14940 / 18921
Mar 2023

@LCT_m_a_d haha, right?? I mean, good weather is already half a job done for a good mood! :smile:

@Lensing thanks so much! :coffee_love: By the way, you are from Germany, right? Do you frequent any comic conventions (as a visitor or an artist)?

@simonitropunk nooooo, Lyza, don't give up!!

Yes, I´m from Germany :slight_smile: I´m thinking about some conventions I would like to go to.
There is one every year in Erlangen which I never went to and I heard it´s a great meeting where
you can talk to publishers and other comic artists

@Kelheor the first one giving shojo protagonist vibe and I love it :heart_03: The blue on the second one is lovely I like how it adds to the mood :sparkles: I'm also not feelin that great :disappointed: my deadlines are getting closer and I'm panicking :joy: the fact that I struggled drawing the sword and its not getting better is adding salt to the wound :cry_01:

My English is never particularly great at 10 o'clock in the morning :joy:

I disappear a lot, but I'm persistent if anything. lol.

But yes, thank you. I just wanted to draw something happy.

2 dudes walking down the street sketch.
I have not been drawing much because I got obsessed with finishing the book I´m working
on and it´s taking al my time.
The book feels super intimate, this means I can give it to nobody to read it and I will just finish
it and then either to nothing with it or send it to some publisher

@Katzalcoatl thank you :cry_01: She-ra is one of my favorite cartoons alongside atla :coffee_love:

@IndigoShirtProd I love them ! Is it caramel candy ? I love caramel :coffee_love: I used to watch drawingwiffwaffles on youtube and she had a similar series where she drew candy as people and I loved it !

@candiedcotton welcome back my dude ! :hugging: I'm happy you're back(hopefully okay too) I think I speak on behalf of everyone here when I say we missed you :coffee_love:
Foreshortening is like the hardest thing and you just nailed it! :clap: white hair and blue eyes please sign me up :heart_03:

@Kelheor try to take a breather maybe go on a picnic if the weather allows it :thinking: doing another activity (and succeeding) tricks my brain into thinking that im not gonna fail my next drawing :joy:

Never rendered legs this good in my life

Daaaaaamn they look amazing indeed! :hype_01:
Haha yeah, I wish I could say yes to a picnic, but Russia in March doesn't really allow a lot of outside activity xD
The trick with successful activity sounds nice though :smirk: