- Hmm... I think it could be a nice misterous forest with coniferous trees and rays of sunshine between them.
- I'll chose paved one because I usually walk on heels, and on heels it's not convenient to walk on the naked ground.
- It's a very beautiful and expensive cup.I'll take it with myself to sell it later, so I'll afford myself to not work for a while.
- It's a clean, sparkling water spring. I will stay for a while near it, trying to look for a fishes, because I like to observe fishes in natural water environment. Maybe I'll even wash my hands and face in it.
- The bear... I dunno, it looks like a normal bear from national geographic? I'll just stay still and wait for what will happen. Bear is faster and stronger than me anyway, so if it'll decide to attack me, I'll not be able to do anything. So I'll just wait passively for my fate...
- Wall looks like a normal brick wall. I will feel interest and try to go along the wall to find out, what's behind it.
Interesting! So here are my answers and here are my thoughts after reading the solution:
You have gone for a walk in a forest. You've been walking for about 20 minutes, long enough that all you can see now is forest. Describe everything that you see and feel in the forest.
I feel the bark of tall trees ahead of me before looking up at the sunlight that trinkles through the canopy above, while crinkling twigs and dirt under my boots.
There is sun trickling through but part of it is covered by the tall trees. Bark is rough but twigs on the ground are squishy. Life overall is pretty good, but I know I have a few issues in my family life (not like my kid or husband but like my parents) and my own depression that sometimes covers the sun. As long as I can see the sunlight shining through, I'm okay. -
Continuing on, you come to two paths. One is paved, and one is unpaved. What decision do you make, and why?
The unpaved one. I make my own future.
Looking around you, you spot a cup. Describe, in detail, the cup and what you do when you see it.
It is a silver cup with purple gems decorated around its side. It looks like a goblet, with silver vines that have thorns twisting around it.
This one is little interesting. The cup is rare and precious. It a rather big cup, being a goblet, but the vines and thorns decorating it make me hesitate to pick it up. If you kick it or lightly touch it, all of what's inside would spill: I tend to like talking and being friendly and I share a lot early. However, I also don't put in a massive effort to keep close and if you hurt me, I can easily forget you exist, except for a mild feeling of disgust. But if you're willing to touch the thorns and pick me up and keep me close, it'll be hard for me to let go. The goblet represents the one most important relationship I have: My husband and by extension my kid. Walking further, you come upon water. Describe the water you see, and what you do.
The water is clear and cold and there is a little current. It's a creek. I take off my shoes and walk in the water, splashing sometimes. It feels squishy between my toes.
This is also interesting! It's a creek thus it's traveling somewhere in a long line. Since this represents my sex life, that means it should continue and since it's a creek, it would be with very few people (or one person). I play around in the water and splash because it's fun! Sex is fun and it's a creek so I won't drown!
You turn a corner and hear a rustling noise, and then you see a bear. Describe the bear, and what you do.
The bear is shuffling along. It doesn’t see me. It looks like it’s just scrounging for food. I stay still and watching for a few moments, admittedly afraid to move. It’s a big bear with dark brown fur, but while I am scared, I don’t feel like I am in mortal danger.
The bear looks up, then looks me…then looks away and saunters off in a little trot. I think it was more nervous of me than I am of it. Perhaps other people been here before.
I do tend to PANIC when I first come across a problem or a conflict. However, I also tend to try and study it. Most of life's problems are not small, but they are manageable. Sometime's they are not problems at all. It would be foolish to think that I alone suffered this kind of conflict and no one else ever had. You continue on until you come to a wall. What does the wall look like, and what do you do?
The wall is a stone wall with little hands and faces popping out of it. The faces are white and some are screaming, some are just looking. Some hands are beckoning, others are reaching out, trying to escape. The wall is covered in brown and green ivy. It’s been there for a while.
I sit down and study the wall, before I think about the day and day dream a little bit. Then I walk away, back home.
This is a little sad. I have already seen death before. I have lost a life that really only was beginning (small little hands and faces that are screaming) and have been coming to grips that I'm at the age where my grandparents are dying too (calm faces that are beckoning). As someone said above, death is a part of life and it has always been there. However, while I study, I can't see through it. I walk back home, because I am not ready to die just yet.
What if the forets iw windy and am seeing all the plants growing?
Lol i took the unpaved one because adventure.. lol
Ok a cup.. what is a cup? I have a language barrier here, literally. Well les see a bowl. Brown and woodeen bowl. I leave it there because it belongs to someone else
Ok.. i just sit on the ... side of the water (language barrier lol) its a pond with clear water that reflects the sky... ok this is starting to be akward, next one
Omg im a bear. Its going to eat meeee!! I hope it dont see me.
Is a wall i walk alongside it until i got tired and then return home
Jajajaja i love tests xD they are fun!
Hmmm true, I mean in essence I still chose the easy path because the harder path I imagined was way worse? But I still imagined the easy path as a rocky road...So maybe I can see the consequences of each decisions?
IDK even, there was no puddles or mud??? I really thought that the water... WATER DROPLETS falling from leaves was it. Guess it's time to believe in religion and become a nun.
If I think about it...I may have actually solved the problem without confronting it?? I mean bears are supposed to be afraid of humans and making it go away or walking away from it is the logical option.
This was the most interesting one. I realized it never said WHAT SIZE the bear was so I decided that I could CHOOSE what kind of bear was there. So I decided on a bear cub, a cute brown fuzzy baby bear. But I also thought that its momma might be around somewhere and I needed to up my level of awareness and avoid trying to treat the bear like a harmless pet.
And best to avoid the bear no matter how "fun" it might seem to play with.
The lesson I gathered was that - WE get to decide how big most of our own problems seem and - never to assume that a small problem won't lead to other larger problems down the path- when ignored or taken lightly.
These kinds of things are mostly just a prompt for introspection. They're fun and helpful because they get you to take a closer look at yourself.
But yeah, I don't think they have any basis in reality.
Imagination is heavily based off of past experiences after all, either your own or things you've seen in media. For example, I imagined a rocky path because the mountains where I live are full of boulders, and a huge, branching waterfall because I saw one a few days ago and it really stuck with me.
- I'm in a nice sunny forest with a cool breeze, there are coppiced birch trees and mossy outcroppings with bilberry bushes. Wow my life is awesome, apparently?
- I check my map and follow the path that goes where I want to go. Why would I go into a forest with no map? I'm not an idiot. Yeah I overthink and overprepare, that's pretty much me.
- There's a cheap white ceramic mug on the ground, like the kind you'd find tonnes of in the cupboard of most offices. Who even put it here? I guess I'll leave it somewhere visible and safe in case somebody comes looking for it? Yeah, okay, I don't always get other people, but I'm always clearing up their messes and looking after them.
It's a little babbling stream of clean water. I look at it for a bit because it's pretty, then I... continue walking I guess? HAAHAHAHAHAHA
- WHAT THE HELL? WHY IS THERE A FECKING BEAR!? I LIVE IN ENGLAND! WE DON'T HAVE BEARS! Describe it!? I don't know, it looks like a bear! Brown and like... hairy and... big? I quietly sneak back the way I came. I'm pretty light on my feet so hopefully I can get out of sight but like... nobody has ever taught me what to do if I meet a bear because I LIVE IN ENGLAND. The reaction of 'what the hell is going on!?' and trying to avoid the conflict does sound like me.
- It's a mossy drystone wall that comes up to about my head height because I'm short. I walk alongside it until I can find a gate or a stile. AH YES. THAT IS SO ME. SEEKING A CONVENIENT WAY TO EMBRACE FAMILIAR, COSY DEATH (hahaha, no that's nothing like me).
Forest: I'm on a hiking path on a wet, foggy day. It's supposedly on a mountain, leading to the mountain top, but right now the path is completely flat before me as far as my eyes can see with the fog. The trees are tall and numerous, ranging from very thin to sorta thick.
Fork: I take the unpaved path because surely the paved path leads out of the forest? I'm here to enjoy the hike, might as well stay longer.
Cup: It's a used paper cup, placed perfectly upside down in a prominent spot (like at a fork of the path, or on a flat rock). It has to be trash, but it's so neatly upside down like a top hat, as if someone placed it like that intentionally. I pick it up to clean the forest.
Water: It's a large puddle that gets slightly deeper than ankle-deep in the center. I move forward without stepping into it (walk around it, jump across where it gets narrow enough, whatever) because while my shoes are water-resistant, they don't come up high enough to keep the water out. The water is clean, it's fresh rain on unpolluted forest floor. Doesn't mean I want it in my shoes.
^Makes sense. I'm a non-sex-repulsed asexual. X'D "Sex isn't gross and I can see why it's fun, but I don't really want it in my life" sums it up pretty well.
Bear: A lone black bear. Not too unexpected in the forests where I live. The bear and I are aware of each other's presence. We don't really come close enough to feel threatened (we're at least 10 meters apart, maybe even 30; the fog isn't too bad at this spot, and there are lots of thin trees between us). The bear goes on its way, and I mine.
Wall: It's a broken stone-and-cement wall. Height is uneven, but even at the tallest part it only comes up to my chest. Very little moss considering where it is located. There is minimal graffiti on it. (Random little observation: the fog has returned. It was almost gone when I came upon the bear.) The wall does not block the trail; either it never blocked the path, or it has been completely destroyed where it used to block the path. I glance at the graffiti, then keep going on my way.
Trees?? Um, dirt. Sunlight coming through the leaves. Birds, every once in a while. I don't really wanna be here. What do you want from me, I'm not an outdoors guy lol I've never been in a forest before. / I guess I'm in a good place, but I don't wanna be?? I'm not entirely sure what to make of my answer xD
The unpaved road is rocky for whatever reason, and I'm not about that, so paved it is. I mean, I doubt I'd get lost, but walking on rocks is.. ugh. Paved road, let's do this. Easier to walk on. The pavement's kinda like a sidewalk, I guess, dunno how relevant that might be. / I do prefer easier methods. That's not a surprise to me lol
Red solo cup looking like it was thrown away, it's got a dark liquid.. could be soda or coffee. Real talk, I just leave it there, I don't see a trash can around so eh, no one'll mind. / Oh good, cheap, trashy, and distant. That's a major oof. It's not too far off though? I'm assuming you mean relationships in general and not just romantic ones. I isolate myself a bunch and what friends I do have, I find it hard to keep communicating sometimes despite the fact that I do deeply value them.
Thought of a rocky, shallow river you could easily walk across, but there's a bridge over it anyways. I stand on the bridge and just look around and take in the scenery.. not that I really care, there's just nothing else to do outdoors for me lol / What that sounds like is that sex isn't that big of a deal to me and I didn't even bother getting into it. That's not only funny, it's accurate lol I mean, like.. sex is cool, sure, but like.. who cares that much about it?
I'm sorry, I turned a corner in a forest??? That kinda implies there's a wall or a building. If there's a bear, I'd walk back behind the corner and take a peek every once in a while to see if it's gone. If it doesn't leave, then whatever, I'll turn back from the way I came. The bear's an adult and it's brown. Sorry if that ain't descriptive enough / So.. I avoid big problems like's not a big deal until they're gone or I am. Again, accurate lol I don't need to get into it and make a paragraph about my edgy backstory
Just a broken-down piece of a stone brick wall. Oh well, nothing special to see here, might as well go back and leave the damn forest. What am I doing here to begin with?? / Boy.. "Nothing special to see here"? I treat death like it's nothing according to my answer. Ehhh, kinda? My experiences with others' deaths all involved people I was never close to, so their dying never impacted me it should've. I get that it's hard to deal with but at the same time, it's kinda like.. well, we're all gonna die regardless, why worry so much over it?
And that's all my answers and reactions! This sure was interesting lol
Reading the solution was kind of sad? But I think it was pretty fitting.
- The forest was dark and misty with tall spruce trees. There was little sunlight and the air felt slightly chilly.
- I chose the paved road because it is the more comforting and safer choice, hopefully a sign of people and a way out of the forest.
- The cup was a small tea cup with a chip in it. I walk closer to the cup to see what it is but I leave it there.
- The water is a stream or a river where the water moves slowly. It's dark but not particularly dirty water. I try to find a safe way to cross it.
- The bear was large brown bear. I tried to back away from it slowly, not turning my back to it so it doesn't attack.
- The wall is a tall brick wall covered in moss and wines. I try to find my way around it.
Trees, a bit of the sky above, plenty of ground, rocks, fallen branches. I feel calm and with nature. Maybe a bit nervous about wild animals possibly appearing.
Paved because it's easier to walk on and bring me to civilization faster
It's a teacup and it's chipped because it fell from someone's belongings. Leave it on the ground because it's dirty. [LOL I don't deal with the baggage of relationships I guess. Let me just leave that right there.]
It's a small river flowing gently down. I find some rocks that I can step on to cross it [Hm, yeah, that's probably accurate. My sex life is simple, but satisfying. lol]
It's a rock wall, probably has some graffiti on it. Maybe a campsite nearby with broken bear bottles. It's a wall. I don't do anything.
I've written this halfway before I accidentally deleted them so I'll just wrote our some part.
Pretty green and yellowish. Ray shining down from between the leaves from the low tree, it's kinda warm I think.
I kinda misunderstood the question and thought about a smooth pathway and a broken down stone brick pathway. I choose the latter.
Paper or styrofoam cup. White. Empty. I kinda pick it up to observe it for a moment and put it down again.
A flowing river. Kinda clear with okay Ish stream of water.
...i... Don't know what to make about this. XDA very big, scary looking bear on its two legs standing up tall in front of me.
Guess I'm pretty screwed.I read this in the morning so I pretty much forgotten the detail for the wall, but I think it's just a normal white stone/brick/cement wall. Pretty smooth and well done, if I jump I think it's just easy to go over the other side.
I had been running from it for over an hour before I arrived at the safety of the forest, but I didn't stop running for another twenty minutes, just to be safe.
Slowing my pace to a steady but swift gait, I began to survey my surroundings.
The red bark of the trees swirled into large, spiral patterns. The naked branches curled into grotesque, finger-like appendages that looked as if they would clutch anything that got close enough. It gave the silent, lifeless forest a macabre atmosphere and aesthetic.
The ground beneath my bare feet was mulchy. Rotted leaves and bark littered the forest floor in its entirety. It had recently rained, so the soil was moist, sticking to the soles of my feet, getting between my toes and under my nails. Small and large rocks dotted the earth and were almost unnaturally smooth. The rocks were mostly the same four shades of dull gray, wet with precipitation and shining in the cloudy, gray, early morning light of the sky.
The air and soil were cold, giving me what would have been an uncomfortable chill had I not been running seconds prior.
The smell of moist soil and rain filled my nose as I took quick, heavy breaths, my mind racing.
What was that thing? How did it know my name? What did it want?
It’s monstrous, sibilant voice echoed in my head, dripping with malice.
Lost in my thoughts and distracted by thirst, I almost didn’t notice a bisecting path up ahead that created an obtuse “V”. To my left, a small, untouched asphalt road, jet-black. To my right, a flat, brown dirt trail.
Both paths seemed to be created with intent, though for what, I didn’t know. That made me skeptical. Neither path seemed like a good choice. What if it was a trap created by that thing? I couldn’t let it lure me in. I knew what it could do, and I wouldn’t let it take me.
I decided to continue forward through the soil, choosing neither path.
I travel for several more minutes and I begin to feel the effects of the cold air as my heart rate slows. The beads of sweat on my face make the temperature feel even lower as a mild breeze hits me.
I shiver and rub my hands together to create friction, then slap them on my wet, ice-cold cheeks for warmth. Distracted by the momentary comfort, I trip on something, falling to the ground.
Looking back to investigate, I noticed a wooden cup half buried in the soil. It was the same shade of red as the dead trees around me.
Forming my hands into makeshift spades, I began to dig at the soil around the cup to unearth it. It was quite a modest size, easily fitting in one hand.
Upon further inspection of the cup, I notice words carved into its side in sharp letters:
"capture the fluid beast"
Strange, but it would be useful if I came across some clean water. I really needed some.
I continued walking further, for what felt like hours, eventually seeing a large, murky body of water in the distance. I quicken my pace, my dry throat being my sole motivator.
As I approach, I see the water begin to shift and swirl, then it starts to rise and form into the shape of a menacing insectoid creature.
Fear paralyzes me, but then I remember the cup.
“capture the fluid beast”
I raise the cup and point it at the creature, open end facing it. I feel the cup start to vibrate and I hear the sound of howling wind. The air in front of me turns into a strong current that begins to funnel into the cup. Large volumes of water separate from the creature, and get sucked in.
The creature tries to resist, to pull away, but to no avail, until it is finally gone.
I feel the indentation of the engraved letters shift. Taking another look, it reads:
I examine the inside of the cup. The water is clear. I didn’t know if it was safe to drink and I didn’t care. I was too thirsty. I take large, quick gulps until I couldn’t anymore.
To my surprise, the cup was still completely full, as if I had never even taken a sip.
I hear a rustling behind me and whip around to see a large, red bear. It’s fur was surprisingly dry and it wore a forest-green scarf around its neck.
It opened its mouth and spoke, “You have defeated the beast. You are the chosen one.”
The voice was female and it had a mystic quality to it.
“I was just thirsty,” I replied.
“For defeating the beast, I am forever in your debt. If there is anything you require. Do not hesitate to ask,” the bear answered.
I looked behind me, and pointed, “Do you think you could help me get across?”
The bear dipped her head in a nod and then sauntered up to the edge of the water beside me. She opened her mouth and exhaled, her breath a visible, wisping cloud. As the cloud made contact with the water, it froze a small area around it. The area of ice began to quickly expand until the entire body of water was frozen.
“Climb onto my back,” the bear said.
I did, sitting astride the bear’s large body. Her fur was warm and comforting.
We walked in silence across the ice until we were on the other side, then I climbed off the bear.
“Take my scarf,” the bear said, “it will keep you warm.”
I untied it and wrapped it around my body. The scarf shifted and hugged by body, forming into a cloak. It was warm, like being next to a fire.
“Thank you,” I replied, then turned and headed into the trees.
Hours later, I reach the end of my journey.
A gray, stone wall too tall to climb, stretching endlessly to the left and right. Standing between me and the wall was the thing that had been chasing me.
“Thisss isss the end of the line,” it said.
I begin to pour the cup out and a torrent of water shoots violently onto the ground, forming into the beast again. I feel like I am one with the beast, able to control it’s every move, after having consumed it.
I battle with my pursuer, hitting, stabbing, pinching, and grabbing. The battle shakes the earth beneath us, continuing for a long time, until there is a victor.
I think I tried way too hard. I have no Idea what this says about me. I think it just means I like to telling stories. Feel free to tell me what you think it means.
I imagined a large forest in the mountains with tall evergreens. The high elevation made it slightly cold but the sun was shining and there is bright green moss growing on everything which makes me happy.
when I came onto the two paths I went with unpaved because I can probably find more interesting bits of nature along the way.
The cup I saw was one of those blue tin cups with the white speckles? it was full of fresh rainwater and some pebbles were settled on the bottom. I took it with me.
The water I saw, besides the one in the cup, was a beautiful loud river rapid, I didn't get in because it was cold and probably dangerous.
I saw a black bear minding its own business. I thought about banging the tin cup on a rock to scare it away but it never noticed me anyway so I watched it until it stumbled away on its own.
I came across a red brick wall I looked at it for a while and moved on. it was an open forest so I went around to keep walking.
- The forest floor is flat and pretty clear of overgrowth. The treas around me are pretty tall straight and leafy. I do not see anything but trees around me though I can see pretty far, as the trees are widely spread. I only hear the rustling of wind in the leaves.
- I turn onto a paved path, since it promises an easier walking surface.
- The cup is ornate and made of, seemingly, gold. It is encrusted with various gems. I cautiously look around, since the cup is very out of place here. It makes me worried. After some prodding, if I can safely assume, that it is safe to take the cup, I'll take it with me.
- It is a small creek of fresh water. I pass it by.
- It is a huge brown, zombie bear. Its fur is tangled and dirty, most of its head is gone due to decay. It doesn't seen to notice me yet. So I back away before it does.
- It is a tall, stone wall. Maybe 5 meters tall. It is made of some grey stone. Some moss can be seen in the seems between the stones, but there isn't much of it. I follow the wall along.
Edit: Just read the solution. You can switch all the interpretations randomly, and it will make just as much sense
1) damp kinda dark and smells of leaves and greenery with little rays of sun shining into it. So I guess my life is dull but with some good stuff(thou I hate the sun it burns)
2) paved path obviously, no point in hurting my feet if I can help it
3)Its a mug and its empty with leaves (never had a relationship nor a crush so that's pretty appropriate).
4) a clean stream. I use the mug from the last question to get water out of it to drink and play with it with my hands and watch fishes. I'm not sure what's that supposed to mean
5)Brown, big and scary and I freeze and then run as fast I can despite I know its a bad idea.
6) the wall is a boring brick wall and I just tap it to see what it feels like
Not so good at visualization in my mind But was fun
It's a cloudy day mid fall, which is my favorite season to hike. No annoying sun and heat, few people on the trails, no leaves on the trees. [I'm so dead inside
Unpaved path. I didn't come here to walk on concrete. Besides, the paved one probably leads out of the forest. [Seems that I like to make things difficult for myself. Probably true]
A dirty paper cup that probably someone left behind. I leave it there and plan to pick it up on the way back to put it in the thrash. [So this sounds like I'll deal with messy relationships later, maybe it'll go away in the meantime]
A shallow mountain spring with rocks that's crosses over the trail. I step on the rocks to cross to the other side and don't get my shoes wet. [Lol this is accurate]
A brown bear. It hasn't seen me so I backtrack carefully as a ready my pepper spray just in case. [Avoid problems but attack them with all you got when you don't have any other choice
The wall is part of some old ruins. I walk around it to have a better look of it. Ruins are always cool to explore. [Clinical depression and I have a long history, so yeah, I can see this analogy work out]