1 / 21
Jan 2023

I have been writing for years and am a top contracted author on another website. I will not mention it here. But one thing I have realized when I post any novels on this website is that there is no promotion from the website for new authors. I have posted a few novels here, and each time, I had to do outside promotions to get people to even come to this website. But if I post the same novel on other platforms without promotions, I get ten times as many readers. The whole layout of the website doesn't cater to the new at all. Even the search area is like you might get seen in the fresh tab if you are lucky. For a website that allows original novels, they should put more effort into it. The comic side of things is great, but the novel side is very bad.

  • created

    Jan '23
  • last reply

    Feb '23
  • 20


  • 1.5k


  • 11


  • 51


This website is mostly about comics, & i believe novels are a newer feature (though don’t quote me on that). May I ask just how long you’ve been posting here and what you would like the promotion levels to be?

I had to look it up to double check but novels were introduced to the platform in 2017 i think originally just hosting a few well known written works by popular authors then expanding to submitted content like it does for comics

As for visibility issues that's something that's been pointed out since that time of inception and while some have found luck and managed to beat the given odds with Tapas' novel vs comic advertising ratio idk how many more changes they might make if any

I know, or at least i think, they take suggestions and commendations on features and other things on the official Tapas discord but not much else hence why a lot of writers just kind of do what they can to make due (hence a lot of the promos seen here or on the discord)

Even with the heavy ratio for comics there's still some struggles for new works or certain genres to be seen so it's i think a pretty broad issue that's been brought up often but with only so much change, at least from what I've observed from a distance

I have been posting here on and off for quite a few years, some of which are novels that are now contracted with my current novel company. so I have to take them down.

What they need is a new section. Where new novels and new comics that have been released within that month have a bit of extra publicity. (full cover publicity like they do for the front page)

This can help in building up more originals on this site as well. People would be more willing to bring their titles here if they are able to reach readers easier on the platform itself instead of being lost in the mix of things. I mean my personal website gets more views on the novel I am posting here, and I am not promoting it there at all....

yeah i can understand they make money off their translations mostly but they could do more for the community besides the select few that the company deems good for the front page.

It is bad for novelist, the founder had the idea for the page because he loved webtoons and the page was orignally
called Comic Panda. I think the target audience is mostly webtoon readers and not people who read novels.
I´m maybe not the typical target audience person but I was surprised that there are novels on tapas because
I always thought webtoons, tapas etc is only for online comics

Well, you are not wrong here (the layout, the promos, etc, even the comic community is not satisfied with that), but... It rubs me the wrong way a bit that you say the site is bad, say you are doing well on some other site and never mention its name, sorry. You could honestly phrase this differently and maybe even list a few other sites that may be better for this.
Of course, novelists have the choice, like the comic creators who are branching out to WT, Global, even social media posting, they can go elsewhere, no one is making them to chew on one cactus. But many also don't know where to go and whether it will be even a grain of sand more productive.

Like others have said, Tapas was for webcomics first and foremost. Though I don't disagree with you. I don't know why they bothered adding novels at all if they barely acknowledge their existence. :sweat_smile: I don't see how novels can help Tapas this way. And then there's the character limit...

Can I ask which platforms? Between Tapas and the other two web-novel hosting sites I post on, promoting is very important. For example, right now, it's impossible to advertise on Wattpad itself. It also doesn't feature new stories or updates. Posting on there without an established following is like posting into a void. I have much better luck here.

@Invayne Yeah, it's really a hard dose of reality to see all the views and like ratio to be so low as a novelist myself. The attention I get to this day on my first and large novel I've been planning for months before release in December 2022. I haven't done any promotion outside of the forums though, so I don't know if that's part of it.
As a relatively new author, I will agree that there is basically no promotion for new novels. There is the staff picks section, but every time I see it there are only novels that have been around and ones that are already renowned. I really hope tapas can improve the novel side of promotion soon.

I post on quite a few. I never post on wattpad as it's worse there than here for new novels. you need a huge fan base out side the platform to get noticed there. for me currently and sadly, I write on webnovel.com mainly for money making. but there you lose all rights to your works which I dislike. which is why I am building my own website which mostly I only post on currently, but others can to. but the current website and code is not all that good so I am rebuilding it from scratch for the 3rd time sadly. but when completely it will allow people to keep all rights to their works and charge for it per chapter basis. once the novel side is done I plan to add comics to.

yeah i had a novel on here that I was diverting my reader traffic to this website, have over a thousand subscribers in a month, tried to get the novel picked up by the platform but they denied it. not sure why but only got we do not think it fits our plat form. now its a novel with over 30k fans, and 1k + chapters and still on going.... I do not even think they look at the submissions for novels.

yeah, they really dropped the ball on novels in recent years. There seemed to be a point when they were going to do more, and submissions were open for possible originals, but their direction for the site has changed from that point after being bought, and after hiring a bunch of people, and then laying off a bunch of people (which has happened across the board with tech, lots of layoffs).

I think it's really a nice feature for people who do comics to also have the ability to post novelized things as well, especially if it's related to the same series, and so for me that's a huge plus. Something that other sites do not have. And I do like reading serialized novels on here, there's a few that I follow. However, as someone who has done both a comic and a novel on here, its SOOO much easier to gain views with comics than novels, and that's saying as someone who has had their novel featured. Like the readers on this website just prefer comics, in general. it's pulling teeth to get them to read words unless you're in an already trending genre and topic.

Yeah, I have been on the site for a few years now and haven't seen any change at all. They added it and then left it at that. It's sad, really. I have a lot of fans for my novels on others sites, and none of them are willing to read here on tapas unless this was the only platform I posted on. And even then, when I tried to submit a novel for publication here, they denied it instantly, even with a rising fan base from other websites, so I do not know what they deem as fitting for their website when it comes to novels as they never really state anything. I know a few authors who are making 100k+ a year who have been denied here as well.

This new novel I wanted to test my theory on what the novel traffic was like here, and well, I am quite disappointed at how lackluster the entire setup is.

I understand your complaints.. except “ I have a lot of fans for my novels on others sites, and none of them are willing to read here on tapas unless this was the only platform I posted on.” Most people only read things on one platform, I don’t know if I’m not understanding something, but if I read a novel on one platform, I wouldn’t read it again on another.

Ah, I'm sorry to hear that. I haven't heard many good things about Webnovel.

Oh, that's really cool! I hope it works out for you. I wouldn't worry about this until the website is built, but one thing I've seen with newer web novel sites is that there's often more authors than readers. So getting readers' and writers' attention seems to be important to a web novel site's success.

The difference for me is that I have the reader base already :stuck_out_tongue: If I were to promote my novel here on Tapas I could easily get readers here, but I do not see the point. while my website has been up for a while and I am reworking it, mine is not readers but authors that I struggle with. lol

In some other novel hosting sites, you might get shit ton of views despite doing nothing.
Congrats, those are bots.

(This is more apparent in some small new-ish sites; how can they rake in so much readership in a very short time, while nobody has heard of them?)

Tapas views for novel sucks, but at least there are less bots meddling.

+1. No bots here (same for RR as well, no free boosts)