16650 / 19124
Sep 2023

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you are right, this is actually Regina with a different hairstyle.
I wasn´t sure about the name and the hair anymore.

I just asked her and this is what she answered:

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You hope I don´t mind?
I absolutely love that you drew her and it´s an honour for me

A little bit of inks, a little bit of thumbnails, and a little bit of pencils. I haven’t tackled a splash page battle scene before so we’re taking it a little bit at a time. I miss talking heads SO much. If I don’t make it out of this page alive, know that I love you all.

Okay, I did 'day 1', I'm not a failure yet!
A minimalist 'Swamp Thing', as I didn't want to spend too much energy on this.

I got the flu since thursday and I played a show outside on saturday, it was really cold
and recorded 5 songs with my 1950s rhythm´n´blues yesterday. We recorded the songs
in an old barn with vintage equipment. It was great and it worked surprisingly well, even
though I was still sick. Now I´m at home and have nothing to eat :smiley:

Loomis front view sketches and a picture of Waldi the studio dog

@DanielRKM it looks amazing though!! :sunglasses: Hope you're having some nice food to get over the stre... awesomeness of this scene :joy:

@Aleksei I saw your call to October challenge, but unfortunately I have one on my own xD this looks like a great vintage movie poster, btw!!

@strawbisci so much energy in your pieces! Loving it! :triumph:

@Lensing hope you feel better soon :blue_heart:

I don't know how much I will be posting here this month because the time I usually take for the daily sketches is now pretty much occupied by my nsfw October challenge, it's only day 2 and it kicks my butt, because anatomy :werebork:
Anywho quick one to finish this day

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Day 02 - Ridley.

I know I could do something much more detailed, but that would need time, and to know every inch of Ridley body and muscles, and no. I gonna keep it simple for the creatures that I know not how to draw.
Also, cameo of Baby Metroid in a jar.

I've been having fun drawing this scamp. Tip for anyone who uses chin chin to say cheers, be careful doing that around Japanese speakers.

First time drawing in a week. Coloring clothes and starting some very light shading. ^^

Thank you <3
I´m feeling better now

nsfw october challenge sounds like a great idea

Loomis morning sketches back view. I will start and draw one real life reference picture every day using that method.
And some sketches of Regina´s facial expression, he shoes and her skeleton. And a quick sketch of a head.
I have never seen the reference picture but I was explaining to someone that the head that they drew was
way too small and the facial features were way too big, so I drew this to explain my point. The nose, eyes, mouth
too big is the classic mistake that most beginners make because they focus on the eyes first and not on the skull

I mentioned a couple of times that I have that illustrator club in my hometown, we go out together or draw together,
it´s really nice. We will have a life drawing session soon. Really looking forward to that

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