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Oct 2024

there's a dozen but i chose this one...after that, i became a super fan of the franchise. it's everything i ever wanted. was going through very tough times and used to just play all of them, still do.

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Counter strike. I have a lot of memories with that game... :laughing:

I don't know how much it really "changed"-- I mean. I guess if I didn't adore the game I wouldn't have a hunter's mark tattoo on my wrist... The main reason I say bloodborne changed my life, however, is because it was my outlet-- my happy place during some pretty mentally bad years of my life. Instead of pouring my energy into self destruction, I poured it into getting half decent at this game. Mind you, I don't really play games. At most I can say before BB I was playing like... pokemon and fire emblem. The PS4 I got on was referred to as "The bloodborne machine" since that's the only game I had and would play for a long time.
I was god awful, and even now I can't say I'm great (though I can't say that to friends because they always say "You did a blood level 4 run, ofc that means you're GOOD" but like... I struggle too much to be good, and it's definitely not 1000+ hrs into this game kinda good. I should be better.)
It kicked off my interest into the old classic gothic literature, which inspired my writing style. It helped me with my awful moments so much I got the hunter's mark tattooed over some old SH scars. And it has brought many fun moments and times with friends after I started playing for fun instead of an escape.

My favourite game is Shinobi 3 return of the Ninja Master. Not necessarily because it changed my life but because it sums up all the best parts of it.

Pokémon emerald

Growing up in a religious household there were certain games tv shows movies etc that I wasn’t able to partake in,PokĂ©mon was one of them.

Emerald was the first game I played of my own choosing and was finally able to let my inner child play the game we wanted to for so long. Emerald is what sparked my interests in gaming again.

hmu if you ever want to give it a go and need help with anything. I defiantly take any excuse to replay this thing lmao.

I never finished but had fun playing. Shadow of Yharnam was the last boss i remembered facing and after that, i just stopped haha

I feel old, but the Sly Cooper series is actually what got me into drawing in my tweens, especially this one in particular.

I actually sat down with the cover art and broke down the characters into basic shapes and taught myself how to draw.
Probably explains why I'm into drawing animals now. Also wrote a fanfic (forever deleted), but I still have binders full of art I used to do XD Thanks, Sly. Wouldn't be here without ya!

There is this special videogame that resonated so much within me and is Red Death Redemption 2. I can't believe I almost skipped this one just to buy Overwatch...

Gorgeous lands, divergent and lively wild, fantastic towns, interesting characters, incredible cast, and honestly the best main character of the history of videogames. Arthur Morgan

ItÂŽs so good.

I once met a girl at a film shooting, she was an extra, I was an extra.
She said that when she only has one wish free she would wish that
her memory gets erased so she can play RDR1 again from the beginning and
experience it again :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
That was so extreme and sounded so extreme so I went to the shop and
bought myself a playstation and RDR1 and played it, just to understand
what she meant.

i understand it now

The first playthrough will always stick with you, so I can relate.

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I don't know, maybe Team Fortress 2. The game itself is pretty simple but I think it was everything in connection to it, like the animations, comics, and fandom. It also caused me to be interested in other Valve games like Half-Life 2 and Portal 1 & 2.