Yeah in the tv show they where on the boat surrounded by metal since they can only bend rocks which makes it hard to escape
So being in the camp surrounded by Earth doesn't make sense since they could easily escape
So I really don't know why they did that maybe low budget but then again they where popular from the tv show and had like animation or moving things in the movie as well so it is confusing
Edit: Now realizing it they really did make them look so weak and I guess dumb as well since they where actually surrounded by Earth the Earth benders I mean
Lost Disney gem - Disney Westerns. There were a lot of western comedies that came about in the late sixtties to early seventies. The movies cast pretty much the same actors like: Harry Morgan, Jack Elam, Don Knots, etc, and stuck them in a western town. The stories were wild and ridiculous but they were always fun. In one movie, the beautiful love interest's nickname was "The Sidewinder" and she spends the better part of the movie trying to shoot him, but she's a terrible shot, because she thinks that he is preventing her from reaching her dream of attending finishing school back East.
'Wow they did? Then I guess it wouldn't be as different than the first movie they had tried with since it like barley had any comedy like in the cartoon version and the people who grew up on the tv show would be so upset by that
And aging the characters would just ruin it because the kid version they had like growth we could see thru seasons so hearing about this is wow.
Yeah, apparently. Netflix in general apparently was really meddlesome with the two and basically stripped every ounce of creative control from them and was basically forcing them to sit on the sidelines before they left according what I've heard.
But then again, what else can you expect for the same brilliant studio that gave us classic gems like "BRIGHT" and 2017's "Death Note" among other such cinematic treasures...
Jeez Netflix is really somethin, I think you should be fair when doing these things and not taking control, thats pretty sad ngl
tbh I stopped watching death note the anime because I lost interest when one of the characters died and light was just too much for me
(I looked it up sheesh the rating are horrible a 1.8 my god)
I expected something entirely different from what I got when I saw it. I wanted to see the norse gods in an epic struggle, instead all I got to see was...a bunch of oddball humor xD (which I like...just not in the way it was presented in that film.)
But really the biggest issue for me was how Hulk was handled in Thor Ragnarok. They made it seem in the trailers like there would be some homage to the Planet Hulk storyline from the comics, which is one of my favorites. Greg Pak's writing in that era of Hulk's continuity was really good.
BUT... Instead what the movie presented was a couple watered down cosmetic cameos, and a Hulk that was little more than a toddler in how he was written. Whereas the Hulk I know and love is an extremely complex character. (And during the Planet Hulk saga...he was actually pretty intelligent.)
I know a lot of people like the movie, and more power to them. But for me it just signified that the writers didn't do their homework on Hulk as a character and just downplayed him for some chuckles. And then in the following movies basically neutered the character of both Banner and Hulk.
That and...well I heard Ragnarok and I got some really powerful images of bad ass battles. Most of the fights in the movie were just...boring. Though...Ioved Cate Blanchett as Hela. She rocked that role, and the whole Valykrie scene was really cool and epic. It's just a pity that the rest of the movie didn't keep that tone.
got a little carried away there but Thor Ragnarok is just a really divisive movie for me. It had potential, but I really think Taika Waititi was a poor choice of director for a superhero film, and he's the reason I didn't care for it, his comedy style really didn't jive with me for some reason.
Out of the Marvel movies, I really enjoyed the lighter hearted Ant Man movies, as well as the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. And both of those are funny and well executed (to me anyways...xD)
Yeah, I really don't get how Netflix really operates on the creative front as well considering how they kinda have a bad habit of throwing their good stuff in the bin (like Dark Crystal) whereas giving the greenlight and endless marketing to whatever rando with a half-baked idea and a big name it seems.
At least their original anime is pretty good for the most part...
(Also yeah, that Death Note movie was a trainwreck... But at least William DaFoe as Ryuk was pretty good from whatI heard and seen.)
I always thought a fun twist on the big fight wiith Hela on the bridge was to have Lady Thor and Lady Loki there (cuz, you know interdimensional stuff) The guys would try to defend the princesses but in reality, the princesses have it handled and actually can work together pretty well. There's obvious a lot of plot details that would have needed to be woved in but it just would have been fun to see Thor and Loki work with their female alter-egos.
I really wish the Marvel movies would work in more of the interdimensional aspects of the comic's multiverse. Obviously that would be fairly difficult to explain, as the majority of the moviegoers are not avid comic readers and would be totally lost.
Which I think is part of the disconnect. The big time comic fans get upset that their favorite thing didn't get included. And usually I try not to be that fan.
Because at the end of the day, the target audience isn't the hardcore fans. It's movie goers that want to have a fun time. Which isn't a bad thing at all.
So even though I've got my strong opinions, they're formed from years of consuming comics. For the average movie goer...what the MCU puts out is fine. I'm a little wrankled but it doesn't matter. I can always re-read the comics to get my fix.
Happy feet and
Surfs up omg, totally forgot about these movies
This Movie I watch as a small little child, it was just so interesting on how they did this movie never seen it before like this
these two are one of the better films of the characters having to be animals well this is just my opinion
Happy Feet, I also have to say this its just interesting, also part of my small years
three movies mention that are better than the ones people have been showcasting
And they've got a better line up of animated series/movies. Only one problem. I don't like DC much. ('cept for Batman.)
You have no idea how much I wish Disney would set up a Marvel animation universe aimed at young adults and not just kids cartoons.
There's so many great storylines that are perfect for it. Marvel did have a few animated movies back in the mid 2000s that were great. Like Ultimate Avengers and Wolverine Vs Hulk.
Death Note was freakin hilarious as hell OMG. Thank you so much for reminding me of this terrible gem. OMG I loved it. It's up there with the live action Fullmetal Alchemist movie as a "this was a mistake."
I will say that the only anime I want to see as a live action movie is Big O. Nothing else. Give me Big O as a movie directed by Christopher Nolan, I think it would be wild.
Also, along with that, I'm gonna add another unpopular opinion that might not be that unpopular but the only Disney movie I want to see a live action version of is Hunchback of Notre Dame--it's like right in Disney's live action wheelhouse of being unsettling, gritty, detailed, and full of white people, but they are so obsessed with CGI animals and calling it "live action" or pushing boundaries they have no experience in. Just use France. Just use freakin France it's right there. The building already exists. The book has 1 billion stage plays you can just steal (including their own stageplay musical, which was surprisingly good and won awards), just do something you're good at, Disney.
It just feels like movie directors want to do the adaptation to live action that's the most popular instead of the adaptations that would actually work really well in live action.