9 / 29
Dec 2024

That looks awesome! I think you did a good job capturing the vibe of @kyupol's comic, from what I've read of it so far.
Don't know if you're interested in doing more of these, but here's mine:

Etherwood is a comic about Veronica, a teen who can see spirits, living in a small Appalachian town surrounded by a magical forest in a setting inspired mostly by American mythology and occultism. She gets herself entangled with Aramis, a fox spirit on the run. It has storybook, positive vibes throughout, despite plenty of weird stuff.

Ok, so way back in the late 1980's I had a very primitive (but at the time sooper high tech) computer with a dot matrix printer. One of the programs I had was called Banner Mania, and it allowed you to make printed banners on that dot-matrix printer (yay, tractor feed). One of the fonts in that program was called "Baja", and I loved it because it was so delightfully 80's.

In the nearly 40 years that have passed since I had that program I have never been able to find that font. Back in the early 90's, when I was doing a lot of drawing and was just getting into using my computer to draw, I made a logo for my "company", Sam Studios. And since I wanted to use, but could not find that font, I drew it. This was done in 1991.

Here you go, and thanks for the challenge.

  • Just a fun spook-ish font. Added a plain scythe & mild skeleton mandible on the "e" for a little death.

  • Attempted to draw flowers for the red-head character, but looked too groovy like scooby doo -- so here is grass. That's the original purpose of scythe anyways: to cut grass. Moving on :sweat_02: --

  • Added a "notch" in the "P", as a nod to the other character who has one cat ear with a notch.

These are cool! If you're not too busy, I'd love to see what you can do with my Friar Chicken title.

My 2 covers (right more recent), an Old English type of font really. Was going for a stained glass look.

The story follows the life of, you guessed it, a chicken who's a friar - named Friar, lol. He's part of one of four Orders within the coop and preaches the morals of the White Order whilst injecting his own worship of the Providers - his human caretakers - who ironically have other intentions.

Drama with some comedy. Bits of religion/cult exploration, philosophy. And eggcellent puns and :rooster: jokes.

Hope that's enough info. I'd love to see your take on it.

Now that I read this this morning I see that I misunderstood the OP's post. Forgive me, I had just driven 600 miles and was tired. I hadn't realized that you were offering to draw title text, I thought you wanted to see title text that we had drawn.

Boy do I feel stupid...

Okay this seems like fun!

Trespasser is an action-adventure story set in a scifi world.
Here's the Logo/Title I use (it changes color for each new chapter, currently it's green for Ch03)

And a set of characters

The original font for "EtherWood" fits so well with the warm autumny watercolor with leaves, so I copied some of that over.

  • Keep sticks & leaves and the golden autumn times for the storybook forest

  • Added a small fox b/c why not! :smile_01:

  • Broken "underline" made up of a un-connected grass path from the fox running away. Feels like the story would have hidden entangled bits of past stories b/c there's likely a reason the fox spirit is on the run.

Well, enjoy and thanks for the challenge.

Oh, NO thanks. I rather my work NOT be advertised if it is not necessary. :sip:
If you want to share the drawing (green notes and all), you can just credit me without any links.

Tried to mix some medieval and bright "pop" colors because something drama with comedy and puns feels familiar to the older 1950's cartoons like the Jetsons -- not sure why, but anyways :doggo:

  • Added chicken w/ sunny halo to the "C" and you can pretend the orange triangle under "F" can be a chicken's wattle

  • Calligraphy with some medievally things, I think?

  • Bright pop colours for some fun comedy and stained glass

Thanks for the challenge and enjoy.

Wow! This is really creative and cool!
I really love the "C" chicken, it's too cute!
Thank you! :blush:

That is awesome! Very professional. I love all the details you added, and I'm glad you saw some of my version to be worthy of inclusion. It feels like the title card to a cottagecore farm simulator somehow, very apropos.

I finished this, looked at it and was suddenly reminded that one particular frame the "10 hours later" from Spongebob. Oh no -- that was not what I was going for but hopefully it capture the adventure feelings too.

  • Angular mechanical cuts into letters for the characters' tools.

  • Added a simplified Blip! pretending to the letter "A" b/c why not have one character trespass into the title.

  • Tried to mimick some of the tattoo shapes from Catherine Stormsen and Rowyn's arm bands into the letters. That somewhat happened :blank: . . . sort of?

Thanks for the challenge and enjoy.

Ooh I like it! :laughing:

I think the idea of using the design of the tattoos for the lettering is really clever! If only I had designed the tattoos before the title haha.

Using Blip as a letter is just cute and fun. My boy deserves the spot light.

((I do see what you mean with the spongebob title card though. The arrangement of letters, the angularity and the shape dynamics are somewhat reminiscent spongebob.))

I think this is probably the last challenge, so thanks and enjoy! :tapa_pop:

  • Added some rivets and details in the letter on a slanted slope based off internet search for "steampunk font". And some foggy lights b/c steam.

  • Gears!

  • Vague shapes for clock + lightbulb in "E" and a magnifying glass + ring transformer in the big gear on right. Those seem like parts that exist in steampunk world.

Oh (oh no) . . . and just pretend that should be spelled "Elsie" correctly!
I just realized the "s" and "i" are flipped -- one hour later after I finished this. :cry_02: