16061 / 19084
Jul 2023

guess what gang is getting back together

I'm finally done with the first volume of my comic and I'm free! Free to work on other things without feeling like I should be working on my comic... Well that was fun. Time to go back to sketching the thumbnails for the next volume.

Hi friends... It's been a little while, huh. I kind of got involved in making a comic pitch over the last year and a bit, which resulted in me sketching 206 comic pages because I was really not confident that I could do something this big. Didn't have the health to draw outside of the pitch, though I missed you all. This pitch now went sorta nowhere (I had one publisher ask for different art, one agent ask to change the story significantly, and one agent pass after long deliberation, while the rest was stock rejections), but I still learned a lot.

Anyways I'm back to just chilling now. I've found myself in a weird art block where I can technically still draw and write, I'm just unhappy with almost everything I make, so I'm trying out different software and tools, and trying to push myself to draw things I don't usually draw.

TBH I think 206 pages of comics kinda ruined me. Gotta learn how to enjoy the process again instead of chasing efficiency.

@Mallory, Welcome to the passed-on pitch club! You are in awesome company here. Hope you find enjoyment in the process again. You rock.

Sketching characters from :star2: deepest lore of ancient times :star2: that we won't ever get to meet outside flashbacks :')

Small drawing...

...and another concept art

These are my sketches of the day.
Perhaps if I will be active again in art community, I'll stay motivated working on my project and no spare time to be wasted.

What should I do for the background? A haunted castle, a haunted mansion, or, and this one will blow your mind, a haunted house? :smug_01:

Community camp drawing. My kid taught me how to draw Minecraft versions of among us characters and I taught him how to draw Mario from memory. My Amphibia Ann had a reference, though (my memory isn't THAT good).

@Mallory very glad to see you back. Hope you will feel better soon :two_hearts: I am sure you did a great job and got a lot of knowledge for future endeavours!

@IndigoShirtProd damn I read all the variants and my brain went "I want an animation with them all" xD I vote a mind-blowing haunted house!

Doing some Patreon changes that are loooooong overdue

Turned out I can have CSP on the tablet for half a year, so I went to try it. Great stuff, much better experience than I had on PC.

So, I saw this maybe tutorial by denev, and I remembered that Kishibe its kind of based on Mads Mikkelsen (headcannon, not confirmed), but anyway... have you tried to stylize your drawings in 'real' persons, like, watching a celebrity as a model for to have that distinct aura on a drawing???

I tried some faces, and oh boy. I do need practice, but for future projects I want to design particular faces, not copy paste manga faces, so I will practice this more.

Also, if you can find who is who on this drawings, I would be astounded, because I don't think they look that much like their human counterpart xD

Also, @IndigoShirtProd, I would say a haunted house!

What tablet is that?
I have an IPad and never tried to run CSP on it.
I kind of got used to it on the mac but I still rather use Autodesk
Sketchbook for most things

@Lensing galaxy Tab s8+! Seems to be a good tool :slight_smile: unfortunately I haven't tried any other portable tablet, so can't really compare with anything else ^^

My idea of having fun

I´m working on page 13 of my comic today, here is a quick sketch of the main
character putting on his glasses. He is in prison right now. I decided to use 4 head
proportions for the characters. They sometimes change the proportions like when
the main character tries to flirt he is only 2 heads tall while the woman he talks to
has 8 head proportions

Sorry I’ve been a bit quiet. I’ve been working on Art Fight submissions.

It’s also my birthday today, so I’ve taken the day off to draw. :grin:

Characters from top to bottom: Night1, Aster, December, Lorraine.