17260 / 19080
Nov 2023

After reading a bit more of How to Noir, I have done this little 3 page story, based on the chapter 1 of the novel The Masked Criminal1 by Ramen.
Does anyone here have a fav action novel that I could try to hit with the noirifying ray? It makes wonders as a practice!

Jesus I hadn't realized how long it'd been since I last posted here. Anyway, here are some Procreate sketches of Nigel being amoral

Recent patreon sketch reward of the cutie digimon Herissmon.

Yes I'm alive lol, just struggling to be at a pc with my hip pain issues currently, missed you all!

This wednesday's chapter illustration WIP! (Smoll spoiler~)

@Mallory I’m in team larger pic. More focus on the MC and that negative space in the smaller image is drawing more attention to the top football helmet (which is kind of dead space). The tighter shot in the larger image feels more streamlined and focused.

@simonitropunk ish. I can see the fingers but without clear shapes, it’s tough. Maybe a more overt illustration of a gripping hand and some sand escaping through the fingers (just a bit) might help. Either way, dialogue explaining what we’re seeing can add the right context.

She’s a bit hangry right now.

Well, I tried again to do a traditional portrait.
I used willow charcoal mostly, a mechanical pencil with HB mines, and a bit of graphite powder. And even when I can say that its better than I have ever done before on traditional, its way before I can sincerely call this 'art' and 'portait'. Comparing with the model, its way off, so the character looks like it, but no, and as art goes, this is too plain. I still have to learn how to play with the values.

Anyway, just to laugh a bit, look at the second drawing. That was my 1st try ever. It looks so ugly! Poor thing!

Well. Back to practice.

I shouldn’t call this a WIP. I want to call it a WIP, but I won’t!

Drawing more details is too damn tempting, but I’m gonna call it good for the inks. We’re done with the inks! (I’m very conflicted if you can’t tell).

Reference. A small guy selling local fruits and Nouggu-nuts.

(I hope you don't mind me making this kind of joke, if you do I'll gladly delete this post.)
Me selling weed near a high school to make it to the end of the month:

omg yes, Herrismon is the cutest and it looks so adorable in your style! QwQ

Sending you best wishes regarding your hip, though :o

Hand sketches and the goddess pencils from yesterday.

I realized that the moment my style went from full-on cartoony to more realistic renderings was when I actively used my hands as reference. One day I’ll have to deconstruct my learnings and take them back to the cartoon-style.

Drawing on glass practice has resumed. Slightly better today but I need to learn the software more.

Hey people! I missed you!
I had some trouble coming back, but I hope you'll let me in :wink:
Was working on some banners for one of the sites ^^ don't feel like any of them are good enough, so I dropped the idea for now xD

@moontokkym @DanielRKM thank you both for your input! Looking at it again with fresh eyes, I think you guys are both right.

I started final work on the bigger one. The composition is good but I'm just... not digging the final lines and colors I'm coming up with (on the MC)? I liked the sketch better :stuck_out_tongue:

@Kelheor eeee hi!

So I had a dream last night and this is all I remember

Might render it later
I’ve always wanted a character with six arms
Idk how to draw guns :weary:

Zombie sketches and a funny skeleton playing upright bass,
it´s for a commission, I will not use these drawings, I can´t upload
the sketches for the commission

Kinda forgot that the episode I‘m working on has less pages than usual, so I finished lineart in mere 3 days.
Experimented around with some effects afterwards, I‘m quite proud how it all turned out so far :3

(Also, mechs are cool af, but a pain in the butt to come up with a decent design qwq)

@DanielRKM here to chew ass and kick bubblegum xD :heart:
@Mallory ugh, why is it always the "I like the sketch better", that's totally unfair :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I really like her determined face tho!!
@Lensing the skeleton is mood :smiley:
Glad to be here ^^

Am I the only one who couldn't access the forum for the whole day?
Anywho I decided to finish this sketch and maybe make a banner for 3 sites out of it.

Oh, and I wish everyone a great start of December!

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

The upcoming cover art WIP for the next Lyza's Sandstorm chapter featuring young Lyza, her father and her brother... more characters to be included.

I really, really really, like how the noir style gave a bit of direction to my drawings.
Sandman (Wesly Dodds)

Saturday, it´s freezing cold in germany.
I´m repeating some anatomy stuff in small parts
and I´m trying to make it fun

i’ve been gone for a while, but still trying to improve, so i made a sketch of a cool character concept i had