17564 / 19124
Jan 2024

Legally obligated to give no context /j
What you think he’s saying? XD

Yeah. That’s why I wasn’t allowed to give context 🥺 the government threatened me with cutting off my cheese supply.

Happy monday everyone, I hope you are all in a better mood than Regina

I try to remember the planes of the head for the Asaro head and try to
draw it from it memory

Thanks man, and yeah I like making tails all long and bendy haha
I'm also playing with the idea of a shorter more bushy tail.
One thing I'm still a bit uncertain of, is whether I'll go with humanoid legs, or the S-shaped cat legs :thinking:

I like the tail and the s-hape legs in the sketch more than in the finished drawing.

Don't you hate when the sketch has more weight line and details than the lineart?
Don't get me wrong it looks amazing. But for some reason sketchs always look better. At least in my opinion.

Yeah I am kinda leaning more in that direction I feel. With the tail, I think I can vary it between different characters, add some diversity to the species, just like you'd have different breeds of cats haha.

Oh I feel ya, there's something about the roughness of a sketch that always appeals to me as well. Something about seeing just a bit of the construction lines and the
simple values of black and white, just play nicely together.

I do think my actual finished drawing (none of the one I posted here are finished btw, all sketches) have an appealon their own. Funny you mentioned line weight, because that's something I noticed in my own work as well and a couple years back I develloped a line-art style that replicates, or at least closely emulates, that sketchy line wieght while also looking crips and clean.

I generally stay away from bendy legs because they're a pain to draw over and over. Something to think about when making comics is looking forward into the future see how you'll feel redrawing something panel after panel.

Some gesture studies to figure out drawing simplified cloaks. Probably will be doing a ton of these today.

True true. But I don't think that's going to be the big problem for their design. I mean, my designs tend to be a bit elaborate already, so what's a bendy leg added to that gonna do to me :joy:

(Plus they're gonna be minor characters at best.)

not so sketchy but i did make the header for my novel today !! <3 with all the comic work im doing i don't have any plain ol sketches or even other art i just go straight to comic-ing so i can finish my season out soon <3

Thank you! I feel like he's battling two stereotypes here (people worry about wolves and getting taken advantage of by auto mechanics), but he's pretty solid.