17894 / 19124
Mar 2024

There's an art challenge of drawing hand in hard angle on twitter and i decided to give it a try!

I´m doing a bunch of 10 minutes quick sketches today.
I was quite busy in the last days, joined a new band
which is something like an Elvis tribute band

No secret. You just take whatever tiny time you can to do your creative stuff.
But have mercy on yourself, you will get time in...be healthy about your creative time, it will be there later.
Take it from me, someone who nearly killed all of his creative spark, because he didn't take the necessary time to recharge when he should have.

The resident 'superman' standin for the Dragon Sparking universe. The Ultra. He's a jerk, don't trust him.

Bro's activatin' his ultimate super power: The U L T R A T - P O S E in the top drawing.

He really wants the cameras to get shots of his toned armpits. He's weird like that.

Bro's been working hard at the gym. I don't blame him.

The down side of putting clothes on your characters is that you lose the fun anatomy :pensive:

Why draw your characters in their original comic when you can spend your time making AU art?

okay I'm going to make pages now.

My freehand sketch on the left, reference, reference + tracing on top.
It took me one hour to do this, I will do the facial features and hair in the

I keep reminding myself it will be there later - it's hard to watch days and months go by without drawing. Wouldn't trade my time with the little guy for anything but it's hard to swallow that you can't do it all sometimes :sweat_02:. Will take your advice :100: and it's great to see your sketch energy is back :muscle:!

It’s Lady Lock!!! But in my normal style??? Yes!! I finished this half of sketchbook spread, added some digital overlay of an old sketch in the bg.

quick design for a character I should've done MONTHS ago

rush job, that thing in the middle is a prosthetic thumb for his right hand
quick thoughts please