2449 / 11273
Apr 2021

Update every Saturday!
False God BL/Fantasy/Romance

I uploaded a new episode yesterday~!

Updated today! :smile:

There is a new episode of capture the flag that will premiere this morning. Come, see, and laugh! :smiley:

Just posted chapter 19 of my comic!

Hi there! I just updated my novel!!!

Second update for chapter 7 is out XD

I just updated my portal fantasy/isekai comic, "Nyctoplasm." Updates every Sunday.

Just updated!

I've been trying to make some kind of webcomic project after years of burnout ;o; it involves cool shenanigans in Purgatory. Check it out if that interests you 8)

Hi! New comic up and running :slight_smile: (nervous and excited!)

Page 16 of Chapter 03 is up and Lyza is about to end Yulin.

The BIG "bad" is here!