13521 / 13900
Mar 2023

Finished filling in the remastered pencil & inks for the 5 formatted pages...since it's late, I'll start colors tomorrow. Gonna wrap up some ACNH & call it a night. Got 10 pages left- if I make work with colors this week and keep on pace I still should be able to finish the comic by the end of April/beginning of May.

In other news, I have a person hitting me up for some extended design work. I'm gonna keep it simple, coz I don't have [a lot of] time to devote to it(and the monies most likely aint going to be much).

Back to coloring on Clique pages; coloring out of sequence though. About 80% done with the current page...will finish up tomorrow night. Took a minute to get started coz I had to watch these movies I rented yesterday(had to have them back at the rental kiosk before 9 PM).

This weather has been crazy this weekend...was hot yesterday then got really cool last night. Was kinda cool today but has warmed up a bit this evening.

It arrived..!

No more being bent over like a hunchback comic gremlin carrying my comic totes & stuffs to the convention...

I shall be a SLIGHTLY [ordinary] hunched over gremlin carrying my comic totes & stuffs to the convention

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Well, "E" is the most common letter in the English alphabet. Still, that sucks. It's not even the kind of keyboard you can make cute keycaps for :confused:

Got approved for the house! :tada:

I'm really relieved- and really stressed at the same time...coz I gotta turn up a notch on getting MORE on this book done over the next 2 weeks(gonna reserve the last week in April to really pack final things up and get moved); so now this is gonna push back me finally finishing the book & prints until the first or second week in May.

I'm just so glad this ordeal is over...gonna get more space to live and a separate area to work on my art stuffs at.

Should snap in again. Happens when sliding the keys sideways against an edge of a bag or so. If the Lego hooks are damaged, try to glue it to the rim, not the middle. Minute glue or 2k should work.

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For future reference, dogs find the concept of grapes difficult to comprehend. And no, it's not a veggie thing. Trifle likes to crunch on carrots all the time. She just wasn't sure what you do with a grape.

I dunno if this a joke or anything (sorry if it is!) but just in case you don't know, dogs and grapes don't mix! They will make them very sick very quickly. :skull_crossbones:

That explains why she threw up earlier, I thought it was just because she ate an entire jar of peanut brother my 6-year-old brother gave her too fast TTNTTGYRHDRETGFDRFGS
Good thing she has an iron stomach, she's eaten a half dozen mini chocolate donuts before and didn't even get queasy (she's a food thief, can't take your eyes off your sandwich)

Ah yeah, grapes shut their kidneys down so she might be off for a bit! If she doesn't eat or seems lethargic make sure you take her to a vet. Even small amounts can kill them. Same for chocolate I'm afraid! That is also very toxic. Maybe jam donuts will suffice instead? :joy: Bet she loves your bro!

No worries, I had a cat for like eighteen years before I found out lillies can kill them. 🤷 If you don't know you don't know!

Trifle's doing fine right now. My mom says she's built up an iron stomach from her five hours on the street before being taken to the shelter where we got her. :laughing:
In unrelated news, the game I'm Scratching out just crashed while I was assembling the third bossfight (and by that I mean Scratch itself crashed for zero reason. I didn't even run the program :rage:)

Modified/updated my business card for the convention and sent it off to print...if I can just get this book finished, so the anxiety monster will go away.