9452 / 19084
Feb 2022

Lol yeah he didn't have ANY hair. Just a couple feathers (or maybe spikes, don't remember the details) on the tail. That's a crystal jutting out of his head btw.

@Kelheor at the time, I'm pretty sure he was basically Riddick from Pitch Black. (Which I'd just discovered back then.) So that's not out of the realm of possibility haha

Lol. It's amazing just how much character designs change over the years as you develop things it seems.

I felt like I haven't drawn in years, when it's only been a couple weeks. Having a Clinical Research Analysis Class in tandem with Oncology and Infectious Disease has really taken the wind out of sails.

At least checking out all the art on this thread is a nice, momentary respite from academics.

Nice! Gosh darn it, I have to stop being lazy and use that perspective grid when drawing characters.

@KiabIce That is an AWESOME Terra! Love the pose and the colors.
@mbindhammer That cat in space is WICKED. I love how you weave graphic design into your work.

I believe. It's a fun program (which is something I would have never said 16ish years ago).