2682 / 11298
May 2021

Here are some of my own.

Chapter three of my novel is out!

This week's illustration:

I have updated it indeed, to chapter 3!
Join me in Heaven.
Genres: Fantasy + Psychological Horror + Drama
A story about two lonely souls who seek warmth, but at what cost as long as it keeps them warm.

Promoting actually makes a difference ... who would have thought.
So yeah, I updated again. ^^

I just posted a new chapter of my novel! It's about two ghosts who were in love, once. One of them has become something of an evil spirit, so that complicates things. Drama! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

behold, the fruits of my labor!!

Made an update for Life's Lemonade

The latest chapter of dan is out.

That latest episode of The Sons of Adam came out just about an hour ago. It's a knock down, drag out fight between three separate teams with Nod and his dreams just trying to get out alive.

Newly updated chapter!
Genre: Fantasy
Description: When spoiled rich girl Ari's life ends, she finds herself reborn as Princess Iris in a fantasy world created by her childhood imaginary friend! But being a princess comes with being the last hope to remove an evil curse from the royal bloodline, which would be a lot easier if she hadn't inherited the most useless kind of magic in the world.
Latest Chapter: Chapter 43: Feet Stuck in Concrete
Snippet: Life really was a big, giant loop. One day, I would be at the top, then at the bottom the next. I always ended up plummeting to this desolate place. But I think, this time, the loop ended. I couldn’t go up anymore; I couldn’t even crawl my way out. Because this time, the place I fell onto was made of cement. And because I had been here for a long time, the cement solidified already. I was stuck. Alone. Unsavable.
Chapter Link: https://tapas.io/episode/2163098/

I hope you enjoy this too:)

Posted my first novel today!

The Illou's Cascadestrings
In Howlissia, a bi-annual event called Harmon is held to recognize Howlissians who will be gifted with a "genapos", different abilities that allow a Howlissian to do the fantastical. Amidst attending the Harmon, Dmitri, a Howlissian vagabond, escapes to the outer depths of Howlissia for he has inadvertently orchestrated chaos within after his genapos unleashes destruction beyond his control. The power of his new genapos has sent and engulfed Howlissia in an atmosphere of great power that has alerted and magnetized the silent Withehold. However, there seems to be more to the chaos Dmitri thinks he is responsible for. With the search of the Withehold and the unraveling of the eternal chaos' origin, Dmitri must learn the truth behind his genapos. Will this Howlissian gift pose an untamable danger to the country and Dmitri himself?

New episode out!

I'm new! I just posted my second episode :grin:

Ryvan has it all as the sole heir to a prestigious, wealthy family. Taren has nothing, being an ex-gang member from the streets. What connects them is their desire to start a new life at Fairlight University.

But it doesn’t take long for them to realise that changing isn’t easy. Ryvan struggles to adapt to life at university and Taren can’t seem to let go of his past.

While Taren’s friends see Ryvan as nothing more than their victim, the two boys slowly grow closer. Everything gets even more complicated when their unlikely friendship evolves into something more, and neither of them is quite sure about the outcome.

Join Ryvan and Taren as they deal with their feelings, their girlfriends, friends, and life at a turning point.