16096 / 19086
Jul 2023

Rip as an early 2000s anime protag complete with overcomplicated sword and accessories that won't be used after a couple episodes

Couple of sketches I made during work, featuring Kyara, the protagonist of my story Trespasser. Thinking about using the middle one as the basis for the cover of my next book print.

A practice drawing~
Nothing too great.

Now I am playing FFXV, so I am in the process of thinking what I can do with them...

The comic for the contest is almost finished.
Here is a sketch which I will not use in the comic.
I was trying out if 4 head + feet proportions would
work. I sometimes did regret that decision while making
the comic, it made some things easier and some things

I am heading for season finale here, so yeeeeeeeah.
Was trying a textured pen to find out if it's a good substitute for my TiaT line brush... I guess it's not textured enough? I'll still think about it.
They are just chilling there. This was the most random pose ever, but I am lazy and don't want to put clothes on them lol.

I want to draw anything except what I have to :sip:

Eeeeeeeepic! Holy God, those rib cage muscles are like a fiesta of mealworms (which I hope is the proper English name for a group of mealworms).