17379 / 19084
Dec 2023

I gave Josh the advice to try the 8 steps story circle by Dan Harmon and
then I wrote an episode featuring goold old Regina and tried it out myself.
I think it´s a good and simple way to write

I've spend the past few days making a short animated sequence.
Here's a colour scheme sheet of the protagonist.

I´m using the story circle that I did yesterday and today I´m doing sketches for the
panels for the story. The working title for the episode is "workplace whimsy"
Regina comes back to the office after her vacation. Her side kick gets introduced
in the episode and also her 1st arch enemy.

Christmas Special still WIP... Lyza looks so girly and cute in this one.

I made some test panels with Regina and her anatomy didn´t work when she interacted
with other characters. I want her to be easy to draw + she has to look funny but it also
has to work with other characters

I love drawing Regina so much :smiley:

Since having finished Chapter 02 (new episodes releasing starting january 1st :eyes:) I've been taking a bit of a break from drawing. However I simply cannot lay down the pencil for too long, so I've started doodling in my notepad again :laughing:

Exploring a new robot design for Chapter 03.
Taking a break from drawing he said, HA! Impossible.

I´m taking my time with Regina´s character design. I guess it takes so long because
she is an important character for me. Next thing I will do is to design her clothes

Merry christmas everyone!

I played the last show of the year yesterday, the show was a bit uncomfortable
because there was this big, old, really annoying skinhead guy who was making
trouble. It almost ended badly between him and me

Merry Christmas to everyone who's celebrating! Hope you have great holidays and some well-deserved rest
full pic is waiting for the update xD

@Lensing hey, Regina is becoming more grumpy xD
Glad you're ok after the trouble-making guy.

Took a break from drawing when an old friend died from skin cancer last week. I tried to make a tribute today, but art block hit me like a ton of bricks so I just doodled until it became something. Turns out it wanted to be Luigi (which is fitting. At different points in our lives, we both rocked Luigi hats. Younger siblings get Luigi).

I am so very sorry, Daniel. Sending you the biggest hugs, hang in there. It's a wonderful tribute :heart:

My condolences, Daniel. It's awful losing somone close to holidays. You're doing a good thing for yourself with drawing through grief. It'll get better, just may take some time. Hang in there. You have my prayers.