13463 / 13901
Feb 2023

I'm starting to associate the dentist with PAIN...:weary:

Finished coloring another page last night(paid the price coz I stayed up really late sitting in the chair all night and now my back kinda hurts)...about to start on a new page today; took some Aleve and keepin it moving.

So my mind has decided- gonna do the con in DC.

When you know you can finish the page today and stay up all night until you finish it... I do this all the time. I've exhausted myself several times

Yeah, I'm just trying to stay ahead of my timeline. I need to have this comic finished by late April/early May and if I can finish it earlier, then that would allow me to rest a little going into May(the month of my con show). I also got 2 prints I need to make as well; staying ahead of the schedule will give me some breathing room between these projects.

I did. Was up til 3AM last night/early morning working on the new page...it's halfway done- eating some lunch and then I'm going to work on the page soem more today.

Hopefully I can finish it and move to the next one; would be really cool if I can get 10 pages done by the end of this week(the book is 23 pages in total)- that would make me upbeat going into March...

In other news...I'm doing Awesome Con in DC this summer(paid for my table)...a little nervous and a little excited at the same time. I've got no choice but to push through with my current projects now..!

So 2 cons within 2 weeks of each other.

Applied to a con- Rangerstop(Power Rangers) as a counter should I have not went with Awesome Con...and GOT ACCEPTED FOR IT. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna be able to do it because I'm doing Awesome Con(it's the same weekend)...

What if the Encanto gifts were reversed instead of disappearing?
Delores would be deaf, what would happen to the other people?
Random thoughts with Opal...

I'm locked in my room
My whole family is melting down
I might start in a minute because I'm hungry and thirsty but I'm too scared to leave
Just another normal day
We all get cranky when we're hungry

I am tired AF- had to work on a project for the past 2 days at my day job(that was handed to me at the last minute after revisions); both nights I didnt leave work until after midnight. So "yay" for overtime, but I'm tired...the only good part of last night was when I stopped and got IHOP for dinner- that chicken and waffles went down GOOD.

Slept til 1:30 this afternoon...doing laundry and some light cleaning now. Bout to go throw out some trash, drop off a few things at my storage, and order some Chinese takeout. Once I get back, I'm gonna watch some shows I didnt get to watch last night, and get back to working on my comic pages...

brain thing that happened today

me [sitting down chilling drawing and gaming]: (❁´◡`❁)
random thought: what if someone misgendered one of your characters?

it's not exactly a fear of mine but i don't look forward to the possibility of it happening so i'm determined make sure character bios are a thing i have both on the comics site as well as like small inserts at the end of chapters or something coz i refuse to claim that negative energy

I've heard that happen to lot's of really good artists even experienced ones so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself

My brother just reminded me how long it's been since I listened to Little Twelvetoes

my knowledge on how the forum replies work is literally less than 1%.... I don't even know if I'm replying to the right person rn :dizzy_face::dizzy_face: that's....it? ig? XDD

There's a little arrow in the bottom right corner of every message, so when you press at it, you directly reply to them. You can also do the @ thing if you're not sure you reply to them, and you can do it with a few other people :slight_smile: like this @apini