10 / 20
Apr 2016

i'm sorrel ! i'm a long-time tumblr user and webcomic artist. i've belonged to online art communities in the past but i feel like i've really fallen out of those in the past few years

so that brings me to the question:
would anyone be interested in joining a tumblr network for webcomics?

these networks are basically groups of usually 10 - 15 people who come together as tumblr mutuals and do group chats(probably with skype or google hangouts?) throw ideas off each other, etc

for this, specifically, i'm thinking along the lines of reviewing each others' comics, providing feedback, doing guest strips, promoting, etc

i would want a motivated, accepting, lgbt+ friendly group of people who are dedicated to doing webcomics, zines, and other sequential art. keep in mind that i and many other creators are minors
this is just a general call for interest but if you want to help out we can share contact details on skype + tumblr and start setting this up

EDIT: //


  • created

    Apr '16
  • last reply

    Apr '16
  • 19


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Ohh interesting! I haven't been that active on Tumblr in a while but I've been trying, however publishing my comic in Tumblr has always been a scary thought.
Anyways, yes sounds super interesting! I feel like I could use tips and tricks, I feel like I don't get them anywhere and I never say no to promoting good comics. Also I would love to just chat about drawing since I don't have many friends who share the same passion!

Oh, I'd love this!

I'm usually very shy but if it's a tight group of people with the same interests to help each other like that I'm all for it!

that would definitely be a super cool idea. I like talking to people more on tumblr than here, actually.

this sounds pretty rad! i been tryin to cut down on my tumbling but this could be fun! i really dig the idea of comic buddies C:

i'm glad people seem interested ! i'm getting to the end of my school year but i have a lot of free time so i might start an application post on tumblr/here this week or next week

i honestly haven't had much luck publishing my comics on tumblr ? fan art and daily gags seem to do better than long form on there
a lot of artists are on there tho and i love the multimedia sharing aspect of it ! it's probably better for networking than hosting

I don't know much about Tumblr to be honest... how does it work?

Exactly! I've noticed it too so I kinda feared that it was no use to update it there. Not to forget, my comics are usually more towards the scrolling type of comic so I feel like it would be difficult to publish to Tumblr. I do occasionally give info like "Chapter is now released" etc but I dont really have any fans on Tumblr. Oh well

Ooooh I would be into that. It'd be a good way to keep me ontop of my tumblr mirror XD

Plus the idea of being in a network seems like fun.

tumblr is what's called a microblogging site. basically, it enables users to create multimedia(image, video, text, audio, etc) blogs but also has a dashboard function a little like the feed on facebook or twitter so users can easily share posts and connect with others

the network i'm proposing would involve joining tumblr(it's free) and probably filling out a simple online application. then, once members are selected, they would all follow each other so their posts appear on each others' dashboards. we would have our own tag for new content we post so members can keep track of and reblog(share) comic pages/drawings/etc from other members of the group. we would also have a group chat on skype
i hope that explains a little better. if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask

I LOVE this idea. I've been trying to include myself in communities, etc. I want to help others as much as I can (and, well, get some exposure for myself). smiley
Please send me a private message if it's not too late! <3

Sounds good! I also post my comic on tumblr as with tapastic. But this sounds like a neat idea!

It sounds like something I'd be interested in however I ended up leaving tumblr for two major reasons. One was that the site layout was utterly nonsensical, and two was that the majority userbase there seemed ... less than desirable.

Sounds really fun! I only post nonsense besides my comic updates on my tumblr but to expand it seems a great idea!

I'd be interested, but I don't do "work-safe" stuff and kind of think you're better off trying to organize a group specifically at a place like Tapastic -- where things can't get too wild -- rather than Tumblr, which tends to be used more by people not wanting to be restricted by terms of service that preclude anything explicit.

that's something i unfortunately can't compromise on because i'm a minor. it's a tentative thing and i hate to be so exclusive but i have to at least try to keep the group safe for myself and other minors
i do agree, tho - there's definitely a different culture on here than on tumblr, so i might be looking to the wrong places, but i want to at least test this out to see how it goes