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Feb 2021

Okay, quite a few of you know I'm an older fart and have had a bit of a writing career etc. in audio drama and dabbled in other things. I'm here because I've switched to novels and that's new to me so I'm here to learn.

I read a lot of what many of you younger writers and artists post and ... it hurts my heart to see you despair about where you're going or if your work seems to be stalled, or is it worth it, and a thousand other self-doubt moments.

I won't tell you that this is part and parcel of a creative field, you already know that. What I will tell you, however, is: Please don't despair.

I've been down that deep, dark hole and thought nothing will ever happen. Frankly, I still feel that way sometimes. But (and this is for me) I look back an I realize I HAVE done things. I HAVE gone places.

But this is the problem, while I was doing things and while I was going places, I didn't realize it. I was so focused on what I thought it should be I forgot to enjoy some of what was happening.

What you're working on today, and this is my opinion, shouldn't be the end to end all, it should be the stepping stone to the next piece, and the next and the next.

I know you've been told this before and you probably already know this but please, please don't despair. I've seen too many fine artists, writers, singers, etc. give up because they were too focused on thinking that what they were doing wasn't enough.

You're human. You're a human who is talented. You have talents you haven't yet touched and will only be brought out when you're ready to handle them. Sometimes our subconscious knows what we can and can't handle and somehow manages to make us wait until we're ready.

A friend of mine today, (in his early 30's) one of the composers on one of my audio dramas, an exceptional musician and a fine teacher said this:: As a young musician I always took solace in the fact that one of the all time metal greats, Ronnie James Dio didn't get a real break until he was in his 30's and didn't become known for his own material in his 40's."

Please endeavor to learn to trust yourself and your talents. Strive to banish nay-sayers and above all, don't despair. Being a creative person is a path filled with dark holes and stretches of light so brilliant it takes your breath away.

Believe it or not, we older creatives love you all and wish we could make things easier for you and are thrilled to see what you come up with in your time in this world.

Write/draw hard , Write/draw true.

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They say it takes a ten-year, serious grind, to become a writer. I think the same can be said with comics.
Keep working on the creations you enjoy, and your goals will only become more achievable as time goes on.

Hey thanks for this. This made my day. I want to let you know you have helped me a lot in the past, and I will thank you once again for your wise words.
You can do this people! Don't give up.

'Hear, hear.' From another old fart.

And more :heart:️ for mentioning RJD.

Sometimes I get a little snarky and sometimes I want to say things like "just do it" but lately there have been some posts that really hurt to read. I know all those feelings. I've gone to bed with them and awakened with them. I wish there was a way to stop them for other people but there isn't All I can do is encourage and assure that others know this pain and share it.

If I've helped in any way @WhiskeyMadDog I'm humbled and thank you for letting me know my efforts are
not in vain. Take heart. Find a base to operate from and stay true to yourself.

@CarltonIsaac My friend Aaron (who mentioned RJD) is an exceptional human being. (ex Marine band). He writes, composes, etc. but chose to go back to school and now teaches high school level. I can't imagine having a better teacher, well schooled in "classical" and a heavy metal fan. His little daughter (I think she's 3) is already learning the drums.

Most beautiful thing I've heard today. :sunny:

Really love that you posted this. I can totally relate to that feeling of despair and even considering dropping the work altogether. I'm sure a lot of others on here can relate to this as well, unfortunately. I think what a lot of us youngsters struggle with is trying to make first and second drafts perfect. We're wanting to skip the learning process and edits/rewrites/redraws. Sometimes we focus too much on what we haven't accomplished rather than celebrate what we have made.

Nothing's going to be perfect the first few times. It takes some trial and error. Sitting in despair will never help improve anything either. We just gotta push through the rougher drafts and periods of no reads/views. There will always be good days and bad days. Can't always focus on the bad ones.

Pssst... a lot of us older ones, too. It's, for lack of a better way to put it, a holy grail.

Very true and one of the hardest things to learn. I still have my demons there. Now instead of trying to banish them, I try and have them to tea to kill them with kindness.

Above everything... THIS! this is the most important of all things I think. Because I'm older I have a longer list. But one day I sat down and thought of things I'd done, both when I was younger and as I got more settled. Frankly, I blew myself away. And then I scolded myself for not realizing at the time just how much I WAS doing. No matter how insignificant an accomplishment may seem, you still did it. It adds to the whole.

As an old fisherman I used to know would say: ten small fish make as fine a meal as one big fish.

Thanks for this post! I’ve been struggling on and off if what I’m doing is right. Comics and digital illustrations take so much time out of my life. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if I wasted my time, especially since it’s nearly impossible to get noticed. I’d hate to quit because I like drawing, I like writing, I like my characters, and the people who do like my work might actually be worth catering to.

I think the huge problem is that people are expected to be successful as soon as possible. You always hear praises about those who were the “youngest X to do Y” or minors who have successful published works and museum worthy masterpieces. 17 year olds have to quickly decide on colleges with gap years and community college being frowned upon. 4 years from then you’re supposed have graduated and making bank in your field. All this makes it feel inferior to be almost 30+ and still nothing. It can be difficult to accept that it takes more time for some of us to find “success”.

This is so sweet. I'm not that young-young, but I'm not that old too, and I still sometimes feel the same.. I tried to draw to release from the stress, not getting more stress, yet I feel 10 years older since started published things. The fact that very few people appreciate your hard work is really disturbing. I know we all different people with different tastes, but I hope we can at least encourage each other when we down, just like this thread.

@ButterflyEmpress I can totally relate to you. :cry_02:

note: Before very rare to read prediction. Now, I even listening to a tarot card reader while drawing or as a lullaby. Regardless it will come true or not, what I need to hear from them is their encouraging words. Just that.

Frankly, I hate that. So many people are pushed into something before they're ready. Also there's the idea of "success." Everyone has a different idea of what success is. I could go on about this subject for pages and pages.

No, you did not waste your time. You like what you've done. You like what you've created and you have people who DO like what you've done. You have the beginnings of a solid base.

Also, if you feel as if you're progressing, learning more, honing your skills, how can that be a waste of time?

It's not, and anyone who tells you it is is wrong.

This is the perspective I use for myself... how many billions of people are in the world? If 20 people like my work that means there are billions more out there and that means there are billions of chances to grow.

Please remember this, all of you...

Every single one of you is worth it. You are all worthy of success in whatever shape or form you deem success to be. You are worth the time and effort you put into your work and most of all, your work is worth doing.

Never, ever forget that.

Believe me there are thousands of creatives out there that you don't know and they don't know you but they still wish you well and that you achieve your goals.

@therosesword awesome words of encouragement here. Love it.

I'd like to add something I gleaned from when I was first looking into making webcomics. I read that it can take approximately THREE years for a webcomic to make any sort of waves. And that is with consistent releases. Don't give up after a week or two. Just don't. Stay committed, even when it's hard.
Obviously, not everything you attempt will stick. But at the very least, keep plugging away, and if you need to take a break, do it. (Even though that's something I never do XD)

But try to have mercy on yourself, don't put a ton of pressure on your mind. Use small goals to move forward. Even the tiniest step is progress. Five minutes on a panel every day will add up eventually.

My main advice is, don't give up. Slow down if you have to, tweak what you need. But don't give up entirely, don't let failure define you.

I'm in my 30s, but this gives even me some hope. I was actually going to throw in the towel this month and stop my novel, when the universe slapped me and gave me blessings in return. I took it as a clear sign I'm not supposed to give up, so I'll gather my wits and try again.

It's so easily to reel in people with just my art, but my writing... :sob:

I appreciate this post. I truly do. Thank you for giving a glimmer of hope.