18856 / 19124
Nov 2024

Sketch for a commission I´m working on.
The original job was turning 40 people (humans) into comic characters.
That´s a job which is interesting for me because I love drawing humans
and don´t like drawing animals. But then the guy I´m working for wanted
a dinosaur drinking a pinacolada lying at the beach. Why do I always have
to do things like that and will it ever stop? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: probably not

Proud of this one

Still working on the coloring and lighting

Someone on tumblr made this chart, so I had to fill it out with my characters. Although, the two in the Liar category only lie by omission and don't do it that often. Maybe I'm the unreliable narrator...

Yesterday's art can anyone guess what two countries' flags these girls' outfits represent?

also this. don't ask me what "this" is