13895 / 13900
Oct 2024

One of my favorite movie directors David Lynch has passed. RIP!
I'm planning to watch some more of his movies. (only watched Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive & Dune)

I published the complete season of the last part of my series and with it, I learned important things about the creation of a comic, as well as from all those who continue to read my work. They have been very kind to me and I thank them for such important support. :slight_smile:

Just trying to rest this weekend- well also going to start on a new art piece...got some much needed grocery shopping done & did laundry. Today's task is to try to get a room cleaned before I go back to work on Tuesday...

Made it to the weekend(again!)- plans are to do some cleaning, laundry, and work on the art piece...no football on Saturday(the games are on Sunday) so I should be able to focus and get a little more done...

Sunday's games are the conference finals, so the championship game will be on 2/9- after that, I get to cancel my streaming TV app and start saving some coin(to use elsewhere)...also with football season being over I get to focus on stuff I havent been watching(like certain movies and TV shows); up til now I've mainly been watching football and anime- with the occasion movie or TV show around the holidays.

That was honestly insane to hear about.
Have you watched Twin Peaks? If you haven't, I think you'd enjoy it a lot. It's a real trip.

Finished pencils on the piece- currently working on inks...it's like my drive is ignoring that I've been up since 8:30 this morning because of a doctor's appointment.

Came home, got laundry done, and then got back to work on the art...

I slept HARD and a little longer than I intended...but I guess I needed that.

Gonna try to finish inks on this art piece today since no sports ball is on TV- and continue watching this streaming show I started last night.

13 days later

Ah! I've read your comic! Thanks, and I personally feel the same about your series.

Was finally able to order the docking brick I needed to synch my laptop to my large monitor screen AND my drawing tablet; also reordered another 13port USB hub for my external HDs and my USB flash sticks.

I'm going to try to focus on commissions, I have experience in that, it's not easy. But if it doesn't turn out as I suspect, I have a few alternatives on what I'm going to do this year. Although, without a doubt, improving my art is one of them.

Trying to improve my art as well.
I feel like I'm kinda stumbling through everything I'm trying right now, but hey that's life for ya.

Waiting to see if I get a table to a small local show...if it doesnt happen, I'm not gonna worry about it coz I'll get to keep that table fee in my pocket.

Been taking a break between pieces...not that I planned to- it's just happening.

Been feeling really tired for the past couple of days, plus had to do a [special] project at my day job, and then my docking brick & USB hub arrived...decided I'm not going to install them until Saturday.

Also got approved for the small local show, so I gotta pay up my table fee; trying to debate if I want to make some impromptu business cards(print them myself)...the old ones still got X/Twitter on them and I shut that account down- plus I'm not gonna put Facebook or Instagram on the new cards coz I'm planning on pulling the plug on my IG account as well.

19 days later

It's been a minute...the docking brick didnt work, so I returned it and decided to try out an HDMI splitter- it WORKED! I got exactly what I've been trying to do since I bought this laptop in 2022...right now I am the happiest person in the world! Was able to duplicate my laptop screen to the large monitor & my Huion tablet, and then set my laptop to still run it while closed down.

In other news, I did pretty okay at the local show this past weekend...in other words, I mostly broke even more or less- sold quite a bit of comics, and ONE STICKER.

Finally I took some of that sweet comic money and upgraded my Clip Studio to 3.0...I had wanted to get 4.0, but that would've required me paying for 2 UPGRADES, and I'm side-eyeing it...so I'll catch 4.0 on the next sale(like maybe this fall or winter).

Currently been REALLY tired this week(I think it's the pollen) and got my ass handed to me at the day job this past Tuesday; what made things worse is found out some stuff, so I'm low key stressing but scrambling to remedy things...

My body has been pushing me to get in bed early(back to the pollen tiredness) so I havent started on any new art this week- the goal is to get started this weekend, but I also got some cleaning to do that I couldn't do last weekend because of the comic show.

My Huion driver disconnected from my tablet and I'm about to go insane over here trying to fix it. For some crazy reason Windows is reading my tablet as a monitor through the HDMI splitter and I think this is affecting it to the point where it's conflicting with the drivers...:weary: :sob:

Oh no!! I hate it when your PC decides it's gonna have issues with your stuff for no reason that day, hope it gets fixed

Thanks. This has been going on since last night...it's really agitating.

UPDATE: Found out my USB part on the 3 in 1 cord is GONE- which is why the laptop isn't sensing it...so I gotta buy a new one. It's gonna take at least a week at most for it to arrive; I might have to see if I can survive doodling on my iPad. :weary: I feel like it's too small and limits my movements.