15560 / 19124
May 2023

I haven't started this series yet, but it's my 10th anniversary of having these characters, so I'm doing a picture!

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Imagine we will all continue this thread for 10 years and how good everyone will be :open_mouth:

That would actually be really interesting to watch :grinning:

@l_vi aw, I feel him :smile: I just got my bracers half a year ago and it's a very weird feeling (especially when your teeth are not standing weird lol)

I am having such an affair with this AU pffff

Today I finally was patient enough to redraw a better ref of Sanariya's work desktops.

Which leads me to the thought what to do to get better.
I did get better at drawing in the last 8 years but didn´t get better in the years before that.

I know artists who draw a lot and they stay on the same good or bad level
and some who start bad and become great in a short or long time period.

I took your picture as a reference to draw eyes of a character, the moment before
she kissed a dude

@Lensing I guess that's applied desire to actually change something that counts the most, working on the changes, not just... continuing doing things without giving them much thought. And the ability to recognize that moment when the progress actually happens :smile:

Ah, gotcha :smirk: I love the pictures of "almost kiss", they are always so personal and sensual because of that.

Ohhh Dark saw my sketches and now wants to make a story arc with these designs, huhuhuhu :heart_03:

You are right about that, that´s what counts the most.
I think everyone gets a little bit better and faster by drawing a lot.
My tactic at the moment is:
-finishing pages from script to colors.
-reviewing them
-practicing what I´m not good at
I didn´t finish enough pieces in the last years and especially
not comic pages.

Kissing, the moment before kissing etc that´s my favoite moments
in comics

Yeah, dude! Also- what does Sanariya do with those feathers? Are they her feathers? :smile_cat:

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Doc said like... A year and a half or something like that. After that you have to wear a permanent retainer for about 2 times more than you wore bracers (so I guess 3 more years for me). I'd never thought I have any problems, but turned out I have a wrong kind of bite, so here I am xD not something I'd assume I would be doing in my age hahaha

Still no time for practice or sketches. All I sketched today was one hand.

I inked the whole day and I´m slow but that´s because I had to change a lot of the text
on the page, I´ll get the inks done today and will continue with the flats tomorrow.
I need 4 days for a page at the moment, writing, sketches, inks and flats.
I hope I´ll get fast in the next months.

I´ll go to the toy shop now and buy a tangram game

That’s exactly right. In the past 3 years, I’ve seen my art improve. I even made the transition to digits art in 2020. Although at the moment I don’t have access to my tablet, so I can’t work on some of my comic series that are digital in art form. But I do like to show my art evolution with even just traditional art.

Everyone has been giving great tips on how to get better, either by giving links to anatomy drawings or by telling others what they need to work on so that’s been helpful.

Hoooooly over 1300 new posts here since I’ve been gone - so much to catch up! Carpal tunnel gone and my day is steadily getting a little more predictable so I’m hoping to squeeze some drawing back into my life, even if it’s only a bit :).

I probably won’t play this game but I’d like to get a copy for Mig and spectate - it looks fun!

Welcome back, good that the carpal tunnel thing is gone
and great drawing

Awwwww I missed your stuff so much :coffee_love:
Also, 1300??? Wow we're flooders xD

Thanks guys, I missed you and the sketch thread so much!! I love life with a newborn so much but also I never knew the value of free time before now.

And lolol yeah it’s a fantastically prolific group - rock on, guys. :hype_01:

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Quick sketches of the Straw Hat Crew (most of it, anyways):

@migxmeg YAS! Welcome back!!! So you're finally getting into that newborn nap schedule routine? That is bliss right there. Your Zelda looks greeeeeeeeat! (I miss kid naps so much)

Idk what I’m doing but yeh. If anyone knows who this is you’re amazing. Rough rough sketch.

I will start a new drawing calendar soon.
I had one with poses, hand poses and different other things,
I wish I would have continued doing that.

Found this 10 year old drawing and thought it was really funny. xD
I remember drawing this at school--it was my first time using a Cintiq, so it was enthralling. lol

Can't really show what I am doing here, but your guess will probably be right :tapa_mummy:

I forgot how much of a pain in the bum foreshortening is. :cry_swag:

Throws a cape over it. :joy:

Looks gorgeous though!
Also I missed that beard :smirk:

Here's a very rough sketch for a cover I'm working on.

Ya know? I always though how people have always something to draw, and I besides my comic don't have much, besides the ocassional fan art... and then I remembered -I play videogames always, why don't do I do those dudes! So yeah, I am playing Ni No Kuni II, and made Roland. Now I have an excuse to draw.

Also, played with the gradient map for the colors. I am liking very much the results of that, because I just color with greys, and then just by magic, poof! I have a lot of color to choose for the piece!