15956 / 19084
Jun 2023

60 seconds warm up sketches.
I will start a new theory + practice schedule on monday

A respite from Life is Strange.
Gladio, from Pokemon Sun/Moon. Really liked the designs from this gen!

Mucking about with villain designs and a few other things.

Sunday morning 3 minutes sketches

  • some muscle skeleton stuff

and some 5 minute portrait sketches, I ran out of energy and couldn´t focus anymore and
messed up. Time to do some fun sketching

@Aleksei man your stuff really elevated recently! Great work! Gotta love the characters in cool poses :sunglasses:

@Lensing I really enjoy your anatomy sketches, they are just too cool :smiley: looking like they belong to be pinned on an inspiration board.

Thanks a lot, this makes me remember that I literally knew nothing about anatomy 8 years ago.
I don´t know how I could go through my life for such a long time without knowing my own body :smiley:
This is maybe a normal feeling for artists and maybe people who are not interested in biology, anatomy and
art just never think about their own body?

Thank you very much!
I have not read tutorials/books for nothing! I try to understand and apply them too xD

Color/value is still my wekest link so far, but at least I know where to aim my learning process.

Haven’t drawn a damn thing in 2 weeks. Breaking that habit tonight!

Thought it would be fun to try a Spidey thing. I haven't ever messed with it on digital.

good enough for tonight

Morning warm up sketches.
3 minutes poses.
+ some skeleton muscle stuff, I rushed through this today

Anybody here doing Art Fight this year? This is my first time. :>
These are my soldiers. lol
(i tried doing a paint style with a final fantasy aesthetic for my ffxiv character...didn't really work, but I don't mind how it turned out!)

Doodled some ideas for the Dragon Kings in my story.

Okay, I got the kiss, but I may have another problem right now...

I know this isn't really a sketch, but I'm really happy with how it turned out :smile_01:

3 minutes warm up sketches and I will do some anatomy studies now

and some half skeleton thingy