5 / 9
Aug 2024

I don’t kow when this update occurred , but i don’t care for it. Free comic reads should not be in inbox but somewhere else. And Today I wanna say something about it. It’s a little frustrating. 30+ messages in my inbox and NONE of them are from people who like my comics , or want to talk to me, or think my art is neat.

It’s 30 + messages of free comic reads and offers.

“Fresh arrivals”

“new release event”

“Coming soon!”

“free ink if you read-“

My inbox is a SPAM folder now. And all filled with manhwa i have no interest in and no intention of reading- especially since it was advertised this way. (And generally the stories and art don’t interest me. I came here for INDIE comics, not INDUSTRY STANDARD comics. But those industry comics are filling my INBOX!

Who’s bright idea was this?!

  • created

    Aug '24
  • last reply

    Aug '24
  • 8


  • 286


  • 1


  • 19


I feel this. Sometimes, those ads pop back up even after I've marked them as "read." It's incredibly taxing to have to repeatedly dismiss ads I didn't want to see in the first place.

I added a plugin that makes it so I don't see those anymore.

Someone who works at Meta must've took inspiration because now Insta gives me useless notifications for other users.
I don't care that Who3ver left a nice comment of whatsHerFace's drawing. That's none of my business! Only tell me when I get feedback on My work!

Why does that happen specifically? Is it based on if the commenter is someone you follow?

I think so. It's comments on works people you follow post or what they've liked or commented on.

Can relate. Then you’re stuck looking around, wondering where the last few unread messages are and have t push “read all” three times.