

Jan 29, '23
Last Post
Nov 6, '24
Dec 18, '24
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basic user

Wow, and I just added a new comic on here. If they are operating this way then I am better off not bothering with this platform. I come on tapas to read indie comics from the community, not be bombarded by copy paste comics that tapas keeps pushing on me. Tempted to delete it outright. Thank you for…

I see. Oof , that is admittedly confusing. i am right there with them- i hate this format. It makes me wonder who designed this???

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I may brows comics on occasion but clearly I’ve missed a lot but… SINCE WHEN WERE COMICS SEPARATED BY “COMMUNITY” AND “COMIC”?? It feels new and it feels off and it feels just as annoying a s the 30+nortifications for comics im not subscribed to. Like what is going on in tapas (feeling a bit like …

These businesses copying the WORST practices from each other. I barely use instagram now, they bunt that bridge. And it was already rickety.

I could use that plug in because this is ridiculous.

Can relate. Then you’re stuck looking around, wondering where the last few unread messages are and have t push “read all” three times.

I don’t kow when this update occurred , but i don’t care for it. Free comic reads should not be in inbox but somewhere else. And Today I wanna say something about it. It’s a little frustrating. 30+ messages in my inbox and NONE of them are from people who like my comics , or want to talk to me, or …

Thank you so much for this! I have a few ongoing series, some original some fan. but this one is a transformers fan comic ive been working on a while. It’s about A private eye and her love for an alien robot who may or may not know why she has a glowing orb in her chest. It’s an electrifying love …

You’re getting these too? I hope on here and see 12-20 notifications in messages. I look, excited, only to find that those messages aren’t for my comic or stories, but recommendations and free coupons to look at other industry grade comics I have no interest in. Just feels like a slap in the face. I…