
Kira Miller

Ottawa tapas.io/HollowEve/series

I like anime.

Aug 5, '17
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Nov 3, '20
Nov 7, '20
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Roughly one year. But it's built up by multiple character stories, each of which taking a day or two. There's just a lot of dead time that get's skipped. https://tapas.io/series/God-Child I have other stories that take around a month from start to end and one that takes an ambiguous amount of ti…

I'm really good at finding things. One time, my dad was asking where 'the good spatula' was and without knowing we had two, I found it. I also find my mom's glasses immediately when she can't. Weakness: I lose my own things really easily and need someone else to help me look.

Gay, lesbian, asexual, pansexual, genderfluid and straight. Oh, and there are some Gods, too.

I typically write from first person, but that's usually because my stories start off with a character idea, then develop into situations. For stories that start as a situation, then have characters added, I lean more toward third person. I didn't even realize I did this until you asked, so thank you…

I traded with my brother, who has sword. It just took him FOREVER to get those last ones. I now have a complete pokedex for the first time. :grin: I'm so excited!

I haven't written anything yet, but I had an idea for a story about magical knights. The knights would have magic rings made out of different materials (gold, silver, onyx) when in civilian mode. They'd each fight with different weapons, like a lance or bow and arrow. When transformed, they'd be in …

I'm only missing 3 from my pokedex, and they're all exclusive to Sword.

Sorry for the late reply. Ellen is 14. She was granted magical light powers to help her protect the princess of her kingdom. She is very sweet and just wants others to be happy. She generally uses her powers to put on light shows to cheer people up. She got her powers when she was seven and her olde…

When I'm not filling my Pokedex in Pokemon Shield, I'm playing Blush Blush and Coloring Pixels on Steam.

When it met Ellen, she screamed before falling forward. Putting off writing more, since people have to die.

A short story about a new Goddess.

Pancakes. I remember because I knocked the side of the pan with my hand and now I have a small scar on my middle finger.

[image] Super Ordinary House, which I sometimes help my brother write, is full of cute characters. One of the cutest is Lucy (the blond in the center of the picture), a six year old with water powers and some very poor role models.

Haven't started posting it yet, but I'm working on a prequel for my first novel. It will follow Princess Lucia, who the main character of Ice Princess is the reincarnation of. It will be about how she became 'The Ice Princess'.

[image] This is Lili Hansen. She is the 17 year old demi-god daughter of Apollo and has inherited his power over the sun (she can move sunbeams). She's very shy and doesn't talk to a lot of people. When she discovered that her boyfriend was only dating her as a joke, she accidentally burned down he…

Not really for battles, but my team would be: -Lumineon -Staraptor -Dragonite -Eevee -Flabebe -Mimikyu If I had to fight, Dragonite would be for single battles and Lumineon and Staraptor for doubles (started in Gen 4 when I'd do a Fly/Surf combo).

I would adopt all the corgis I could find and spoil them rotten. It's for me, but it's also for them.

Looking forward to reading all the Ace stories. One of my characters in God Child is the asexual daughter of the God of Reproduction. Her friends at her new school are in a m/m relationship by the end (at least in my head.) How did I perfectly split what you're looking for within the same chapters. :sweat_smile:

“‘I’m Amanda.’” He mimicked her. “‘My dad is the God of reproduction and I want none of that.’”

Looking forward to checking out your stuff. My novel's pretty cool in my eyes at least. I'm hoping to turn it into a video game after I graduate from college.

So excited for Inksgiving! though, I'm sad I won't have a lot of ink to give. My novel with the least subscribers is a bite-sized one compared to my usual work.

My Only Wish is a short read if you're low on time, but the romance is on the bitter side of bitter-sweet. It's about a young Goddess finding her place in the world. For a longer story that's actually happy, Ice Princess is about a high school girl who finds out she's the reincarnation of a magica…

For Ice Princess (and up-coming prequels), I focused mostly on what the characters' names meant, so some a bit odd. Gwyneira -- Gwin-AIR-ah Daren -- Dare-EN Ciela -- Sea-ELLE-ah Lucia -- Loo-SEA-ah Peran -- Pear-AN Reiner -- Rain-ER Adrielle -- like Adrien, but with an 'L' instead of the 'N' With G…

[image] The main character of my novel has a perfect memory and doesn't really understand how forgetting works.

[image] This is shy Lili and her cyclops boyfriend Jakob.

Not really a sad reaction, but... The Raven Boys (novel) When it's revealed that Noah's been dead for years, I lost it. I'd had an incling that something was up, but I kept dismissing it. So to have my thoughts confirmed as well as revealing he was also another character who'd been murdered, I did…

From God-Child: Thana sort of has a kid in Daniel, but he's technically her baby brother. She herself won't have kids, due to her family history, but she'd totally adopt any other children of Thanatos she finds. Lili and Jakob want two kids and will love them no matter if they have one eye or tw…

Five-year-old Hunter gave a big smile, but 16-year-old Hunter could hear the fear in her voice.

Teen girl litterally cannot forget anything, but she starts to think she might have.