1 / 166
Mar 2018

Hi guys show me some of your latest chapters of your comics and how about you check out mine and tell me what you think about it maybe even subscribe :slight_smile:

Here mine : https://tapas.io/episode/101772347

  • created

    Mar '18
  • last reply

    Aug '19
  • 165


  • 12.7k


  • 141


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There are 165 replies with an estimated read time of 11 minutes.

i want to see some of your original comics post them here

It's not a comic, but if you're looking for something to read in the mean time, Memory5 is my entry for the novel contest.

Hey! Here's the latest chapter of my comic :slight_smile:

IF you are also interested in novels, do check them out!

Your comic looks pretty interesting so far^^

My main nitpicks would be:
Language - try to pay a bit more attention to grammar and vocabulary, especially pronomens. Maybe you can find a beta reader?
I think the art looks great for the most part but the eyes looks a bit weird sometimes. Is it intentional stylisation or the art being a bit rushed? Don't think it needs re-drawing or anything but maybe keep it in mind for future updates :slight_smile:

thanks i will if you want to keep in touch on my comic don't forget to subscribe :slight_smile:

I have some

I'm subscribed to your comic already haha I feel like I said this in some other topic, but I like the stylish design and the Tenjou Tenge Japanese delinquent vibe of it.

YESS Here is my comic! It's kinda close to the 100 mark so YAAYYY

I have three comic under 100 subs from newest to oldest:

Here's mine~

this is my comic......i'm liking your comic so far will be keeping a lookout for eps.

I just posted a new chapter so I'll toss mine here as well!