Ok, so @Yulek created two topics pertaining to 'deal makers' and 'deal brakers' (thanks for that, love the oportunity to rant xD). But it got me thinking, into an interesting way we can go one step up from that. So i wanted to create a topic specifically to take a good dissection at tropes.
As i pointed out in one of my posts, tropes might be overdone and boring sometimes, but they are at the core of it a tool in your arsenal, you should never ignore them because you don't like them, but rather try and think of way to improve them.
So let's do just that... Pick a trope, any trope, and discuss it... But here is the caveat, bring examples of both GOOD and BAD of that trope. Show us why you think that trope sucks and who made it worse for you, but also try and find the good version of it...
Also be gentle in your critique, you never know who might read.
This might be trick, so let me give you guys my trop, the bad and the good.
So right off the bad we have a hot topic, as a harem is a concept that is very popular and constantly appears in fiction (and not just manga).
A harem, for those of you who don't know, it's show or series that has one character surrounded by characters of the opposite gender that he is supposed to 'chose the one and only'... Though I could talk about the trope of the one and only in an off itself...
A lot of people hate harems, for good reasons, the idea of having just a bunch of love interests sounds coniving to say the least, but believe it or not there is a way to do it right!
But Left focus on Harem and who did it bad for now.
SWORD ART ONLINE (SAO for short) / Also spoilers /
SAO is a show I hate for so many reasons i can't even count... But let's again focus on the worst part of it for me... The harem.
So right of the bat Kirito (the MC of this show) is a perfect protag, he is absolutely infalible, good at absolutely everything inside his videogame world, a pro-level programer and hacker, and generally edgy boy with a 'dark knight' vibe to him.
At the start we are introduced to Asuna, his 'one and only' and obvious main romantic interest, a sweet princess (literaly as she is the daughter of a rich CEO). But also kind of a tsundere.
The problem lies in everyone else... 90% of the shows cast is composed of women, all of which have the absolute mad hots for kirito because each of them has 1 episode with him to develop their non-existent character traits before they recongnize he loves Asuna and doesn't think of them that way.
Then... They proceed to hang around him and continuously throw themselves at him every now and again, hoping for a chance to get lucky with him... He never straigt up tells them no, and they sort of gravitate around his boring personality for no reason other being in merchandise.
This is seriously it, there is nothing else that is interesting about this harem, the girls are not competing for his affection and he has no reason to go for anyone other than asuna, but rather than move on with their lives they hang around him because of how 'awesome' he is.
It is the most boring harem in existence... Literally nothing is interesting about them... They have no chemistry with him and no interaction among themselves other than gushing for Kirito... WHy is this harem even a thing?!
Ok... Now that my hate is out of my system, let's discuss someone that did it right.
Ore wo suki nano wa omae dake ka yo / Also spoiler /
This show, other than being gold for romantic comedy lovers, has what is to me one of the best representations of a harem... While simultaneously being one of the 'worst'
So this show right off the bat starts with characters being rather normal, out protag, Kisaragi, hears the love declarations of two of his best friends (Sakura and Hinata) and has to decide which one... which one he is going to help that is, because neither of them like him and instead want his help to get with his best friend Ooga.
Right of the bat the idea begins strong, but is made even stronger by the fact that Kisaragi is a complete asshole, he actually wants the harem for himself and figured the way to do that is to help one of his friends get with Ooga so that he can get the rejected one... IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE WORST RIGHT?
Yeah... And he gets severly punished for it, when one girl from his school (Sanshokuin) reveals she is a stalker, his stalker to be precise, and she uses that info to blackmail him into dating her... YEAH for real... Thing is this is made right by the fact that our stalker girl actually likes the protag, with all of his flaws, she doesn't want the nice guy he pretends to be, she wants the dirty liar who is willing to lie and cheat to get what he wants... AND SHE WANTS TO HELP HIM!
All this might sound terrible, but as you watch the show you realize there is more to all of these characters than meets the eye, due to how perceptive he is Kisaragi can be a good guy when he wants to, Sakura and Hinata are not just doorknobs and eventually find out and fight him on it... His best friend Ooga is actually an asshole too, just a good looking one
And this is just the starting premise... Eventually as we explore these flawed characters they evolve and it does turn into a harem, but a positive one, one in which everyone is perfectly aware of the hidden agendas of everyone in the room and still get involved because they want to, not because they were deceived... AND one in which characters interact among themselves and not with just the protag. (sanshokuin and the girls become best friends, ooga has some sweet moments once his bad guy arc ends,) Its a genuine fun harem to watch.
So hopefully this topic gets you guys thinking and convinces you tropes are not inherently bad... Maybe, look at that trope you hate and try and find something that did it good, be it a show, a game, a comic, novel or any form of art.
So, what you guys think? Shall we talk tropes?
Also, maybe this is too generic, so I could change the name of the topic and focus on one trope alone so that other people can make other threads about their favorite tropes... What you guys think?
Apr '21
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