decided they're anti-vax, and will therefore still be spreading this around. :rage: