17203 / 19124
Nov 2023

Hey everyone, long time no I see I haven't posted on the forums in like forever :wave:

What's everyone up to?
I have been working on a side project of mine, a fakemon region of my own


Some panels from a short oneshot. Still trying to nail down a design for one of the characters.

Oop drama
Tied up elf kicks a fish man whilst a fancy compass man threatens someone uh

Riley method study sketches.
The Riley method feels like a missing puzzle piece for figure drawing,
I kind of regret that I didn´t learn and practice this earlier in my life but
on the other hand I wouldn´t have unterstood the method not long ago.

And a quick face sketch

I´m at 10 sets of 45 pushups now, yeah

From figure drawing to sketch. The original poses never really work when I try to
use them for my characters

Trying some things on this one. Like adding a white border to the panels (it isn't as quick as I thought, but its quite easy once I thought about it); Also played with some buildings for the background -also, did you know that the little house on top of buildings are called bulkheads? and that they are pretty hard to find 3D models, so I did my own on sketchup; The last panel I tried to don't think much and just do what I see on western comic, and I think I advanced a bit? I will see if I can go into that direction for my next page redo.
Original page was Young All-Stars v1 #8, page 08.

Galactiquest is far from being horror, but I read a horror manga yesterday that inspired me to adapt some dialogue from it into comic form. It's been a minute since I've paneled stuff so I hope the text flows well.

Pencil sketch, I´ll do a study of that pose today and will see how much I can
exaggerate the pose to make it fit to my style

I´m really looking forward to January, we´ll make a 2x8 hours figure drawing
event with my illustrator club

Mfw realizing there‘s only 5 1/2 weeks remaining in 2023

Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all, love your sketches. I'm trying to get back to fanarts so here I have Angel and Aki :blush: