261 / 650
Mar 2021

My first comic on here, 9 subs and 21 views. if any of you can help i'd appreciate it. plus id like genuine feedback on the story, snarky comments are welcome

Hi, guys! Please, read my novel! If you like it, leave a comment and subscribe!

Here is my passion project that I will be turning into a webcomic within the next year or so while I gain a following for it ^_^

Genre: romance, fantasy, drama

Hey everyone here is my comics that i update every friday.


I hope you will like it

Hello there again! Here's Menmar, which I updated 2 days ago!

I have a dark fantasy novel to share with you guys.
It's called FRONTIER and it centers around a group of adventurers whose fight for survival becomes ever more complicated when they come into contact with a powerful, ancient artifact. They must navigate an uncaring world filled with arcane monsters, warring factions and cosmic horrors beyond imagination in order to keep the artifact out of the wrong hands.

Good day folks.
My main story, Beyond the Void is a high fantasy story inspired by Steven Erikson's Malazan Book of the Fallen series. It is an epic journey through the ages of an intricate world, following the mysteries and struggles of a wide cast of characters, both human-like and fantastic. And I am happy to say it seems to be going strong :slight_smile:

The other one is a side project I may develop further. Once I feel like it.

My new comic the hawk and ghost doll which is a batman type of deal

My other comic is about a group of dysfunctional demon hunters

I've been absent from Tapas for a few months as one of my novels got picked up by a publisher! Heck! What a wild ride it's been.

So, now that that's all done and sorted, I am back to writing The Silent Swansong here again! Would love to hear people's views on it, as it is my first time writing a first person narrative.

I'm pretty new here, thanks for the offer!
Bits of a book (as you can guess from the title) is a comedy-centered compilation of short stories I've written!

I'm just happy to be here.

Hi everyone, We need subscriber until 250 to unlocked INK SHOP. Please help us to reach 250 subscriber. about this project you can see on youtube, Here TRAILER OUR WEBTOON : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1-cT0mpNyk. please subscribe to if you like our trailer.

WE ARE BOLDTOON are creating Original manga, Illustration, Storyboard and Comic with Japanese style. We creating 2 series on webtoon.

Ongoing Project on our webtoon is "Grave of Memories" Now reach 40 Episodes
Genre : Action/Fantasy.

This is the saddest part when you are fighting for your shelter from other people's attacks. Did they all can survive on their village ?
Lets read now on tapas or webtoon.

Choose your series for those looking for more recommendations!
Please read and support us.. Give your comments about this !!
Available on webtoon also : (English Version Language)

Check out my comic Hetero Sakura! It updates every two weeks and offers a nice post-apocalyptic setting!

Please, check out my comics, KIRA: A Star Wars Story Part 1 and Geeking Around: The Webcomic. If anyone like to trade subs, just like me know!

Welp... im well under 100

Hi, If you would like to check out a slice of life a bit bitter... <3

Here's my comic :slight_smile:

Hi! Please give a chance to our comic. We don't have any friends we could share this comic with. There is only the two of us. We are aware the English translation is bad, but we are happy to fix any pointed out mistakes.

Hello there!
In here I present to you, Join me in Heaven, a story with Fantasy + psychological horrors + drama.
In this world full of puppets two lonely souls seek warmth, but at what cost?

Hi, here is mine !

Hello :smiley:

If you're looking for something a little different but familiar, please give Shift World a look. It's a series I wrote with heavy influences from video games, manga, and anime. I've written out the whole eight books for Shift World I already and edited and illustrated up to book 5 already. So there is going to be a lot to come!

Fantasy adventure with all lgbt main characters! And my first comic

A detective with a lot of other stuff mixed in! Usually, the cases are just background for character development.

Hello, I'm Kai, I draw cartoon stuff!

I'll be uploading my title called Hamventures here in Tapas. It started in Webtoon. It is a choose-your-own-adventure style of webcomic. Although the existing choices were already done, we'll see through as soon as the series caught up.

I plan on resume working on the series this coming June 2021.

Thank you and have a good day!

Hi and thank you for this opportunity! <3~

Please check out our little project if you are interested in magic, adventure, a little humour and some romance. We are here to take you on a trip you will never forget!
The series is ongoing, you can find the mini side stories and the main story flow under the same link (+ a short gaiden chapter).

Hi, guys, could you read my novel?

Greetings! I am on the road to 100 subs, I am 39 short of it! I hope Menmar, my pride and joy, is to your liking!


adeline has been trying to make her way ever since her mother transfigured her into a boy four years ago. She was told that everything would change once she turned eighteen, that she'd have her life back. After saying that, her mother abandoned her, leaving only Luis to help her make her way in the world.

In two more weeks she'll be eighteen and she's so afraid that her mother lied. Everything will change, just not in the ways that Madeline thought.


this is my novel... just updated my weekly episode - bite sized episodes... hope you like them!