12 / 14
Feb 2021

So which one do you guys prefer?

I've joined a couple of Webcomic discords but I find it a little hard to jump in. Sometimes I end up not interacting at all. It's only interacting here in Tapas did I realize I actually like this format better. Maybe it's better for my brain when the topics are arranged into threads neatly? Maybe I haven't given the Discords a proper chance.

For the people who like the Discord format, do you have tips on how to make friends there? What Webcomic Discords are you part of?

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    Feb '21
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    Feb '21
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I'm not a fan of Discords for serious craft and marketing strategy discussion unless they're very small and the people there are all fairly experienced, but big discords can be better than forums for just casual chatting, sharing fanart and the like. I do find crowded discords overwhelming though; conversations move too fast and tend to be dominated not by whoever has the most interesting or relevant things to say, but whoever is most intense.

To me, forums are definitely better spaces for more experienced creators to give thoughtful feedback and suggestions to younger ones. I also think they can be better for nuanced discussion between people with very different viewpoints than a discord, where you don't always have that time and space to explain your underlying thought process, so it's easier when everyone is already roughly on the same page about basic knowledge or even political ideas.
Sadly I've always struggled to get my friends to use forums again after they died out in the late 00s. A lot of people find the expectation of needing to write a fully fleshed out post in response to something and having it visible for a long time intimidating when they just want to say "That's a nice piece of art! Good job!" I get it, but I still wish there were better places to really dive in and have detailed discussions about the minutiae of comic creation.

@darthmongoose I agree. It's a shame that the forum isn't hip anymore. I also like the long post format. There's more thought, care and attention to each post. I think it's easy to get lost in a sea of strangers in Discord.

That said, it does have its uses. I think events might be better handled in that sort of place? Also, if a Discord is big enough, and there's a load of people, the real time responses do encourage friendships to grow. Chatting with voice is nice to get closer to people, I'd say. It's like meeting people in a workplace.

Does Tapas have an official Discord?

I'm like you and I vastly prefer forums over Discord. I joined a grand total of one (1) webcomic Discord so far and I barely even interact on there :sweat_smile: between the fact that I live in Europe and the great majority of conversations on Discords I'm in seem to happen when I'm asleep + being naturally shy + English being not my first language and having trouble keeping up with the chatspeak and slang often found in Discords + the fact that overall I prefer to take my time to write posts... I much prefer the slower format of forums to communicate.
Seriously, I was so happy when I found out that both Tapas and ComicFury had forums, 'cos they used to be one of my favorite ways to make new friends online back in the early 2000s and seeing them die in favor of chat groups or -shudders- social media greatly saddened me.

So yup, I'm afraid I don't have any good suggestions on how to make friends on Discord either, lol.

Discords honestly just sit for me like a bookmarked webpage, waiting to be forgotten and deleted eventually. They're just there to annoy me and I end up removing them from clogging my nice and neat side panel. I'm actually considering right now which discords I want to leave strictly on the basis of does this have information I still use and need?
IE I'm a pokemon go discord. Do I still need to be on it when I'm not currently actively playing, when I was just on it to get friend codes in the first place for gifts? Ehhhhhh..... It can probably go and in a few months or year, I'll go "dang I wish i had that pokemon go discord to get more friend codes off of to delete the inactive players off my list..."

So lol no. Discords are absolutely useless to me. I've seen zip help in terms of marketing - chatting and getting advice, yes. But posting a link to get someone to click through to actually interact/ purchase/ect do something with the linked web page? Nada. "Hey I'm selling this!" nada. "Hey I'm streaming this!" nada. But post a question about "how do you store stickers for transport to conventions?" and you get like 20 replies and photos.

I like both equally, they both fulfill different needs. Forums for insight, Discords for fast paced interaction.( I agree that they can get a little daunting, but if I need to, I'll just mute them.)

I really enjoy having my own discord server for my comic, it allows me to foster an actual community around my comic better than a forum ever will.

Forums are definitely better for certain kinds of discussions, especially ones where people can chime in with longer thoughts. Discords are for chatting and fun. I am in a few Discords with web fiction and web comic communities, and I get in good conversations about the business and creative side of things, but it only works when the right people are online to actually discuss with you, of course. Both are so different that it's hard to compare, I guess.

Forums are great for longer, more focused discussion. I've found the slower pace allows you to jump in more easily and have more time to put into a thoughtful response. Smaller discords with slow growth can be similar and are great in that you get a stronger sense of community. It's also a lot easier to be welcoming to new members, especially if they're shy.

In most of the large ones I've joined, it always seems like the same handful of people that gain that community, and you're just an outsider. I've been in some where a question would be asked, and a really insightful answer would be given but ignored because they weren't part of that group.

My problem with webcomic discords is that they're mostly for people under the age of 18, and so you get people who just meme all day, and can't stay on point, and are like...little birds. Just cannot focus for the life of them. That and if I need help with something...chances are I know more than a teenager...so they aren't very helpful for me. (that and there's a lot of drama? I tend not to stay on drama discords, I prefer them to be slower and polite)

I'm on a gardening discord, and the change is like--huge. Most people are over 40, so it's a wealth of good info, people stay on subject, there's a ton of organized categories, and there's like...no memes. It's amazing.

Forums tend to have an older more seasoned crew, but they don't really exist! Like...this is the only comic forum I know.

I think it depends on the forum/Discord. A lot of webcomic Discords (specifically) that I've joined aren't focused on people creating comics, but just for general people who read them, which is why those specific servers are massive/never on topic. You can generally tell which discords are more serious by their description, and smaller ones ( imo,, ) are always better because you can actually have a conversation, which I prefer because I want to make comic buddies.

That being said,, I prefer Discord servers over forums but it takes a while to find a hobbit hole I feel comfortable in. I do wish they could share the depth conversations on forums can have

Over the pandemic I’ve been in a few discords with mostly other industry professionals and its a really great alternative to get away from heavy twitter discourse and kind of half-hearted DMs on twitter/insta. It definitely functions more as a relaxed chatroom and if more intense discourse happens and you miss it, its kinda gone.

Since the discords I’m in were mostly older folks it was funny to see a lot of them try to treat it like it was a forum. Some folks would try read every single convo from the whole week and try to reply to stuff that was said three days ago 🥲

I think forums are better tho. I grew up on them and I feel like they are more conducive to longer discussion AND quick casual chitchat at the same time.

I like having a mix of both.

I feel like Discord works better with chat and conversations but some servers can seem overwhelming or newbies may feel like they are out of the loop with the rest of the group.

I feel like forums are better for discussions. It's much easier to scroll through all the posts in the forums and it also allows newbies to easily integrate. However, they are not very good when it comes to quick chat and they may not really allow for users to gain closer friendships due to how open it is.

Well I think that's the main problem when the people in the discord aren't necessarily there to be friends, it's just a means to an end: promoting their own stuff. It's hard to find a community that isn't just about self promotion. I guess that's why the forums are nice because you can just go to the topics/make topics that aren't about promotion.

I've tried a few different discords, but I've found it hard to find webcomic-focused ones which are large enough to stay properly active. I've found a grand total of one decent one, and try to chime in with stuff that isn't just promo, but I always feel far more awkward piping up there as opposed to a forum environment.

I do a lot better on forums. I prefer crafting thoughtful, long-form responses as compared to a chat environment. I feel like it's far easier to learn things on a forum, and it's definitely easier to share one's thoughts and knowledge/expertise on a wider variety of topics than a Discord.

Are there any lists of good, comic-focused Discords? I would like to try getting comfortable in a few.