85 / 160
Aug 2020

Im currently at 11 subscribers. The only issue i have is advertising it to more people.

I think my biggest issue is getting consistent views on my work. I suppose my comic is still pretty new. I had to take a month hiatus after my first chapter because my computer fried, and I nearly lost everything. Thank God I had a friend in IT who was able to save all my personal files. including my comic. And a warranty to cover the costs for a new mother board, and 3 different SSD hard drives, because I was apparently sent 2 defective ones. which you would think the computer would be checked to see if it worked before the send it back to you. My IT friend tried to install the OS system 10+ times into my computer (not an exaggeration) It should not have taken the company a month and a half to fix it. (it was very close to a lemon law suit, because the computer died nearly 2 moths after I got it) Ah ♫ stressful times. and lots of tears then. But it's all good now, and I'm on a schedule now, and slowly building a back log of pages. Phew :sweat:

I know this thread is probs not gonna result in any new subs, but I feel like sharing heheh. I'm currently at 82 subs and lately I've been feeling like my novel is not good enough and that's really disheartening me to write. Then again, I did gain 6 subs in a day this week which was really cool and I just don't want to disappoint my readers. I'm really excited to hit 100 subs though.

I'm pretty sure I have NO subs at all! The name's Reap! I'm working on a webcomic called Boss Rush, and my challenges are getting people to read it, I guess. I have an art account that has a decent amount of followers, but I'm pretty sure that barely a lot of them reads my pages, so... yeah. Other than that, I just started online classes so, yeah... I'm gonna have to master multi-tasking between drawing and studying, now.

Note: It's actually a mirror site, so yeah.

Here are my comics,

I'm currently about to reach 50 subs and hope to reach 100 soon.




I am trapped in 99 land! :joy: And I struggle with everything - mostly self confidence, but I keep at it anyways because it makes me happy. :grin::+1::heart:

I'm at 67 subs. I'm struggling to find the motivation to write something every day or to keep up with my schedule.

I would suggest taking a hiatus if you are struggling with writing. You don't want to push yourself too hard.


Hello me, it's A, and I have 0 subscribers! I do not publish regularly, I will even admit that I published only one episode of my series, against two on another site with more work written in my native language. Most of my stories are either under construction or the screenplay is close but you have to convert it to webtoon format or the storyboards are done, and you just need to draw the final versions.

Why am I here, then? Because I wanted to try the webtoon format, which doesn't exist on the other site ... well until now. the manager has announced, there may be, that he is working to add this functionality. But I don't think that I have given up on Tapas, it could be a way of making me an international audience.

And speaking of webtoon, this is one of my concerns. Because I still have trouble assimilating the graphic and narrative codes that go with this way of shaping the media that is comics. There is also advertising, to have readers who bother me sometimes.

I am just under 100(93 so I know I'm cutting it close here). I think my biggest challenge is simply how new my series is. I put A TON of work into the art/story but it's only been 4 episodes, so it hasn't been up very long. It got a nice boost at launch but really slowed down at episode 4(I think because it no longer had the "new series" boost from the Webtoon algorithm)
I'll make sure to check out as many of these other series as I can!

I'm at 28 subs, and my biggest challenge is still trying to keep a backlog.

You might want to edit the first sentence in your blurb. A medium is something we know about, it is a common word. Medium stone, on the other hand, is an unknown story-specific artifact. So, it would be better if the sentence reads:

A girl picks up a mysterious rock that grants her psychic abilities.

You also don’t need a comma after ‘but’. Unchecked and uncontrollable duplicate the meaning, and the words look similar, so it might be better to leave just one of them in the description to not scatter the impact of the statement.

Thank you for the criticism! I never considered that.

Hi everyone! I literally started writing on Tapas and really new to this, and well posting stuff on the internet in general. I've been using it as an outlet to blow off steam working a extremely demanding job I hate. Ive been writing romance books and would love if some people would check it out. That's the link to the first chapter I posted. Edit this is a novel.