

Aug 17, '22
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Apr 8, '23
Jun 15, '23
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@Calculus_Homework the perspective is sick! I still struggle with those but u nailed it ! [:hype_01:] I like how u deconstructed the skull into simple shapes maybe ill try it too​:thinking: @Legendofgenii woooow [:shook_01:] That horse and that unicorn ![:heart_03:] Doggo is adorable [:coffee_love:] @l_vi

(cute kitty kisses received :persevere: Thank u.) @Kelheor my mom is a middle school art teacher so i grew up dabbling with a lot of art supplies but I never got to master any of them :joy: looked for Prisma color pencils and winsor an Newton polychromos for years but they dont sell them here so I settled with wate…

I had to start with traditional :sweat_smile: I only got a Wacom at university. I tasted the forbidden fruit I can't go back now :joy: I looove that kitty [:cry_01:] So cute omg I wanna bite :eyes: [:coffee_love:] I approve of this random drawing :thumbsup:

Found my old watercolor pencils and some random paper so I did someting.. Thanks I hate it. How did I manage to draw with these before :thinking: [image]

Had to Google that up :joy: I think u did great with the likeness ![:hype_01:] Your art is just a blessing tbh [:coffee_love:]

I'm glad you like it [:cry_01:] I had fun trying a more loose style with textures without worrying about it being perfectly blended [:coffee_love:]

I couldn't stop myself from doodling this :sparkles: I may or may work on it later but there it is [image]

I need a shirt with a "a bit traumatized" on it asap! :eyes:

I love this so much [:cry_01:][:heart_03:]

Thank you :hugging: I feel so much better today :persevere:

I've been kinda sick these fiew past days and couldn't get much done but I managed to spend some time working on my she-ra fanart I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner but I got overwhelmed [:cry_01:] @l_vi thank you [:blusht:] ! I actually still dunno what im doing :joy: and English is my third languages …

Holly shit this is epic ! [:hype_01:]

Love your color palettes dude! They're always so vibrant and warm :persevere: The kids have distinct personalities(I used to be the sleepy one as a kid now I enjoy looking from the window and listening to music :sweat_smile:) and they're adorable!

Thank u :persevere: The problem is, this is as far as im gonna get with this piece without me getting tired of it [:cry_01:] I can clean some edges try to liquefy some areas to fix stuff but thats it. I dunno how to take it a step further :disappointed: Maybe I should try looking at other people's art style and recreate it …

@Lensing these bring back a lot of childhood memories of step by step drawings pages in W.I.T.C.H magazines. I looked for them avidly! :hugging: @DanielRKM I love the composition and how the shiny pink directs our way of reading the picture! Ik that I don't have time to draw but I just couldn't resist pol…

@Kelheor she was the second character I designed when I had a twitch channel.:persevere: i dont stream anymore bc of internet issues :disappointed: @Katzalcoatl thank u! She was designed to be hot :fire: [:heart_03:]

A sketch of one of my ocs Hela. She hold a special place in my :hearts: [image]

Imposter syndrome do be trolling us but we will persevere [:hype_01:] Your art is awesome it will always be a treat in this thread !

That looks Hella sick ! :fire:[:hype_01:]

Yeah I used lasso for the first time and honestly I wasn't disappointed ! Palm trees :open_mouth: I used to live in the capital in the north, now we live middle/south(on the coast line but the sea is not good in this area)(almost a year now) it's super hot that it hardly rains during winter :sweat_smile: I had cheesecake fo…

Ikr !! Now I have tho prepare myself for the dissapointing parts that im gonna do badly because of lack of experience/understanding [:cry_01:] You're from Russia :open_mouth:?! Wow it must be super cold there I could never live somewhere that cold :sob: my species needs sun to thrive I would wither and die without …

@Katzalcoatl thank you [:cry_01:] She-ra is one of my favorite cartoons alongside atla [:coffee_love:] @IndigoShirtProd I love them ! Is it caramel candy ? I love caramel [:coffee_love:] I used to watch drawingwiffwaffles on youtube and she had a similar series where she drew candy as people and I…

@Kelheor the first one giving shojo protagonist vibe and I love it [:heart_03:] The blue on the second one is lovely I like how it adds to the mood :sparkles: I'm also not feelin that great :disappointed: my deadlines are getting closer and I'm panicking :joy: the fact that I struggled drawing the sword and its not getting be…

listening to this while working

@Kelheor you got this :muscle: colors are no match to you :smirk: @IndigoShirtProd the thing that makes me super happy is that my oc not only gave me a joy while drawing but it also made YOU happy [:cry_01:] If you want to finish it (its already complete in my opinion) then go ahead ! (I've been braggin about i…

I'm just speechless.. This is the sweetest thing that happened to me in a while :heartpulse: [image] Never had anyone draw one of my ocs before so this is awesome! I love the pose and how you blended that teal into her design with the socks and painted nails. All of it is just perfection ! The lines on her head…

@Kelheor tbh im having trouble with both :sweat_smile: I wanted their heads to be more tilted but they ended up kinda like a profile. Ill let it sit for now and hope ill be able to pick it up later with a fresh eye! Also thank u for the lovely comment [:cry_01:]:heartpulse: On another note, she do be having the moves [:hoho…

I have a degree in making 3D animated movies but to be completely honest I only know how animate using maya(not that good tho lol)(ik how to 3D model but just easy things and know how to texture) I was supposed to learn rendering rigging sound design sfx montage but I skipped all these classes becau…

Yeah the story was meh and poorly executed that's why younger me said fine ill do it myself! and wrote a fanfiction :joy: And yeah I watched the honest trailers :joy: