11809 / 13900
Oct 2020

Don't worry. Even if you're not Scar-Jo, you're still prettyyyyy (TvT)b

@skicoak hugz in teary Irish

So I guess since I've been talking about retrospective, it maybe be more meaningful to actually share a couple of my findings... mainly for insight.

This weeks dive consisted of 3 stories. 1 traditional animal drawing, 1 hand study, and 1 digital drawing (almost finished)

What went well
1. Portrait pieces Experimented with darker tones and effects (without losing other things I've developed)
2. Happy with portrait caption

What could have gone better
1. Hand studies were not very clean this week. Since my digital drawings base around what I practice, I should have taken a second day to do ones I'm happy with and hold off starting a new digital project.
2. I didn't make enough downtime for art history and cataloging. Compounded on unstable drawing.

Other considerations
- adding in colorful art projects (to help stimulate the art dives)

Retroflections? Is that like "reflections" but you think you invented it first?

@LCT_m_a_d This is very insightful! I like the terminology, hehe, dive and stories ^^
Also...art history and cataloguing? :open_mouth: Do you add this as a part of a drawing process?
(btw I wrote you on Discord, but I don't know if you ever there? :pumpkin:)

Anyway, I spent 3 hours standing (protesting I guess) on the street yesterday and now I have temperature and my whole body is aching :cry_swag:
But I also made apple pie today. Which is nice :coffee_love:

Protesting by choice or by need? :worried:
Apply pie tho...

I should clarify cataloguing since that may not be accurate.
In college I had this thing where after I start a drawing, I would completely walk away from it and study art history and analyze at a lot of contemporary art drawings until I get fresh ideas of tricks I wanted to "try". So when I went back to the studio each drawing assignment was just satisfying my curiosity keeping me present for full 4-8 hour drawing sessions. Plus I double-dipped into my art history studies. It seemed counter-productive and inefficient but it was sort of a vaccine for art-block and fatigue. I work a similar way with programming.

I deactivated my discord (will re-activate it a couple weeks after the US Elections).
I'll check though later today.

speaking of pie, tis the season of pie:

Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie? What's y'alls favorite fall pie?

  • pumpkin
  • apple


of the two choices there, apple, but my personal favorite is pecan even though i haven't had it in years

The only pies I like are those with potato and meat, my family always used to make one for guests and so on. But it's like 5 years when we stopped making them. Now I guess why.

xD I feel that way about celery and peanut butter, hate the celery but love the peanut butter, so I get where you're coming from. Everyone is different.

before we moved states it was a common food item in the house especially around thanksgiving but since then i've yet to find it at any stores so i can only assume i've either got to go bakery hunting or find out how to make it myself. i miss it a lot :cry_01:

@VibrantFox whaaaa? They don't have pecan pie? Were you in the South by any chance? My Dad's Mom was Southern (Kentucky/WV), and so she was the one that pushed the pecan pie. We just kinda continued the food tradition of yummy pecan pie.