Claiborne The Artist
I draw mostly fantasy comics. (And Lamp.)
Tapas: https://tapas.io/claiborneart/series
- Joined
- Mar 11, '19
- Last Post
- May 6, '22
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- Aug 20, '22
- Views
- 133
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oh man, I feel you on the wideshot panel woes. (I wish there was a site for horizontal strip comics...) At 940px width any page comic (particularly one wider than tall like yours) is going to look blurry and undersized, but there's a couple little things you can do when you resize - under resize s…
I've been thinking a lot about story structure lately - mostly cause my usual method of "jump in and wing it!" sometimes works well, and mostly is the writing equivalent of shooting myself in the foot at the starting line. Here's some methods I've either used myself, or have heard of and would like …
Please include more info about your story and goals for the project in your post:
Even beta reading (especially for what sounds like a longer project)is quite a bit of work to ask from a stranger. A fairer deal would be to offer a 'read-for-read' type deal and offer to beta read someone else's novel in exchange. It also might be a good idea to tell us more about your novel (gen…
Nice, I haven't even heard of most of these! I'm a big fan of Comic Lab myself.
They say it takes a ten-year, serious grind, to become a writer. I think the same can be said with comics. Keep working on the creations you enjoy, and your goals will only become more achievable as time goes on.
you might want to include some more info about the comic and why an editor would want to join your project:
oof, I feel called out by this.....
Plus, some of them are children, which makes things weirder: are they supposed to remember their past lives even then? A disturbingly high percentage of the MCs have memories from birth and it's suuuper weird. Yeah, I would say a pretty good chunk of reincarnation stories have the MC be either a …
Speaking as someone who both reads a lot of trashy power fantasy reincarntion comics, and is writing my own reincarnation comic, is at least partially about easy escapism, but is often more about getting to repeat the past and fix mistakes (or percieved mistakes). The usual MC is usually a bum, pe…
Modern Country is trash. There hasn't been a good country song written after 2008 Oh, them is FIGHTING words! As someone who listens to a fair bit of country (and will be advocating for the devil in this thread), here's some good songs with story from the last ten years:
Came here to defend Nickelback but that good work's already been done, so I'll say this instead: Justin Bieber's actually a pretty good singer. (say what you will about the person, but his songs are nice and pleasant to listen to)
I don't have much to say on general genre/tropes here, for a lot of reasons, so I'll just chime in with some more general production advice. Do: start off with at least a couple weeks of buffer make sure your comic is readable on both desktop and mobile make each episode update feel satisfying …
Ironically 'Draw Every Day' was some of the best advice I'd ever been given -- though to be fair it was told to me more along the lines of 'shoot to draw every day, and as long as you keep drawing consistently progress will come naturally', which is probably a lot more helpful way to phrase it. I do…
part of the buffer I'm trying to build up for once in my life [image]
I think it's important to realize just how much free art you are asking for here. Animation is, while similar to comics in many ways, a lot more art per minute of viewtime, even if you assume most people spend seconds per comic panel. Your average western animated film is 12-24 drawn frames per se…
Honestly, from reading your description I'm not quite sure what the focus of your story you'd most want to fit your title would be. I personally like 7Sins as a good well-rounded title if you're willing to risk the confusion with the video game. On the other hand, S.A.L.I.G.I.A. would be good i…
It also might be a good idea to think about how often people are switching between languages. For example, do you want characters to almost always be speaking the same language throughout each scene, or will characters switch languages mid-sentence or even for just one word, then back again? How o…
Honestly, this forum is a really solid place to start your search. You could also try places like r/ComicBookCollabs, r/lineWebtoon, or r/webtoonCanvas on reddit, but most of the webtoon subreddits are more about existing comics and self-promotion than finding people to work with. r/ComicBookCo…
I agree 100% here: even just a simple 1-2 phrase bullet point per chapter/arc is a huge bonus to have when you're 15k words deep and lost in the sideplot sauce (speaking from personal experience here). The current outline method I'm using is an expanded, 27-point version of the basic 3-act structu…
No thank you, I'm currently too busy with my personal work to jump onto such a large project. But I'm glad to hear that there's been some thought put into production plans.
What's the current team composition? Is it three writers looking for a single artist? If so (and given it seems like you all have plans of release schedules and merch sales in the future) it might be better to decide now whether this will be an unpaid 'passion project' collaboration, or a full-fledg…
Oh man, I actually did this for a couple of my OCs when I stumbled across the quiz a few months ago - I even drew portraits of them with their daemons: [image] [image]
Including more info about the story (even if you have no link to share atm) would be a good idea to garner interest.

Do you have any writing examples? Any types/genres you prefer writing, or a preference for how long of a collab?
If you're looking for a long-term, multi-volume comic collaboration, you should definitely include links to any previously completed novels, or at the very least to that first book you've written. It's a huge leap of faith to jump into such a long-term project with a stranger, so you need to do ever…
If you're asking for art samples from potential artists, you should definitely include some examples of your own writing in your post. Here's a handy guide: